DISSY: Not mine. Chrissy owns. Dang. WN,BA belongs to Andrew Lloyd Webber.. Fox Mulder slammed his door open, then closed again. He was in a supremely bad mood. Everything was going to hell today. And he had no idea why. Slinging his jacket over a chair, he planted himself face down on the couch. He reached for the tv remote, intent on watching some...porno------I mean, entertaining television. But he was interrupted, by a knock at the door. "Who is it" he called, half-eyeing the door curiously. There was no answer, and he got up to answer it, involuntarily. He opened the door. "What the hell are you doing here?!" he exclaimed, as he realised the person standing in the doorway, soaked to the bone, was Alex Krycek. He went to land a punch in his midsection. "You. Son. Of. A.." Krycek shook his head. "You can't, Mulder." "And why the hell can't I?!" "The person writing this. I'm her favourite." Krycek smiled smarmily, and proceeded to walk in. "I'm wet," he announced. Mulder rolled his eyes, asifIhadn'tnoticed. Krycek proceeded to make himself at home. On the couch. Without meaning to, he ran over and joined him. Krycek groaned and pushed him off. "Fuck you - verbally, Mulder - Fleur doesn't write slash. She writes m/m UST, but not slash. Ok? So control yourself.." Mulder scowled at him. "She thinks slash, though. As you well know. And I couldn't help that." Krycek gave him a wry smile. "Why, 'cause I'm so gosh-darned attractive? Watch it. Fleur can easily write you off." "She can so not!" Mulder exclaimed, sitting cross legged. "I am the main male character!" Krycek gave him another wry smile, shrugging off his leather jacket. "Not in any of her stories, you're not.." Mulder glared again. "Why don't you just take off your shirt then?!" Krycek shrugged. "Ok, but it was your idea..." Mulder decided to appeal to higher powers. "Fleur!" he whined. "This is unfair...!" "So?" Fleur replied. Mulder could hear the shrug in her voice. "Just wait..." There was a knock at the door. "Oh god..." Mulder muttered. Resignedly, he got up to answer. It was Skinner, and Mulder just about fell over. He was shirtless, wearing only jeans. Unlike Krycek, he didn't even have shoes on. Or socks for that matter. Ignoring Mulder's open mouthed expression, the Assistant Director walked in. "What are you doing here?!" Mulder exclaimed, as before - with the 'hell' edited out, 'cause Skinner was likely to kill him. "We need some music!" Krycek announced in the background. "You have company already, Agent Mulder?" Skinner asked, looking curious. Mulder sighed. "Calm down, she doesn't write slash. And it's Alex Krycek. Don't touch him, Fleur'll get mad. Don't think about him in dirty or nasty ways. Don't show any physical violence towards him, or she may have you pushed off a balcony. Or something." Skinner looked at Mulder as if he'd gone stark raving mad. "Marita here?" he asked amiably. "NO." Mulder said, beginning to wonder if she'd turn up sometime. Because it was a bit gender unbalanced here. Or maybe Scully would. Suddenly, strains of music were heard. It sounded like a warped version of 'What's new, Buenos Aires'. 'Who's in? Fox's 'partment.. All in! You wanna know who will follow soon? All main people from Tunguska to Tooms..' Mulder secretly wondered what he'd done to piss Fleur off. "I heard that." she warned. "And you haven't done anything really...just beat Krycek up around about every time you see him. I'd be meaner..but the fact you let him kiss you redeemed yourself a lot..." "But, you have to like me more than Walter Skinner, right?" he asked planitively. She laughed, sounding quite evil. "Let me put it this way. He comes after three. You come after four." Mulder pouted. "Hey...that's not fair!" "Them's the breaks, Fox.." she replied. "IF I'M NOT YOUR FAVOURITE, YOU CAN'T CALL ME FOX!" he yelled. Krycek obviously heard. "You're my favourite, Fox..." Mulder went to yell something obscene at Krycek, but was silenced by Fleur. He hated her power very much. Suddenly, there was another knock at the door. Fox...err, I mean Mulder, opened it. And groaned. Someone else whose power I hate... Cancer Man smiled, lit another cigarette, and walked into the apartment. Mulder stood in the doorway. "Right, I'm off!" he announced to the whole apartment. "Have a nice org--I mean, time..." "You're going no-where!" Krycek called, teasingly. He was left on the couch, after Skinner and Cancer Man had both left, to god-knows where in the apartment. Actually, in this case, god meant Fleur. She knew very well. But she wasn't letting on. "Hey, Mulder..." Fleur called. "I've had a...suggestion. And you may join Krycek..." Krycek yelped in the background, and Mulder went over to him. "So what do you want me to do?" Krycek yanked his tie. "I'll show you!" Fleur murmured approval, as the door sounded under another knock, and someone let themselves into the apartment.