Ultimate D.C.

Here is the Ultimate Superman pictured in the Wizard magazine number 136 page 67. He was made from a Blue Beetle body  a Robins head a Doombots cape and a Clayface III left fist. p.s. sorry forgot to take pics before i sealed it that's why its so dam shiny and its also out of focus just couldn't get it into focus.

Here is my Ultimate Wonder Woman she was made from a Huntress i had to make the shild out o white stuff and also the skirt thingy as well to bad the pics dont show the detail on her cloth thingy o wellz


Ok to keep with the Ultimate JLA here is the Ultimate Flash made from a Flash body and a Blizard Head. This too comes from Wizard magazine number 136 page #70 and there is more to come so stay tuned for more.

I bet you wer wondering when i was going to get to the Green  Lantern well here he is the Ultimate Green Lantern form Wizard Mag. #136 Pg. #68 he was made from a Human Tourch body and The Blue Beetle's right arm

Now for the leader of the Ultimate JLA Batman he was made from a batman hee hee duh and Blue Beatle lower half with a caps left arm