rosemary rosemary

Rosemary - Rosmarinus officinalis

A sprawling evergreen shrub. Height and spread can be 2-7ft by 2-7ft. In spring delightful blue /mauve/lilac flowers appear. The leaves are small but long in relation to width and tapering, dark green on a light green stem.

Site: Sunny, reasonably sheltered, sandy, very well drained soil. In an exposed garden, grow in a pot. Plant can then be transferred indoors in winter. Can live for up to 20yrs in a good site and on limy soil its scent is more pronounced, though the overall size is less.
Propagation: Sow in warmth (70 F/21 C minimum), in spring or summer. Seeds temperamental! Cuttings are a more reliable method.
General Care: Once large enough to handle, transplant to 2-3ft (60-90cm) apart. Protect against severe weather, such as frost.
Harvest: Pick main leaf crop just before flowering, though can take small amounts continuously.

Preserve: Dry/infuse leaves to oil.

Relationships: Mutually beneficial with sage. Helps repel carrot root fly among other pests.

Warning: Not recommended for epileptics or breast-feeding/expectant mothers. Take in moderation.

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