The tour Lady Darkmoon was conducting,came upon the shores of the Dancing Sea.As the group stood looking out across the clear blue water,a beautiful yet unlikely creature made an appearance.The creature arched up out of the water and then made a perfect dive back into the water.As the group made a collective gasp,the inevitable debate started over what they had seen.
Many were asking,"What on earth was that?"
A few of them ventured a guess.One said,"It looked like a dragon."Another said,"No,it was large seashorse."Still another said,"You are both wrong it was a mer-animal of some sort."
A great argument ensued with some of the people shouting to be heard above others.Lady Darkmoon leaned against a nearby tree,with an amused look on her face.She knew what the creature was but felt she could not get a word in edgewise.Also she was watching as the creature creeped closer to the group on shore.Just as she was about to stop the discussion,the creature reared up out of the water and squirted the group standing there.
The group stood there quiet but soaked,gawking at the strange creature,Lady Darkmoon said,"Ania,shame on you."
Although she herself was finding it hard not to laugh,she turned to the group and said,"Meet Ania our resident Aaquatic Dragon.As you can all see Ania is a prankster and loves to get people wet.She likes nothing better than to have someone frolic and play in the sea with her.She comes to us from Aaqautic Dragon Adoptions."
With a smile over her shoulder at Ania,Lady Darkmoon started moving the group towards Crescent Moon Realm to get them all into dry things before a cold or two was caught.As they were leaving,Lady Darkmoon heard an amused voice inside her head say,"Sorry but I could not resist.They needed cooling off anyway."

Ania comes to us from Aquatic Dragons.Please click on the banner below to visit them.

You may return to Dancing Sea.

You may return to Crescent Moon Realm.

Background,banner and bar made by Lady Darkmoon.