Luke/Laura/Stefan/Nicholas/Lucky Tape #2
Aug 28-Oct 30,96 8 hr edit from original episodes - in SLP

Tony defends Carly to Luke. Stefan tells Keesha he wants his contribution to the Foundation kept annoymous. Laura & Bobbie talk about the pain that both Bobbie and Tony carry over BJ's death. Keesha tells Luke about the donation, he sneaks it out of her purse and sees "Timoria" written on it. Stefan & Nikolas do Ti-Chi on the dock. Luke asks Mike to find out what Timoria means. Stefan cautions Nicholas against being impulsive, he's worried about his growing interest in Laura. Laura calls Stefan and wants to see Nik. Bobbie defends Stefan to Luke which makes him furious. He demands that she tell him if she sees Stefan again, he is so insistent that she agrees. Mike tells Luke Timoria means atonement in Greek. Laura finds Nik in the park, he has such an attitude with her, she takes him to see her mother's grave to try and explain why she had to leave him behind - why she was so afraid not just for her own life, but for his and her family's. She tells him Helena had Leslie killed when Laura tried to see Nikolas. He doesn't believe that Helena would have killed him for vengenance against Laura. He tells her he feels nothing for her. Nikolas asks Stefan if Helena killed Leslie, he tells him yes. Nik is hurt that Stefan hadn't told him this before, that Stefan allowed him to believe his mother didn't love him.

Meanwhile, Luke is listening in - Laura is horrified when she walks in and realizes he has bugged Wyndemere. Nik tells Stefan he hates the Cassadines. L&L argue over her growing bond with the C's. Luke sees them as a threat, Laura just wants to be with her son. Stefan shows up at Luke's and tells Laura that Nik has run off and is missing. Back at Robin's going away party, L&L say goodbye (she's leaving for college). More recriminations at the Spencer's. Later, Luke tells Laura he knows Nik's disppearence is tearing her up and he will find him for her. Next am, Luke meets with Sonny and has his men look for Nik. Luke finds him in the catacombs and pulls a gun on him, then he suggests he leave town. Stefan seeks help from Mac to find Nik. Stefan & Laura in the park, she wants to hear about Nikolas' childhood. Nik sneaks into the Spencer's house to say Goodbye to Lulu. Lucky finds him in her room, they fight, Nik takes a header down the stairs. Luke & Laura walk in just as Nik's head hits the bottom. Stefan arrives just as the paramedics, he threathens Luke's life if Nik dies. Nik is rushed to the ER. They all gather awaiting news of his condition. Eventually, Tony tells them Nik is stable but unconscious. Luke & Lucky leave and Sonny stays to look after Laura. She goes into see Nik, as she talks to him he wakes up. Next day, Nik wakes again, Bobby reassures Stefan that Nik will be fine.

Later, Bobbie finds Stefan outside of Room 666 - where his brother Stavros died. Stefan is impressed with the way Bobbie relates to Nik. Luke tells Laura how upset Lucky has been by all of this, that she has been oblivious to the effect on him. She tells Luke she will say goodbye to Nik and not see him. Stefan takes Nik to the room where Stavros died. When Laura arrives to Nik's room, he's gone and she finds the goodbye letter Nik wrote to Lulu. He describes how Luke told him to leave PC that he has no place in her life. Laura realizes Luke saw Nik while he was missing. At home, she throws the letter in Luke's face. She realizes the depth of hatred between Luke & Stefan and tells Nik that she can't see him anymore -she realizes both of her sons are at risk. Stefan is furious with her, Laura is broken hearted over the decision, and Nik is crushed though he hides it.

Bobbie tells Luke how wrong he is to try and cut Laura off from Nik. Nik is released from the hospital and Stefan invites Bobbie to dinner. Laura & Lucky talk about her decision not to see Nik. He doesn't think she is capable of cutting herself off from one of her children. Bobbie tells Laura she will look out for Nik for her. Alexis arrives to see Stefan, he tells her he plans to bring down GH. Stefan breaks into Lucky's on line session to ask if he wants to play a new game called "Timoria". Bobbie reams Luke for forcing Luara to choose between Nik and her family. At Wyndemere, Nik asks Stefan to remove Laura's protrait. Luke decides to take his family to see BB King. Nikolas runs into Gina again at the hospital. Stefan invites Bobbie to join Nik and him for dinner. She tells him she can't be friends with him right now, he suggests they be "secret friends".

Spencers return home, reveling in their BB King experience. Stefan calls, wants to meet with Laura in the park. On BJ's birthday, Bobbie crys on Luke's shoulder. Stefan tells Laura he is talking Nik back to Greece and wants to say goodbye in person. Bobbie arrives for work to find GH closed! Lucy shows up and tells Luke about the lawsuits against Kevin and the closing of GH. While Stefan and Laura talk, they have flashbacks to their time on the island - when she tells him she will marry Stavros, then that she is pregnant, they talk of dreams and he tells her that he loved her. Stefan arranges for Alexis to be Kevin's lawyer on the stalker charges, Luke is suspicious, and Lucy fires her when she finds out she's a Cassadine.

Stefan & Laura say their goodbyes. Later, Nik is upset and refuses to leave PC - Stefan reassures him they really aren't leaving. Alan asks Stefan to bail out GH financially, he refuses. Then Bobbie asks him, he says no that he is returning to Greece. Later, he sets up a meeting with Alan and Laura at the closed GH and asks her whether he should bail out GH - but if he does it would mean him staying on in PC. She agrees but is suspicious and feels manipulated.

Meanwhile, Luke sees a picture of Carly at Virginia Benson's and realizes she is Caroline - Bobbie's daughter. Back in PC, Stefan has set it up for Bobbie to walk in on Tony in bed with Carly. Alan invites Stefan to take a position on the GH board. Nik tells Laura he wants to volunteer to work with children in the hospital. Luke returns, hears that Carly is sleeping with Tony, and tells Bobbie her daughter is dead. Then he confronts Carly at the cabin. Tom Hardy blows up when he finds Stefan in his father's office. Stefan tells Bobbie that he has bailed out GH, he tells her how extraordinary she is, she breaks down, he takes her in his arms to comfort her - Luke walks in and blows up. Stefan & Lucky start playing Timoria on line. Luara tells Lucky about the Cassadine's staying in PC. Next day at GH, Stefan again offers to comfort Bobbie, she tells him all about Tony & Carly. Bobbie tells Nik about her daughter, Stefan and Bobbie grow closer. Laura is suspicious when Stefan offers her a job at GH. Justus tells Laura that Luke is trying to get Nik deported. Then Luke plants stolen prescription drugs on Nik and as security is hauling him off, Bobbie stops them and says she forgot she had slipped the pills in his jacket while holding it. Laura tells Luke off for setting up her son. Afterwards, she is hostile to Stefan and accuses him of pushing Luke too far. Nik is fed up, explodes and tells Laura off for blaming Stefan for Luke's actions! Great scene!! Laura leaves as Nik has tears streaming down his cheeks -whew, powerful stuff! Bobbie reams Luke for planting the drugs, she points out when he hurts Nik, he hurts Laura. Luke tells her its all her fault for begging Stefan to save GH.

***End of Tape #2***

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