If I don't answer all your questions here, send me an email.
Soon to come, a review of Rachel Gibson's newest!! :)
Only ten days until Valentine's Day! Your suggestions for Christmas books were so great that I was wondering if anyone had any good Valentines stories to send along. Feel free to email me the title of anything you liked.
Also, I'm toying with the idea of posting some "real life" love stories on the site in honor of the season. If you think you have a good one to tell, send it to me soon. If I get enough I will post them on the site. (Also, please specify if you want me to remove your name.)
The other big news is that the site will be moving in the next few weeks. I will update more on that later.
Also, for the first time since I took over this website I actually looked at the web ring info and I want to apologize to anyone who has tried to join in the past few months. I promise to get it all straightened out soon enough.
Anyway folks, have a nice week, enjoy Black Widow if you take my advice about reading it, and try not to shop too hard for all of those holiday gifts. :)
Sorry I haven't done much on the site lately. I spent the first two weeks of November on a much needed two week vacation to the west coast and when I came back I was thrown into planning my husbands and my first Thanksgiving at our own house. (It went very well, by the way!)
Expect to see more reviews popping up in the next few weeks, especially from authors who were nice enough to send me copies of their books! If you are an author who would like to do the same send me an email and I will give you all the info on where to send it.
In the meantime, please enjoy the new Nora Roberts review and I hope you'll come back again soon! :)
-- Amy