Volume 5
May 5, 1998

Lets take the time and Welcome our 6 new Ring Members.
The Angel on the Internet, Toni Swekert,
1Angel, Debbie Shari
and Mary aka Dizzy.
We now have 15 members in the Web Ring!!!

This was sent in by Hangel1!!!
When a golfer swings his club and makes a thoroughly bad shot in an
informal game, he or she may be given what is called a "mulligan," a free
drive. As a girl playing jacks, we used to call it "overs." That meant that if
you threw a hand that was bad, you could start over and throw it again
with no penalty. Many times when there has been a hasty word out of my
mouth or something I have done that I regretted, I have wanted to claim
my right for a mulligan or to cry out for overs, haven't you?
Sometimes there are even long periods in our lives where we have blown
it royally and we wish we could back up and do it again--the right way.
Consequences follow these regrettable actions that are difficult, and
sometimes even devastating to our lives or to the lives of others. We can
really get down on ourselves when this happens. It can seem to us that
things are so black, so hopeless that there appears no use going on.
I have been there. Others have been there, and let me tell you friend, there
IS hope! His name is Jesus! In Isaiah 1:18 the Bible says, "Though your sins
be as scarlet they shall be as white as snow. Though they be red like
crimson they shall be as wool." We have an unseen enemy who comes like a
thief, as we read in John 10:10, "...to steal, and kill and destroy," yet
Jesus said, "I have come that they might have life and have it abundantly."
When we come to Him, He takes the shattered pieces of our old life and
gives us peace, and a brand new life. The Bible says He makes all things
new (2 Corinthians 5:17). There really is a mulligan available to you. It is
called "grace" and you can receive it today by faith in Jesus Christ.
GRACE=God's Riches At Christ's Expense

I would like to give special thanks to for all the new graphics for this News Letter and for the banner for the Web Ring!
I also would like to thank The Angel on the Internet for helping me with a HTML Problem.

Dear Ring Members,
If you ever have any suggestions for this Web Ring then let me know.
IF you ever have anything and I mean ANY THING, that you want to put in this weekly newsletter please push below!!!

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This News Letter Was
Brought to You By:
"The Ring Master"
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