DISCLAIMER: I don't own them. Any of them, except myself. Dangit! Mimph! Etc... I wrote this half in English, half in Economics today. T'was the night before X-Files, and in Ten-Thirteen, None of the characters were to be seen. Mulder and Krycek were out on the town, And Cancer Man wanted the basement burnt down. Dana and Skinner were off too, somewhere, Chris Carter was becoming too much to bear. Darin was panicking - where had they gone? Vince had confidence, it wouldn't last long. But then from the Hoover there arose such a clatter, The staff sprang to their feet to see what was the matter. What sight met their wondering eyes as they rose, T'was Fox Mulder, punching Jeff Spender's nose. With eyes like the eagles, the actors, they came, And Chris Carter smiled, and called them by name. "On Anderson! On Davis! On Nicholas Lea! "On Pileggi! On Owens! And Dave Duchovny! "Cuff 'em! Slam 'em into that wall, "Now, my cast - find your characters, all!" Nic and David sprinted off in a flash, Fearing Alex and Mulder were up to some slash. Gillian headed straight off to the lab, An intention: One Dana Scully to grab. Chris Owens comforted Cancer Man's son, "This time Mulder's had too much fun." William B. Davis found a Morley pack, Realised his character was not coming back. Chris, Vince and Darin sat back and smiled, Tomorrow's episode was gonna be piled. A Mytharc - if they could find 'em all, Chances of that were looking quite small. But then, through the doors, they all walked in, Marita Covarrubias looking quite thin. Alex and Fox M. were hand in sweet hand, Perhaps it had all been completely planned. Suddenly, they all realised whose this was, Definitely a Fleur Fanfic, because Krycek and Mulder were happily there, (for once, Mulder not hassling Alex's hair) Dana S. had been away in the lab, And Cancer Man was looking seriously fab. But as Chris called "Action!", one last call did they hear: "The X-Files for all! But just wait 'til next year.."