Written by Celtic Dragon

The Past Revealed
Part 1

Maeve could see the pain in Denial's sea green eyes. He tried to call out to her but the black aura of Valvasor smothered Denzil, pulling him farther away from her. Denzil needed her help and all Maeve could do was stand there and watch as her first love and best friend as he was choked to death by Turok's brother pulling Denzil deeper in to blackness.

Maeve awoke in a cold sweat. She reached for her cloak and headed topside. The first rays of light reached her eyes as she stepped out of the galley. Her eyes were heavy with sleep but she refused to go back in to that dreaded slumber and watch Denzil die again.

'What troubles you sister?' Dermot asked through mind speech.

'A dream my brother just a dream.' Maeve knew Dermot to well. He would give the same old speech he had given her at 15 when she had the dreams. "It's not your fault you couldn't do anything." She could hear him say.

'Maeve you hardly ever have dreams.'

'I know.'


'No! Dermot I don't want to speak of this anymore.' Maeve's words were harsh but Dermot knew that she would have to tell him sometime.

That night Maeve was determined to stay awake no matter if anybody, including a certain hawk, told her she need to sleep. She kept herself busy by reading some of Dim-Dim's old books, and splashing a lot of water on her face every time she felt the sick notion of sleep trying to claim her body.

Sinbad had just finished his night shift and didn't feel like going to bed yet. As he came down into the galley he looked towards Maeve's cabin noticing the light was still on he decided to see what she was up to. Sinbad knocked on the door and waited for a response.

"Who is it?"

"Sinbad. Can I come in?"

When Maeve heard it was Sinbad she got a little suspicious as to why he would knock at her door in the middle of the night. Then an idea popped into her head. She needed some entertainment to help keep her awake and what a better way to do then make Sinbad scrim.

"Just a minute." She called back. Then Maeve quickly got changed into an emerald green dress that had tow slits on both sides and was very low cut in the front. She opened the door and saw Sinbad's mouth drop to the floor.

"Ah…Maeve that's a nice dress you have on."

"What's the matter sailor?"

'So she thinks I'm going to make a fool of my self hmm.' "Why Maeve," Sinbad said moving closer to her. "I never realized your that desperate."

"Desperate! You must think me mad. I could get a prince if I tried." 'Sinbad has got to be one of the most rudest unintelligent man I have ever met.'

'But isn't that why you love him sister?' Dermot asked as he mentally smirked at the young couple.

'How is it you know the precise time to make your smart ass remarks.'

'All I have to do is listen.' When Dermot felt his sister blush at that he began to laugh.

"Oh be off with you!"

"If that's what you want Maeve." Sinbad said looking a little disappointed.

"No, not you Dermot! I mean…" 'Nice move Maeve now you sound desperate! Aarrgghh why didn't I remember to use my mind link!' "go if you want to but, I…need…some…help…with the umm… table."

"What's wrong with it?" 'Does she really want me as her lover ? My beautiful Maeve?'

"The screws are coming lose." 'Why is he looking at me that way?'

'Because he loves you! Man are dense or what?' The fact they hadn't done anything yet was irritating Dermot.

"Loves me!" 'I didn't just say that out lo…'

"What did you say?"


"Well your table appears to be holding."

"Okay ,Well good night."

'Oh those two are through yet.'

Aphrodite had been watching and was as irritated as Dermot was. Aphrodite made the ship lurch unexpectedly and the two lovers fell into each other's arms and then on the bed. Sinbad looked at Maeve and couldn't resist. He found her lips and his other half there.

That night instead of having her horrible Dream of her First lover Maeve had new ones of her and Sinbad.

Aphrodite and Dermot were both dancing in joy when they felt the two finally unite as one.


Part 2