Once upon a time, on the Maeve and Sinbad Haven, a sweet little rose made her entrance into my AoS family. She was a joyful and loving rose who made a place for herself on our forum and in our hearts. The rose had a name :
It was her cousin Shania who led her to our hearts and sadly, it was also her who brouhgt us the saddest news : On January 12th 1999, Jade was victim of an hit and run accident. The rose was no more. An angel was born.
To describe how this has affected the AoS family would be impossible. We all grieved together, sharing our thoughts and our memories. We stood up together by Shania and her family, offering them our deepest regrets and hoping that Shania would not leave us permanently. We could only hope that time helping, she would come back for she is also a member of our cyber-family. Finally, she came back and we are all glad she did.
I have decided to make a permanent page on my website in Jade's memory. I have many reasons to do it. The first one is for all the AoS fans (present and future ones) to know just how close a cyber-family can become. In this loss I have realized that even though you never meet those you talk to on the web, long-distance friendships can be just as strong as a friendship with a girl next door could be. Maybe even stronger.
But Jade was also a dedicated fan to AoS. She would just keep asking for more of our FanFictions. She would always encourage us to do our best, giving us her comments and suggestions. It only seems fit for her to be on my page. She sent me emails about both my stories and my page. She was always excited about our stories or about the little things we shared on the M/S Haven or on any of the AoS forums.
Every morning for a too short period of time, I would delight myself with Shania and Jade's little fooling around on the forums. It was the best way to start the day and relax a bit before leaving for work. She was loved by all of us and from now on, she has her place here, on my page, forever.
There was a song by Julie Masse a few years ago here in Québec. It went like this :
"Sans t'oublier je m'accroche à la vie
Mais je sais, rien ne sera plus comme avant
Sans t'oublier toi ma meilleure amie
Le coeur serré, prochain rendez-vous dans cent ans..."
[ Without ever forgetting you I hang on to life
But I know nothing will ever be the same
Without ever forgetting you my best friend
Heathbroken, rendez-vous in one hundred years... ]
The time to say Good Bye has come too soon. But like a famous sailor once said :
"Until we meet again, Jade
Until we meet again!"