Sinbad's Cabin

AAAH! Our beloved captain! How many times
have we dreamed about his incredible eyes?...

And here, ladies and gentlemen,
is the cabin of Sinbad, Captain of the Nomad.

Sinbad, don't bother getting up. I'm just
giving these nice people a tour of your cabin.....

I promise we won't stay long.
Now, give us a nice smile.

Huh Sinbad, it's not THAT kind of
tour I am giving!.....

I have always wondered how someone so
young could be captain to his older brother....

Oh yeah, he does have a baby face....

Okay! Okay! I won't say that again.

Now why don't you ever look at
me that way, huh?

Oh, I see.. You prefer looking at HER...
Sighs...That's okay, I'll survive....

Don't worry, I'll be fine...

Not the puppy eyes!!!
I said I'll be fine!...

Apologies accepted. Now get up,
I'm a little embarassed here...

Well if you prefer Maeve to me, why don't you
introduce me to your friend here?

What adventures will tomorrow
bring you my dear Captain?

Striking from behind?!!
Well, I'd never thought you'd do that!

Ooh! I see you are busy right now.
So maybe we'll come back later then...

...or maybe you want us to stay?

Yiiikes! You know I hate spiders!!!!

Now you do that, buddy, and
me and my friends here are coming after you!

Careful Sinbad! Didn't Doubar ever tell you
not to play with sharp knives?

That's it Doubar, tell him again!

See? We were right!

Huh Sinbad... Isn't Dermott supposed to
do the flying in the crew?

Watch the step!

Now Sinbad don't make fun of him.
You could be at his place.


Now What? You're not playing
with fire, aren't you?

Hey watch out! You almost fried us up..
And after this you complain about Maeve's aim?

Speaking of Maeve..
Have you seen her lately?

Sinbad, she probably isn't up into
one of those trees, you know.

Nor into that cave...

She's probably somewhere
studying her magic.

More of Sinbad's Cabin