leaf leaf
leaf Syrups and Vinegars leaf


Syrups are made to store or sweeten herbal mixtures.

Add a hot infusion or decoction of the herb to honey or sugar at a 1ml:1gram ratio. Stir until sugar dissolves, then simmer until a syrupy consistency. Remove from the heat and let cool. Store in bottles with cork tops as syrups can ferment and explode screw-top bottles.

If there is no ready made infusion/decoction the herb can be added straight to hot water and honey/sugar in these proportions:
150g herb. E,g rosemary, goldenseal
550g sugar/runny honey
1250ml hot water
Follow the same procedure as above, straining when cool.


Many herbs and spices are used to create unusual flavoured vinegars, to use as seasoning. Most commonly used are: lemon balm, basil, borage, salad burnet, dill, fennel, marjoram, summer savory, mint, tarragon, thyme, caraway seeds.

Herbal Vinegar:

2 cups/ 16floz/ 500ml leaves/ sprigs.
Enough Red/ white/ cider/ malt vinegar to cover. ((roughly the same amount))

Wash and dry the herb. Pack them loosely into a jar and pour on the vinegar. Cover tightly, store in a warm, sunny place, shaking every other day. Taste the liquid after 10 days. If not yet strong enough for you, strain and repeat, using the same vinegar and fresh herb. Once satisfied, strain, and store the vinegar in a clean, labelled, airtight bottle in a cool, dark place. The vinegar must fill the bottle. A sprig of the herb may be put in to decorate.

Garlic Vinegar:

4 peeled garlic cloves to 500ml/ 8floz/ 1 cup white wine or cider vinegar.

Warm half the vinegar and pour over the crushed garlic cloves. ((Some people choose to add a teaspoon of honey here also)) Leave to cool, then add the rest. Pour into a clean jar, cover tightly and store in a cool, dark place for up to 2 weeks, shaking the jar occasionally. Strain out the garlic and store as above. An unpeeled clove can be added for decoration or identifying purposes.

Seed Vinegar: ~ e.g. dill, fennel, celery, caraway.

2tblsp/ 30ml seeds to 600ml/ 1 pint/ 2 1/2 cups white wine vinegar.

Warm the vinegar, then pour over the seeds. Once cooled, put into a sealed jar in a cool, dark place for up to 3 weeks, shaking occasionally. Strain and then store as above. Some spices, such as coriander, may benefit from bruising the seeds beforehand.

Chilli Vinegar:

25g/ 1oz/ 8 dried chillies to 600ml/ 1 pint/ 2 1/2 cups of red wine/ sherry/ white wine vinegar.

Warm the vinegar and pour it over the chillies. Once cooled, pour into a clean jar, cover tightly and store in a cool, dark place for up to 2 weeks, shaking the jar occasionally. Once the taste is at the desired strength, strain out the chillies. Store the chilli-flavoured vinegar as above.

Citrus Vinegar

500ml/ 17.5floz/ 2cups white wine vinegar
Half lemon finely chopped including wine and pith.

Simmer the lemon and vinegar together for an hour. Do not boil. Leave to cool, then strain and store as above.

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