Welcome to the Saran Desert,where the days are hot and dry and the nights cold.There are creatures living here that have adapted to the extreme conditions of the day and night.Some have been lucky enough to catch a glimpse of them while traveling through on their way to distant lands.Lady Darkmoon receives conflicting reports of just what these creatures may be.
Although,she knows what they are,she finds it infinitely amusing to hear what people say.Some say it is a form of dragon,yet others say a form of tiger,and still others say a form of horse with a little something extra.
We here in the realm know them as Drigetti.Strange animals who are truly a species among themselves.Basically friendly and shy,although a few,when provoked,have exhibited a less than desirable temperament.They thrive quite well in the hot desert environment.Once in a while one is spotted and the tales start again.
Of course,if you would like to take a trip into the desert and try to spot one for yourself.Lady Darkmoon retains a guide named Candel who can guide you.Would you like for me to give her a call and see if she is available?
You nod your assent and the adventure begins.

The Guide Candel
Suddenly Lady Darkmoon hails a greeting,as you turn to look you see a small but muscular young lady with dark hair and even darker eyes.She is striding confidently toward you as you try to hide your surprise.When Lady Darkmoon mentioned a guide you thought she meant a male.After all,Candel could be a male name.
As Lady Darkmoon notices your reserved expression, she says"You may think she isn't capable but I assure you Candel knows every inch of the desert.You could not be in safer hands."
Although you aren't sure she's right,you smile at Candel and prepare to leave on the search for the elusive Drigetti.

Tristana,Tigrithea,and Ninurtha
Donicha and Wisteriah
Addad,Wayland and Mabon.

Or if you prefer not to venture into the desert you may go to Willow Moon Homestead.

Background and banner made by Lady Darkmoon with freeware dingbat fonts and PSP5.