A New Day....

Picture courtesy: C-Thru
In Memory of: Darlene

You Can Begin Now !

My Only Guarantee
Accept me as I am - I have no guarantee.
A claim to perfection I have not.
Perfect I cannot be. I, like you.....am human.
Prone to make mistakes.
Failure is not a character flaw,
Just a part of the human makeup.
I live, I laugh and I also learn.
My knowledge is incomplete.
I am searching all the time,
in waking hours as well as sleep.
I have a long road to travel, as well as you do.
We learn our lessons on the way.
Wisdom we shall acrue.
Accept me as I am
Because I am ....me. And You are you.
No one like me in the world.
That is my only guarantee.
Author unknown..

    Break the silence - Stop the violence

    Beyond Domestic Abuse

    The Fact's About Domestic Violence

    Spirit Talk Magazine: Enlightened Thinking, Domestic Violence

    Abuse, The Family Epidemic

    Domestic Abuse and Men Who Batter: Fact's for Women

    Domestic Violence

    Be My Friend
    Don't walk in front of me...
    I may not follow.
    Don't walk behind me...
    I may not lead.
    Just walk beside me, and be my

    Ladies This is Real
    This is Lady Rebecca's sister in the picture
    she died at the hand's of her boyfriend

    I got this today from a wonderful Lady,
    great Poet, and dear Sister in one of my web-rings
    she gave me permission to use it on this page, Love to you Judy

    When Will I Know
    When will I know its time to stop trying,
    To live in a marriage thats seems worse than dying.
    He blames this computer for our problems each day,
    But this is all I have, What can I say?
    Its stops me from going down memory lane.
    And I refuse to stop doing what keeps me sane,
    Our problems are deeper than anyone knows,
    Filled with heartache and many woes.
    We "celebrate" twenty one years on the 15th which is soon,
    And I aleady left him for six weeks in June.
    I just don't know what to think or do,
    Its all because of a control issue.
    For the first five years it was a hit here and there,
    That has stopped so its the verbal I wear.
    He can be so mean and then say,
    So what have you done all day.
    I feel the need to run again, but I know,
    My boys would suffer, So I can't go.
    I guess I have a lot to think about,
    I feel like I could stand up and SHOUT.
    But that would do me no good at all,
    As I sit here and watch my marriage fall.

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