More Mail & Discussion

Wow!!! I can't believe how much this site has grown and flourished since it's conception just before Samhain, 98. But it wouldn't be like this without all of you who write in with your points of view. As I'm updating, I'm seeing how difficult it is getting (with all my newsgroup email) to keep the main focus of this site. I'm only a little redhead at her computer! I have to stick to the topic of that which points it's finger at Paganism and witchcraft and calls it something it is not. I simply cannot keep up with all things Pagan. With this said, my love and thanks go out to all of you that have written in and given your support!!!
~Lorna Brigid

In a letter dated Jan. 24th, Astarte147 writes: "Lorna I love your site, keep up the good work.... I would just like to say that in my personal opinion, faith is like a wheel, and each and every religion is a spoke on that wheel, be it Wicca, Paganism, Hinduism, Christianity, etc... and all these religions lead back to the same higher power, whatever that might be."

Well put, Astarte! Many of us have that same opinion. Whatever we call our deities, whatever our rites are, it may be the same life force that hears our calls. And I'm trying to keep up the work! *Grin* Blessed Be!

In a letter dated Feb. 26th, Mrs. Peter Jones writes: "I am a Christian and my daughter goes to school with girls who call themselves witches..... When I asked her why she sought out friendships with not Christians but those who call themselves pagans, she told me these girls were honest and willing to talk about important things......I am very sorry that some Christians think themselves better than others. But, you see, it's not a position of pride to believe something is true.It's also not proud to place yourself under the authority of a God who is outside the universe, outside time, who created everything.... I'm not a Christian because I'm anybody special- because God chose the great me to be on his side. No, he just chose to set his love on me. And all I do is accept that love....."

Thank you so much for writing in, Mrs. Jones. First may I address the situation with your daughter. If you're looking for a teenage girl who knows who she is and what she wants, she's very hard to find. If your daughter is looking for friends that want to discuss important things and be honest to themselves and the people around them, regardless of their religion or sexual preference, I'd say she's on the right track. *Smile*
As for your feelings about Christianity, I'm so very grateful you shared that with me, and know that I fully appreciate your feelings about it. It's wonderful to know that there are Christians like you who do not take your faith as a pedestal to bash others. Take heart that I do know that not all Christians are like Tammy Ritchie or the people of the 700 Club.
God and Goddess Bless you!

In a letter dated Feb. 28th, Drago Fenice writes: "...I am presently going through the last leg of an EXTENSIVE web surfing section, and I have been graced with the knowledge of your page. This is good, this is really good. I like the way you present yourself, and I can't wait until you compile more quotes..."

Thank you, Drago! *blush* I have SO much material for you all to feast on and get the wheels in your braining turning about tho, whew! BTW, on your Ecclecticism-- WoW! *Grin*

In a letter dated Mar. 11th, WitchGuy writes: "I like your site. Just to say something about that Anti Wiccan site, they say why don't we heal the sick and blind, etc. It's not like we are Gods and Goddesses ourselves.... they find worshipping God, Goddess and the earth evil, yet killing many innocent people 2-300 years ago not evil?!?..."

Thanks for writing, WitchGuy! Most Christians don't even want to talk about the witch trials of old. Frankly, you have to take into account the times period; they were Puritans going by their own interpretation of the Bible. Yes they were wrong, but we cannot lay blame on today's Christians for it. As for the healing thing, there are actually many people out there, witches or not, with the gift of healing powers. It's just all those people who don't understand Pagan magic, is the reason for that misconception! Anyway, asking us to do that would be like us asking Christians to do something their God did; like recreate the earth.... Here's a thought: since us humans have poisoned our mother earth so much, why don't the Christians pary to their powerful God to give us another one? *Wry grin* THAT'S what it feels like when they say stupid stuff like that in defense of their disbelief in magic!

In a letter dated Mar. 18th, Susan Sheppard writes: "I enjoyed your website..... These people who bash are not true Christians in any sense of the word. Most "Christians" aren't Christian.... They don't follow the teachings of Christ because if they did, they'd have to give away all of their posessions and be sure it was distributed to the sick, the hungry, etc..... Mother Teresa never tried to convert her poor, she only loved them with all her heart and soul, with passion.... since she dies, I'm afraid there may not even be one true Christian left on the planet."

Thank you, Susan! That's a great point about the teachings of Christ. However, as I've stated, everyone has their own interpretations of the Bible and Jesus. That's why ALL religions have such varied people and sects. I WILL enjoy your site! *Smile* Blessed Be!

WEBMISTRESS NOTE: Visit to see Susan's site and read about her new book, "A Witch's Runes."

In a letter dated May 3rd, Nicola writes: "Thanks for making such a great site with such positive views about Paganism. I agree there are way too many lies told on the internet about Wicca and Paganism in general. Even when I was a Christian, I never made insulting comments about other religions. Now that I am Wiccan, I find myself up against all sorts of prejudices.... We should be able to express our religious beliefs without being persecuted. We shouldn't however, criticise others for their beliefs."

Your welcome, Nicola! I just wish this site could do more. I, as a Pagan, do not dislike people of other religions, or say awful and untrue things about them. I wish the same courtesy would be extended. They should put an addendum into the "Do unto others", and make it "Do unto others as long as they are not Pagan." Love and Light, Nicola!

In a letter dated May 3rd, Angie writes: "I love your site and say to you keep up the good work....I have just started on my journey in Wicca, and already I feel so at ease. More than any other religion I've ever looked into. Wicca is so accepting and loving, I don't know how ANYONE could find it EVIL...."

Thanks, Angie! Yup, the feeling the love of the earth/Goddess is a wonderful thing! :) Ya know how when people see a spider, their first reaction is to kill it? Same thing with Neo Paganism. It's only recently come more mainstream, and many people don't understand it, so they fear it. Couple that with right wingers calling us evil, and there you have it: Everyone calling Wicca evil. *Sigh* But, feel the energy of "the way" in your heart, and take the high road. Blessed Be!!!

In a letter from June, Aragon The Seeker writes:
"I am fed up with tammy and have sent her an email, though not on to help prove her case that we are evil, but to demoralise it. I am just suggesting that you put up a reccommendation on your page that people send emails suggesting a solution to end the hatred and slaughtering."

Aragon: I applaud your ideals and desire to be proactive. I'm also glad you know better than to send Ms. Ritchie an angry letter. But people have been fighting hate for hundreds of years. Pardon my cynicism, but us stopping radicals from hating us would be like someone making the KKK non racist. In my opinion, the best approach is to single out these people and their words and acts of ignorant hate, and use it to educate.
But you DO raise a great new discussion topic! :) If anyone has any other suggestions about what else (within the traditional Wiccan ways-- let's NOT go commercial, please!)we can do to counteract the negative things spouted about us, write in and let me know!

In a letter from June, Alex writes:
"Two words: GO YOU!!!!!! I have been fighting against prejudices against all religions, not just Paganism. I myself am a Wiccan from a Lutheran family....I fight with the most powerful tool of all: words. I do not threat, just try to help them see the light..."

Um,*gulp* go WHERE?? Just kidding. *GRIN* I am very glad you wrote, Alex! I personally, so you all know, also defend all religions when given the need. But I can't fit all that on this website! So I stick to defending Paganism. *S* The words of FACT are the most powerful, teamed with love!!! Kudos, brother!

In a letter from early July, Aaron writes:
"I too have suffered abuse at the hands of the Christian community where I was raised.... I received taunts about orgies, satanism and sacrifice, none of which I practice. I've had physical/verbal abuse and harrassment, including being thrown in the local river and having human feces posted to me along with death threats.... Thankfully I've moved up north and made friends with the local Christian community.... Just thought I'd let ya know that all of you genuine Pagans on the other side of the pond have kindred spirits over here in England."

Aaron, how awful for you to have gone through!!! If anyone knows what it is to be abused for your religion, it is you. My heart goes out to you, as well as my pride for how things have improved for you. And it is also nice to be reminded how the net brings together loving Pagans of the world. *S*

In a letter from early July, Randy writes:
"I myself am Wiccan and I think it is a great thing what you are doing. But there is one small thing you have left out... In the area I live, (Hohenfels, Germany), we Pagans (and there are quite a few in this area alone) are treated very well, and everyone around us knows what the meaning of Pagan is... So if you could put a section on your page that tells that there are areas where Pagans are welcomed for who they are and not what they are...."

You just told them yourself, Randy! *S* Wow, a whole community living together that understands or embraces Paganism?? I think I'm gonna pass out! How wonderful!!! I MUST visit y'all someday! *GRIN*

In a letter at the end of July, Pastor Dennis writes:
"To quote you from your site 'This site will never put down any religion or spiritual belief. However, I have come across too many people and too many websites that are ignorant to the Wiccan way.... I am simply tired of the lies and defamation.' 'We must fight the slander', and then you go on to say that this is one of the major steps in stopping the hate and ignorance. What I have found disturbing is that you are doing the same thing that you hate others doing to you. You have quoted fringe groups as being the norm.... From what I have gleaned from your statements, it becomes evident that you know very little about the Bible. Therefore, to judge it as you have, you are guilty of doing the same as what you hate others doing to you..."

Now listen, friends, I don't want to recieve any letters attacking Dennis, here. I wrote him a response personally, and let me assure you we are in good standing. Dennis, you are the first person to express anything like this to me. I disagree first of all, because I do NOT call anyone I expoit here a liar flat out, I never say that I hate Christians, or that they are WRONG, or "bad" in any way. I defend myself against people who insist on bashing me and my religion. If someone told you your Jesus was a false God, and that you're not worthy of living because you believe that "crap", and that you and your fellow followers should be eradicated, you would not take it lying down, either!!! Also let it be known to all that I've read the Bible several times front to back in my life. I was quite familiar with it, but you know what?? I don't believe in it, therefore it's not for me to care about. End of story on that. I know what Christianity is, most people who visit this site do... most people in the world do. I'm not judging the religion, I'm having my own mind and questioning it, especially when some of it's followers judge me! .....Phew!

In a letter dated July 3oth, OceanFlame writes:
"I recently visited Tammy Ritchie's site, and I really have to say, when I read her shockign words of hate, I felt a physical pain in my heart..... I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my poor, abused heart for that website.... My friend Stephanie tried to cut her wrists, but she did not succeed and turned to Wicca.... she feels Wicca saved her."

Awwwwww!!!!! *Tears welling up* Thank you for the praise, OceanFlame!!! And thank the Goddess you friend is well!!! Blessed Be, sweetheart.

In a letter dated August 3rd, Dodia writes:
"...This page is now on my favorites. I do want to make a point to Jadeshaman and many others that there is supposed to be Separation of Church and State... a police officer has no right to tell anyone they cannot wear a religious article. I read something about the schools wanting to post the 10 Commandments in class rooms. Fine idea, so long as they post the Wiccan rede and many other religious credes next to it.... I also wanted to say that you are right about all Christians not being prejudiced against Pagans. My sister is having a baby, and asked me to be the God Mother!!!...."

Dodia, Congrats!!! I myself am the God Mother of a beautiful three year old girl, thanks to my best friend of 15 years, who is Christian! And thank you for bringing up Separation of Church and State; I think the surge of teenagers into this "witchcraft trend" has a lot to do with the parents and teachers getting all defensive about pentagrams and what not. But as long as the law protects us too, we'll be alright. Tell your sis good luck with the baby! Blessed Be!!!