3 Ninjas Summary and My Fave Quotes


Samuel (Micheal Treanor), Jeffrey (Max Elliott Slade) and Micheal (Chad Power) Douglas spend their summers with their Japanese grandfather to learn Ninja. This summer, Grandpa Mori gives them all Ninja names. Samuel is Rocky, Jeffrey is Colt and Micheal is Tum-Tum. Meanwhile, their father, Sam Douglas, is busy trying to capture the villain, Snyder. Mr. Douglas is with the FBI. When they return home, their father's states: " It's bad enough he's got [them] doing Karate all summer," but do they need new names? The boys return home just in time for the first day of school. Rocky's girlfriend, Emily (Kate Sargeant), gets her bike stolen and Rocky and Colt win it back in a game of basketball. Snyder hires 3 men (whose favorite word is "dude") to capture the boys so Sam Douglas won't touch him while he's completing some mischievous plans. The men work on the kidnapping when the boys get a babysitter and are unsuccesful because of the boys' Ninja capabilities and well thought-out plans. However, they do eventually get captured when Snyder's sidekicks show up at midnight to back up the 3 original kidnappers. The boys end up escaping their prison cell, fighting many other Ninjas and meeting up with their grandpa where he fights Snyder and wins. Snyder then takes a gun and points it at Grandpa, Rocky, Colt and Tum-Tum saying "No! I never lose!" Their father by then has surrounded the place with FBI agents and shoots Snyder in the shoulder. Everyone is arrested and Sam Douglas takes his 4 heroes (Grandpa, Rocky, Colt and Tum-Tum) out to pizza!

If you have any corrections or additions, feel free to e-mail them to me @ DaAngel001@aol.com

My Favorite Quotes

~COLT: "Hey you're pretty good. NOT!"~

~ROCKY: "See ya!"~

~EMILY: "Why are you showing off?"

ROCKY: "I'm not showing off, I'm playin' basketball!"~

~TUM-TUM: "Let's murdalize 'em!"~

~-FESTER: "Mr. Muffin Man, catch ya later!"~

~COLT: "Oo-ooh, someone got a ticket!" FESTER: "Shut up! Not you...the...kids."~

~TUM-TUM: "What about me? Can I be Monster Destroyer? Or how about Super Killer?!" COLT: "How about Super Dork?" TUM-TUM: "Shut up Spaz."~

~COLT AND TUM-TUM: (singing) "Rocky loves Emily..."~

~EMILY: "And Rocky...Rocky are you there?" TUM-TUM: "Helloooooooooo." EMILY: "Rocky, is that you?" TUM-TUM: "it's Emily. She wants to talk to Ro-cky!" ROCKY: "Tell her I'm busy." TUM-TUM: "He says to say he loooooooves you!"~

~COLT: "Me and my brothers..." ROCKY: "My brothers and I!"~

~COLT: "Remember last month when you couldn't take a dump for 3 whole days?" TUM-TUM: "..." COLT: "Well this is the stuff that makes ya have to go. Instant diarrhea." TUM-TUM: "You're sick." COLT: "Not as sick as they're gonna be."~

~TUM-TUM: "Sorry if it stings!"~

~GRANDPA: "I hate pizza."~

~EMILY: "Hi..." ROCKY: "Hi..." EMILY: "Did I hear...your new name is Rocky?" ROCKY: "Nah, it's just a new name my Grandpa gave me." EMILY: "I like that name, it's...cute." ROCKY: (pause) "I gotta go." (walks away) EMILY: "Yeah, me too." TUM-TUM: "Yeah me too. BYE!"~

~ROCKY: "Colt..." COLT: "Shut up!"~

~GRANDPA: "Don't be over-confident." TUM-TUM: "Yeah, don't be over-confident."~

~GRANDPA: "Who told you I needed your help? I thought I told you to stay in the house!" COLT: "A Ninja shouldn't be over-confident, Grandpa."~

~COLT: "Oh no! Robbers!" HAMMER: "Hey, I thought we were kidnappers!" MARCUS: "We are!"~

~BULLY 1: "Colt! What a name!" BULLY 2: "Yeah horsy how 'bout some hay?...Laugh! Well, punks. I seem to be collecting quite a few bikes today. How 'bout we play for yours?" COLT: "When we win what do we get?" BULLY 2: "Well, if you win, me and my buddies let you walk outta here with your girlfriend's bike." ROCKY: "How many points to a game?" BULLY 2: "Ten, duh." ROCKY: "Fine, we'll spot you nine. You take first out." BULLIES: "Cake."~

~SNYDER: "Hey, am I a nice guy or what?" COLT: "You're a geek."~

If you have any corrections or additions, feel free to e-mail them to me @ DaAngel001@aol.com

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