DISCLAIMER: FOX, 1013, CC, and SR Enterprises, one good reason why you shouldn't sue me: I HAVE NO MONEY! Date: 2nd August, 1994 From: Agent 9 Subject: Greetings! To: Alex Krycek Hello Alex! Long time no talk, eh? Haven't seen you in several years. Heard you joined the Feds, well, good on ya. Hmm, Agent Krycek. Sounds pretty official! Maybe one day the FBI will need I'pol on a case, and we'll be working together. That'd be pretty..well..amusing..:-) I also heard they stuck you with Spooky Mulder in your first case. How's that going? I didn't get many details - what's the case about? I guess this is short, but I can't think of what else to write. Hope everyone's fine and all - how's your boss? See ya, Rex ************************************ Date: 5th August, 1994 From: Ratboy Subject: Re: Greetings! To: Mr. Cool Interpol Guy Hey! Didn't expect this email, did I? Wow! I've been wondering what happened to you, and wham, out of the blue, I get an email from agent9@interpol.gov! Just about died! So when did you join IP? I haven't seen you since you left home. Keeping tabs on me, are you? ;) I've wondered about you every time I see Speed on the news - which is often. Did you know what a success in racing he's become? >I also heard they stuck you with Spooky Mulder in your first case. 'They' sure did. I have to 'keep an eye' on him - which I don't mind at all! Usually I have two eyes on him - he's pretty easy to look at! But Spooky is a pretty apt nickname for him - whoa! And whoever named him was pretty intelligent - he is a fox! >How's that going? (snip) - what's the case about? Some shit about a guy who hasn't slept in twenty four years - it's over now. I'd just like to say that I had more to do with the case being solved then Mulder. The only thing that wasn't so good about the case was the fact Mul-dark kept me in the dark, and kept ditching me like a bad date. Sometimes I wonder about him...! >How's your boss? You know my boss? He's fine, hasn't died of cancer (yet). Oh, and attatched find this nice picture of Mulder's that I thought you'd be interested in. Siblings disappearing and all... Bye for now, -Alex Attachment Converted: C:\APPS\INTERNET\EUDORA\attach\ALIENSAM.jpg *************************** Date: 6th August, 1994 From: Agent 9 Subject: Spooky is as Spooky does.. To: Special Agent Alexander Krycek -- Alex, You rascal! Sounds like you're eyeing up your partner...mixing business with pleasure? Just remember, subtlety is next to godliness. Anyway, I seem to remember that Mulder had a partner before you came along - Dana Scully? I'm not sure if that's right. Anyway, whatever happened to her? Hope you didn't go over the deep end or anything. That wouldn't be at all like you! (note the sarcastic inflection!) So what case are you on now? I've been watching the news for anything FBI related, and haven't really seen anything. >So, when did you join Interpol? Not long after you last saw me! I've been working here for about seven years now. >Keeping tabs on me, are you? Of course, you're my favourite person to watch, as you well know. (just kidding!! or was I..?!) >Did you know what a success in racing he's become? Yeah, he's done well hasn't he? I'm really proud. He's the world champion - but there's quite a story behind that. He wouldn't be so, if it wasn't for me. re: the picture! (laughs) Where the heck did you get that one? Very good. I can just imagine Speed thinking that...(laughs again) So Mulder's sister's gone? I never knew that...time to go checking some records again! I guess I'd better go. Work calls.. -Rex ***************************** Date: 10th August, 1994 From: Ratboy Subject: (no subject) To: agent9@interpol.gov Rex - Something's come up, I'm leaving the FBI. E-mail me at ratboy_lives@hotmail.com -Alex ****************************** Date: 11th August, 1994 From: Agent 9 Subject: What's up? To: Alex What's wrong? What's happened? -Rex ****************************** Date: 17th November, 1994 From: Alex Krycek Subject: Explanations To: Sexy Rexy Hey, Sorry for my prolonged delay in responding. I've left the FBI, as I told you in my last mail. It was because, well, I had to. Agent Scully, as far as Mulder knows, has been abducted. I'd say you'd seen all this on the news. Agent Mulder decided I was responsible. I had to get away, so my boss helped a little. Until now, I haven't been able to get near a computer. My net access may be a little irregular from now on. AIA (Apologies In Advance) -Alex ****************************** Date: 26th December, 1995 From: Santa Claus Subject: Hope you're okay To: Naughty Little Alex Yeah, I saw it on the news. I saw YOU on the news! My, haven't we grown up? About the irregularity - don't worry. Interpol have decided I don't have enough to do, and have about quintupled my workload. Merry Christmas, by the way. -Rex ******************************