DISCLAIMER: Not mine. I wish. Don't sue. "Today, on Sky One.." the low male voice said. I grinned. I loved Sky One, it was such a brilliant television channel. My two favourite programmes were both on S1. In fact, it was rare that I was home to watch Sky One on Saturdays. I was always at Netball. In fact, I had to be at the final, today. I closed my eyes for a minute, thinking. A whoosh of cold air passed over my face, and I grinned. "Hey, the 'Vents Centre took up my advice to get air conditioning!" I opened my eyes. "This isn't the Events Centre," I observed intelligently. Geez, I was in a dark alley. Spoo-ky. It looked...well, it looked like an X-File. Suddenly, I was struck by a weird thought. What if Sky One was a weird, sublimal messagey thing that worked as a teleport device? I don't know where I get these ideas. But, suddenly, for no real reason, I looked down. And just about fell over. I was wearing black basketball boots, faded denim jeans, a white shirt and a leather jacket. Shoot...I *was* in the X-Files! As none other than the self confessed Government whore, Alex Krycek! Noticing I was wearing his typical cap, I leaned against the wall to my right. And watched a trench-coat clad figure walk towards me. "Hey, Mulder.." I called, as he walked closer. I knew Krycek however - it'll have come out "Heyy, Mull-dah.." Mulder obviously recognised me, because he sprung forward and punched me in the gut. Hard. I doubled over, feeling my breath go. Mulder proceeded to yank me up by the back of my neck. "What do you want, Krycek?" he growled. I tried to twist out of his grip, but he was a good inch taller than me when he wasn't slouching. "First, I want your trust." I replied. I knew that would be the hardest thing to get. "I have to tell you something, and you have to believe me." Mulder did my punctuation for me, by yanking up, and I realised with pain that he must have some of my hair in his fist. "Why should I trust you, Krycek?" he exclaimed. "You're the Cancer Man's private slut. You killed my father.." I broke in here, "Circumstantial!" He continued, unwavered, "and last time I trusted you, I ended up in a Russian Gulag, with little black worms crawling up my nose, while you dined with my - our, captors." "While I was getting my arm removed, sans anaesthetic.." I reminded him. His grip lessened again. I guess he remembered. Then I felt him slap cold handcuffs on my wrists - or I felt it on my right wrist, anyway. He tugged, and I had no choice but to follow as he led me. We got to the car, and with a hard shove, I fell into the back seat. The red-head in the passenger seat swivelled around. "Krycek!" she exclaimed, probably looking surprised that I was still alive. I knew that whenever Krycek turned up, they were surprised he wasn't dead. I sat up. Mulder got in the car, and slammed the door. He also turned around to look at me, and I could see cold hatred in his eyes. Which isn't really the nicest thing to see in someone's eyes. "What is it that you have to tell me, Krycek?" he said in a low voice. I thought for a minute, then out of nowhere it came to me. "The men. You know the ones, my bastard bosses. They're working with aliens, aliens who plan to colonise this earth. They're taking innocent people, and testing them. I don't know why - they don't tell me." "What a surprise." Mulder broke in, "I wouldn't tell a rat secrets either.." That stung. So I shot back a remark that I knew would shut him up for a while. "They took Sam!" I exclaimed. He looked me in the eyes, and I knew that a light green gaze was staring him right back. He stared at me, hurt showing obviously in his eyes. He turned back around and started the motor. I heard Scully murmur something about where they were going, and Mulder snapped back that they were going to my apartment. I had no idea why we were going there, and I hoped to hell that Mulder knew where my apartment was, 'cause I sure didn't. Hitting my pocket, I found some keys. When I took them out, stencilled roughly on one side, was "Apartment 1211" and when I turned it over, engraved was "Alex Krycek". How touching. I shoved the keys back in my pocket, and shot Scully a glance in the rearview. She was half heartedly trying to convince Mulder not to kill me. Charming. God, Mulder is over-reactive. He suddenly pulled the car over, in a mostly deserted parking lot. And got out of the car, slamming the door behind him. My eyes followed his (shapely) form, as he came around to my door and yanked it open. Then reached in, and yanked me out by my arm. Left arm. *Prosthetic* left arm. I cried out in pain, and managed to deliver a blow with my right fist, into Mulder's abdomen. Yeah, with the handcuffs on even. He was winded for a second, and I took the opportunity to remove my arm quickly from his grasp, and stand up out of the car. He glared at me, and I met his gaze, standing up in order to make the most of being six foot. To my right, Scully got out of the car, quietly closing the door behind her. "Come on," Mulder growled, indicating that I was to follow him. I did, and we walked up the stairs. Until we came to Apt. 1121. I got the keys out again, and took a moment to look around. The corridor was white, white walls and white carpet. The doors were a light shade of wood, with the gold numbers on them. It actually looked pretty flash, I thought. Mulder undid the handcuffs, I unlocked the door, and let the three of us in. It was a mess, I can freely admit. Clothes and other belongings lay strewn pretty much all over the floor, and it'd be rather difficult to tell what colour the carpet originally was. In fact you couldn't really see the carpet at all. I stepped into the room, and turned around, striking a defensive pose. The other two walked in, and I could see Scully trying not to look disgusted. Man, is she ever two faced. I walked over to the couch, talking. "Yeah, sorry about the mess and all.." there was just the slightest hint of sarcasm there, "but you know, house keeping's so lax and all.." Suddenly, from behind, Mulder shoved me so I fell, hard, onto the couch. I turned onto my back, and gave him a questioning glare. As if on cue, while we were facing off, Scully's cellphone rang. "Excuse me," she muttered, taking it into the other room with her. The minute she was gone, as if released from a spring, Mulder jumped on top of me, on the couch. I spluttered a low protest, accompanied by a curse, but he didn't move. I don't know what got into him. "Alex.." he murmured in a low voice. I didn't respond, and he ran a hand through my hair. "Mulder..?" I muttered, questioning. He nodded, and I was surprised at the look in his eyes, needy, hell - he wanted me! Suddenly, without warning, he pressed his lips to mine, in an incredibly needy kiss. Without meaning to, I responded..and his hands strayed over my torso. Then we both heard Scully saying her goodbyes on the phone. Mulder pulled his face back, and we locked eyes, panic showing in his. He desperately tried to unentangle his legs from mine, and I suddenly thought of a wicked little plan. I hooked my right leg over Mulder's left, and craftily pinned him atop of me, making a very suspicious looking situation for his partner to walk in on. And she did. "Mulder!" she exclaimed, obvious horror showing in her voice. I splayed my arms out, indicating I wasn't having much choice in anything. He tore away, and sat up in stark horror. "Scully!" he replied, guilt showing both in his voice and face. I tried to keep a smile from creeping onto my face. He turned around, and slit a finger across his throat, indicating 'YOU'RE DEAD, RATBOY'. I glared back, and Scully glanced between the two of us, looking quite frankly shocked and a half. Mulder sat up, and got the handcuffs back out of his pocket. He came over to me, holding them out. I grinned. "A bit kinky, isn't it, Mulder?" He looked like he was going to possibly kill me as soon as he got out of Scully's view. As usual, mood swinging/over-reacting. I let him put the handcuffs on, and he yanked me onto my feet by them. I cringed, as he pushed me in the small of my back. I followed Scully out of the door. One part of my mind was wondering how I was going to ever get back to real life. I decided the device was possibly set at some time, to send me back. Probably at one of the least convenient times possible. Back in the car, I didn't say anything, just stared out the window. Mulder, I think, was trying to catch my eye in the rearview, and Scully probably was too. I heard one of them say something about AD Skinner, and suddenly I stopped my silent streak. "You're not taking me to Skinner's again, are you?" I asked, a tiny hint of fear creeping into my voice. Mulder and Scully exchanged a glance, and I fought the immature urge to kick the back of one of their seats. "Yeah, we are, Krycek.." Mulder glanced in the rearview, and I read what remained unsaid: "And he's worse than me, sorry.." ******* It didn't take long to get to Skinner's. I went inside the apartment, ruefully hoping he didn't handcuff me to his balcony for the night the way he did Krycek last time. Mulder and Scully both followed me inside, and watched as Skinner used his entire strength to punch me - in a rather low place. I doubled over again, whimpering on the way to trying to get my breath back, thinking 'why is everybody always hitting Krycek?!' - not the first time I'd wondered that. Poor guy. Poor me! Scully stepped forward. "Sir.." she tried, sneaking a glance at me doubled up on the floor. "Don't...none of us exactly like Krycek, but look.." she trailed off as Skinner looked at me, lying there in pain. He nodded, reached over, and pulled me to my feet. I tried not to look at any of them. Skinner hissed in my ear. "You can sleep inside this time, boy. But we're still not even.." I squirmed away from his hand, and glared at all three of them, one by one. Scully and Mulder left soon after, leaving me to reckon with the devil. Skinner. My ex-boss. He sat down on the couch, and picked up the TV remote. He turned to six, and suddenly everything went black. ********* "Eyes on the ball, Fleur!" Belinda exclaimed, and automatically I jumped, catching the netball. Quickly, I realised I was back in real life, and playing in the netball final. A quick glance at the scoreboard revealed there were two seconds to go, and the score was tied. The ref's whistle blew, and I looked at her, surprised. "Contact" she stated. "Stand beside, Goal Keeper. Pass or Shot.." I quickly stepped in, and, taking my time, shot the goal to win our grade. Life was back to normal.