DISCLAIMER: Not only have I stolen the characters, but also the situation. If you know Tunguska, you'll know where you are. I know the dialogue isn't exactly accurate. So blah. SPOILERS: Well, amazingly enough, major spoilers for Tunguska. Okay? 'DUCK!!!' my mind screamed, but unfortunately a moment too late. The remarkably well aimed paperweight hit me in my right temple, quite well delivered, considering Krycek only has one arm. Involuntarily, I passed out. **** When I came to, I noticed I was in a truck. A stationary truck. The next thing I noticed was that there was no pain in my temple. Strange, considering how hard that rat hit me. I heard, from outside, a female voice: "Driver's dead." (Scully?) Then an answering voice, male, "I counted two men." I turned toward the driver's side, and noticed that indeed the driver was dead. And someone had set it up so that it looked like *I* had killed him. Geez! What's up here? Glancing down, I saw that I wasn't wearing my FBI suit. I was actually wearing jeans, t-shirt, olive sweatshirt and a leather jacket. Oh, and also a pair of black basketball boots. My wondering mind's trail of thought was interrupted by a shout from outside. "Get out of the truck!" (What?!) I hoped seriously that I had some I.D. on me. Otherwise, this was not gonna look good. I threw my gun out the window, but made no move to get out. The guy outside yelled something about my hands in the air, so I decided to comply. I stepped out, hands up, and turned momentarily towards the guy who was yelling instructions. And saw his face for an instant. My arch nemesis, Alex Krycek. He sprung forward, hissing, "You son of a bitch." Then I felt the butt of his gun slam into my gut, and I grunted, falling to the ground. He turned the gun on me, and I saw Scully standing behind him. And then she called him 'Mulder'. (What the hell is going on?!) I honestly think my jaw dropped open, and I tried to think of some clever comeback, but failed to. Not thinking, I blurted out, "Scully! What...what?! I'm Mulder, why are you calling Alex Krycek of all people, by my name?!" The two exchanged an incredulous glance. Then Krycek turned back to me. "Oh, come *on*, Krycek." (Krycek?!) This still seemed naggingly familiar. And then suddenly, in a rush, it came to me. The bombs, the militia men, Skinner's...oh shit, Skinner's apartment, and the rock. What did Krycek say after that? "Who do you think sent you those receipts?" I snarled, suddenly remembering. But that didn't help me as to what was going on. Or how it happened. I was royally confused, but Krycek - Mulder yanked me up by my collar, making me stand up. And proceeded to push me inside. I nattered off what I remembered Krycek to be saying, and Alex Mulder shoved me in the chest, causing me to sit down very suddenly. (God I turn into a bastard around Krycek!) We finished our conversation, both of them...Scully as well!...shooting me frowns, and generally disgusted looks. Man. Then they turned, intent on going. (What? Leaving? What the *hell* did Krycek do to make us take him with us?) "Mulder!" I blurted out, feeling strange, "this is only one bomb I'm sitting on. You didn't ask me how many more I know about." Alex Mulder and Scully exchanged a glance, and I stood up expectantly. ***** Alex Mulder shoved me roughly in the back from behind, and I stumbly walked forward, searching for the man I remembered Krycek identifying as the "guy with the pouch". Suddenly I spied him, and pointed towards him. Scully walked at a clipped pace, towards him, holding up her I.D. "Sir? Federal Agent, don't be alarmed, we just need to ask you a few questions.." The guy turned around and bolted through the double doors. Scully attemped to follow him, shouting, then turned around, desparation showing on her face. "Mulder.." she called, and I reflexively went to follow, but was stopped by Alex, who handcuffed me to the railing. I yanked at my hand, only causing a sore(r) wrist, then gave up and attempted to look casual as the two pursued the man at full pace. And that's where I waited for around five minutes, until the two came back. I tried to give casual smiles to all the people passing. They both looked royally pissed. "This supposed to be some kind of joke?" Scully sounded annoyed, especially for her. "What is it." I asked, deadpan. I knew full well what was inside that pouch. Alex Mulder (Krycek) muttered something, then, eyes locked with mine, said, "Expose it for him, Scully." She opened the pouch, giving me a clear view of the black rock inside. Alex Mulder gave me a glare. "What did you get for Halloween, Charlie Brown?" Then stalked off. Scully gave me a look - you deserved that. (Man, I gotta stop making wisecracks directed at people already feeling pretty down) And unlocked my handcuff in order for me to put back on the sweatshirt, and jacket. We followed Alex out of the airport, to where he roughly shoved me in the back of the car.