leaf leaf
leaf Toys and Gifts leaf

Herbal Wreaths

Buy a circular wire frame of the desired size, remembering that the wreath will be a little bigger when complete. You can also make the frame by twisting some old wire coathangers into the right shape, though this will be heavier.

Fresh herbs are easier to work with as they are not brittle; they will dry readily once on the frame so long as it is kept in a dry, well aired place.

Make the base of your wreath by fixing bunches of your chosen herbs onto the frame, overlapping so the stems do not show. A strong glue or florists wire can be used to attatch it securely as required. Cover the frame. Use big bunches first, then little bunches and sprigs to fill in the gaps.

Lastly, add the decorative herbs/flowers/ribbons/berries to your wreath. Use more base herb as needed. Explore different effects by using cinnamon sticks, nutmeg, pine cones, acorn cups, dried slices of citrus fruits, even bits of old terracotta plant pots. A nice seasonal Christmas wreath can be made using holly and conifer.

A wreath can also be used as a store of dried edible herbs for the kitchen.

Some herbs that can be used: Artemisia's, chamomile, chives, goldenrod, lavender, marjoram, mint, rosemary, sage, scented geranium, oregano, yarrow.


Decorated Candles

Use a tall glass jar big enough to fit a large candle inside. Fill it with boiling water. Dip the candle into the water for about 1-2 minutes to melt the wax a little, holding it by the wick.

Once removed, quickly push your chosen pressed herb into the wax, with the back of a spoon. If the wax hardens before your design is complete, dip the candle back into the water again. Once the design is finished, dip back into the water to create a layer of wax over the herbs, fixing them securely. Each time the candle is dipped, the layer of wax over the herb will thicken.

Be very, very careful! Never leave a lit candle unattended.

When the candle is lit you can add a suitable essential oil to the melted pool of wax at the wick. I am particularly fond of a relaxing geranium and orange mix.


Pressed Flower Pictures
~ coming soon ~
A Gift to My Mother

Click on the picture to see it on a 1:6 scale.

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