Welcome to the Stakes Up Club Page, and Join My Buffy Club!!

-*-Join My Buffy Club called, Simply the Best Buffy Club!-*-

Simply the Best!

Hello all you Buffy fans out there! I have started a new club called, STBBC. STBBC stands for, Simply the Best Buffy Club. The club motto is, We're Simply the Best! Anways, if you would like to join you could email me. Or just simply use the form at the bottom of the page. If you join the club you get a newsletter. In the newsletter will be Website wars, website reviews, quotes, spoilers, recaps of episodes, opinions, pictures, story columns, etc. When you join you are given the password for the Members Only page. The Members only page has banners, spoilers, lotsa Buffy pictures, games, message boards, chat rooms, etc. When you fill out the form, please pick which job you want to do for the newsletter and position you want to be in the club. Each time you finish a task, you get a star(*). The more stars you have, the more you and your rank moves up, and you get an award.. This is a first come---first serve basis. Every catergory of the newsletter jobs, can have more than one person in it. The first person who picks that catergory is in charge of it, they're the boss. Their title is automatically Captain. Example: Captain _________<----Their name there.
Here is the list of jobs you can do

-*-Newsletter Jobs-*-

Idiot's Viewpoint. In this column you could write about anything that has to do with Buffy. You could write about her relationship with Angel, her clothes, her secret "lust" for Xander. Anything! It just has to be funny, and the more outrageous the better! Only three people for this job.

Quiz Maker. For this column, you have to make a quiz about Buffy. It can be about an episode, Buffy all Around, a charcacter, etc. Whatever you can think of. Only five people for this job.

Website Reviewer. This job has to find, rate, review, and give their own opinion about five Buffy webistes that are really creative and unique. Only four people for this job.

Website Wars.This job has to find six really spectacular Buffy websites, and get everyone to vote for their favorite site out of those six sites. One person will collect everyones votes, and tabulate them. The winning site will win an award! Only five people for this job.

Informer. This job is to find out all of the spoilers you can about upcoming episodes, the cast, etc. Only three people for this job.

Quote Keeper. This job is very simple, you just have to pick 7 of your favorite quotes from a new Buffy episode. Only two people for this job.

Recaper of Episodes.Three people will just basically recap the last episode of Buffy. For the three writers one of you could do it one week, then the second could do it the next week, etc. Rotate the work, people. It can be any length. Preferably about 2 paragraphs. Only 3 people for this job.

Organizer of Opinions. This job requires someone to manage and organize all of the opinions for the "Member Discussion List". Only two people for this job. *** This job will get you the most stars! ***

Games Maker. This job is to make games for the newsletter, and the Members Only page. You can make any type of game. Some examples would be word scramblers, trivia, scavengar hunts, etc. Whatever your creative minds can think of. Only ten people for this job.

Fashion Consultant. For this job you just have to write about fashion. You have to write about what you liked about a charcters clothes, how well they wore it, etc. Only five people for this job.

Romance Department. For this job you have to write about one relationship. Example: Spike and Dru's relationship. Angel and Buffy's relationship, etc. I need one writer per relationship.

Magzine Articles. For this job you just basically find any articles you can about Buffy, the show, a cast member, etc. You have to tell who is featured in the magazine, what the article(s) is about, what magazine it is in and it's issue. And any additional info you might think that is very interesting.

*** I will be adding more jobs to the newsletter very soon! If you have an idea for another job, please email me! Or use the form below. Thanx! ***

-*-Club Jobs-*-

Award Maker. This job has to make awards. The awards are for quizzes, websites, and games. Only four people for this job.

Chat Room Host. This job requires people to host our chat room discussions. The Hosts set the chat room topic, schedule chats, and parties (Birthday parties of club members, and the cast of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.) etc. Unlimited number of people for this job.

*** I will be adding more club jobs very soon! If you have an idea for another job, please email me! Or use the form below. Thanx! ***


President/Founder/Queen ------> ~*Kyra.
Vice President
Terminator #1
Terminator #2
Terminator #3
Cracker Jack Supplier
The Boss
Local Snake Trainer
Court Jester
Limo Driver/trained assassin
Wicked Ripe Plum
Slayer in Training #1
Slayer in Training #2
Slayer in Training #3
Keeper of Spike ------> ~*Kyra.
Keeper of Angel
Keeper of Xander
Keeper of Oz
Keeper of Giles
Keeper of Snyder
Keeper of Mr. Trick
Keeper of Buffy
Keeper of Willow
Keeper of Cordelia
Keeper of Drucilla
Keeper of Faith
Keeper of Joyce Summers
Keeper of Monster (need specific name)
Local shopkeeper
Person who spikes the punch
*** More positions to come! First come, first serve basis. ***

What is your name?

Which job do you want to do for the newsletter?

What is your e-mail address?

What is the URL of your site?

What club position (Example, President, Crackerjack supplier, Secretary) do you want to be?

Any questions, suggestions, comments, or ideas?

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