Two households, both alike in dignity, In fair Verona, where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. From forth the fatal loins of these two foes A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life; Whose misadventured piteous overthrows Do with their death bury their parents' strife. The fearful passage of their death-mark'd love, And the continuance of their parents' rage, Which, but their children's end, nought could be remove, Is now the two hours' traffic of our stage; The which if you with our patient ears attend, What here shall we miss, our toil shall strive to mend
I guess you're wondering about myself so I will tell you. My name is Kristin. I am 15 and I live in Canada. I am tall, very athletic ( I play hockey competatively), I model in my spare time and I surf the net. I like to listen to music, my fav artists and bands are Mase, Puff Daddy, Notorious B.I.G, No Doubt, BSB and Aqua. I guess you could say I am a homegirl from a fantasy world! Everyone I know calls me Barbie-don't ask me why but they do. Anyways, I love animals, reading (especially SVH), watching TV like SVH, Breaker High, Melrose Place, Alex Mack, Star Trek and Sailor Moon. She's da bomb! Right now my fav movies are I Know What You Did Last Summer, Star Wars, Independance Day and of course...Romeo and Juliet!
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The story of Romeo and Juliet is about a pair of star-crossed teen lovers who secretly date and love each other even though their families have held many grudges against each other for decades.
The story begins in Verona, Italy in the late 1500's at a party that Capulet throws. He invites all of the important people in town except for the Montagues, although Romeo comes up with a plan to go to the party to try to catch the attention of Rosaline, the girl he likes. So he disguises himself and sneeks into the party. Tybalt is furious but old Capulet lets him stay. Once inside, Romeo's attention has be caught, not by Rosaline, but by the fair Juliet Capulet. Romeo falls head over heels in love instantly. Juliet has noticed Romeo also, but is unaware that he is of the hated Montagues.
Juliet is shocked that she has fallen in love with the family enemy, so she goes onto her balcony and confesses her strong but forbidden love to the stars. Meanwhile, Romeo is wondering around in the bushes below and he hears Juliet confess her love to him. He reveals himself and admits his true feelings about her. The next day, Romeo and Juliet are secretly married with the help of Friar Laurence.
On the day of the wedding, Romeo's friends, Mercutio and Benvolio are walking through the streets of Verona when they are confronted by Tybalt, Juliet's cousin. Tybalt is out to get Romeo for crashing the Capulet's party, so he starts a fight with Mercutio and Bevolio. Romeo then shows up in a happy mood because of his marriage and he says he doesn't want to fight Tybalt because he no longer holds a grudge against the Capulets. Mercutio fights in the place of Romeo and during the swordfight, Tybalt strikes Mercutio and while he is dying, he makes puns and curses both houses. To avenge Mercutio's death, Romeo kills Tybalt which makes the Capulet's hatred of the Montagues even more fearce. The prince of Verona banishes Romeo and he is forced to leave his love. Instead of leaving Verona that night, he goes and spends the night with Juliet.
Capulet decides that Juliet will marry a man named Paris because he doesn't know of her marriage to Romeo. With Romeo gone, Juliet consults with Friar Laurence. He advises her to agree to the marriage, but on the morning of the wedding, she will drink a potion that will make it look like she is dead so she will be put in the family burrial vault. Then Friar Laurence will send for Romeo to rescue her. The plan works and her heartbroken parents put her in the vault.
Word of Juliet's death reached Romeo before Friar Laurence could tell Romeo of the hoax. Grief stricken over his wife's death, he buys poison and goes to the tomb to die beside his wife. At the tomb, he quickly kills Paris and drinks the poison beside his sleeping wife.
Moments later, Juliet wakes up and sees her husbands dead body. Friar Laurence explains to her what happened and Juliets kills herself with Romeo's dagger because she had no reasons left to live. The tradgedy has a huge impact on the two houses and they are so hurt by the death of their children, that they agree never to fight again.
The Montagues
Romeo: In the movie, he is played by Leonardo DiCaprio. He is the son of Montague and he falls in love with and Marries Juliet. He kills Tybalt to avenge Mercutio's death then kills himself because he thought Juliet died.
Montague: In the movie he is Ted and he's played by Brian Dennehy. He is the father of Romeo and the head of the Montague house. He hates the Capulets.
Lady Montague: In the movie she is Caroline and she's played by Christina Pickles. The wife of Montague and mother of Romeo.
Mercutio: In the movies he is played by Harold Perrineau. He is Romeo's best friend, he makes puns and jokes and he gets killed by Tybalt. He is the kinsman to the Prince.
Benvolio: In the movie he is played by Dash Mihok. He is Romeo's cousin and good friend.
Balthasar: In the movie he is played by Jesse Bradford. He is a servant to Romeo.
Abraham: He is a servant to Montague.
The Capulets
Juliet: In the movie she is played by Claire Danes. She is the only child of Capulet and she falls in love and marries Romeo. She was betrothed to Paris but fakes her death to not marry him so she could be with Romeo. She kills herself when she finds Romeo dead at her side.
Capulet: In the movie he's Fulgencio and he's played by Paul Sorvino. He loves his only daughter Juliet and tries to make the "right" decisions for her. He hates Montague.
Lady Capulet: In the movie she is Gloria and she's played by Diane Venora. She is the mother of Juliet and wife of Capulet.
Tybalt: In the movie he is played by John Leguizamo. He is the nephew of Lady Capulet. He is like a cat and he's Juliet's cousin. He kills Mercutio out of hatred, but gets killed by Romeo.
The Nurse: In the movie she is played by Miriam Margoyles. She is Juliet's companion and is like a mother to her.
Paris: In the movie he's Dave Paris and he's played by Paul Rudd. A young nobleman, Kinsman to the Prince. He is betrothed to Juliet and gets killed by Romeo at the Capulet vault.
Sampson and Gregory: Servants to Capulet. They start off the play by argueing with Balthasar.
Second Capulet: Uncle to Capulet. He is at the party.
Other Neutral Characters
Friar Laurence: In the movie he is played by Pete Postlethwaite. A Franciscan. He marries Romeo and Juliet and he helps Juliet fake her death so she could be wit Romeo. He gives her the sleeping potion.
Servants: For Montague and Capulet. They both share their masters hatred for the other house.
Escalus: In the movie he's Caotain Prince. He is played by Vondie Curtis-Hall. He is the Prince of Verona and he banishes Romeo from Verona.
Friar John: He is of the same order as Friar Laurence.
Peter: He is the servant to Juliet's nurse.
An Apothecary: In the movie he is played by M. Emmet Walsh.
Three Musicians. Page to Mercutio. Page to Paris. Another Page. An officer.
Citezens of Verona: male and female Kinsfolk to both houses; Maskers, guards, Watchmen and Attendants.
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