Luke and Laura 1993 #4

Scotty is shattered by Kat's lies, Laura comforts him. Luke tells Laura about the job working with Sonny for Frank Smith. Scotty talks to Lucy about Kat, and tells her he realizes she did it for the baby's sake. L&L still looking for the spider, finally find him and he is placed in the box. When Bobbie asks Lucky what is in the box, he shows her - she screams when she sees it.

Lot of Scotty, Damian & Kat, Damian & Frank, Jenny & Edward, Scotty and Kat, Damian and the Q's, Ned & Damian, Lucy and Scott. Luke meets Sonny at Kelly's, Ruby is worried about his involvement with Frank again. Laura and Lucky talk about the birds and the bees, she's shocked to hear that Luke has already had this discussion with Lucky. Laura visits Lesley's grave for the first time. Luke tells Ruby about his plan to get his family free of Frank.

Pregnant Lucy is carjacked out in the middle of nowhere, it starts to snow. Robin and Lucky with Laura at the old house going through Webber stuff in the attic, Laura continues to tell Lucky about his grandmother Lesley.

Luke & Sonny at the airport to provide escort to a female contact. Scotty, Mac, and Felicia search for Lucy who they realize is missing in the storm. She finds shelter in a cabin and goes into labor while Scotty searches for her.

Kevin Collin's appearance in PC, shocks the town folk as he is a dead ringer for psycho Ryan. Mac clobbers Kevin the first time he sees him and doesn't trust him. Kevin is stranded at the PC Hotel with no rooms available during the storm so Felicia invites him back to the brownstone, Mac is not happy!

**END of Tape #4**

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