Peppermint/ Brandy Mint (Mentha piperita)
Grows to 1-1andhalf ft high and has oval-pointed, darkgreen leaves which are long when compared to other
mints. Peppermint is the variety used to flavour chocolate, etc.
Spearmint/ Lamb mint/ Garden mint/ Our Lady's Mint/ Sage of Bethlehem (Mentha spicata)
The most well known. It grows 1-2ft high and has pointed leaves. Scented purply flowers appear
in autumn. If grown inside it needs to be kept pruned.
Pennyroyal/ Lily Royal/ Lurkey Dish/ Orgal/ Organ/ Pudding Grass/ Pudding Herb/ Whirl (Mentha pulegium)
A creeping mint which grows 4-6" (15cm) high. It has scented, bright green leaves and floppy stems.
Purple flowers appear in autumn.
Apple Mint/ Round-leaf Mint (Mentha rotundifolia)
Grows 2-3ft high and has round, furry, aromatic leaves. Purple-white flowers appear in summer.
Site: | Prefers partial shade or sun and moist, well-drained, alkaline, nutrient rich soil. |
Propagation: | Take root/stem cuttings, or divide mint, in spring and autumn. Plant the 6" root cuttings in 2" holes, 12" (30cm) apart. Pennyroyal can be sown in spring. |
General Care: | Thin/transplant to 12" apart if necessary. Plant in large pots or polythene bags, or sink tiles 12" into ground to stop their invasive roots! Cutting flowering stems back prevents cross pollination. |
Problems: | All except apple mint are susceptible to 'rust', a disease which causes distorted, swollen shoots bearing orange spore pustules. If rust appears, dig up the plants and burn them. |
Harvest: | Pick leaves as required, they are best just before flowering. Cutting plant down to ground level in midsummer will create a second 'bumper' harvest just before autumn. |
Preserve: Dry, feeze or infuse leaves in vinegar/vinegar.
Relationships: Growing near roses will help deter aphids. It grows very well next to nettles.
Warning: Peppermint may reduce milk flow if breast feeding. The essential oil may may irritate the skin, especially with children.