"I did not raise you to be a satan worshipper!"

by Lady Napalm

A couple of weeks ago i got in to a fight with my parents about the fact that was more into that of the Wiccan beleifs then of the religious beleifs that i was raise with. One of the things shouted at me by my father were,

"I did not raise you to worship satan!"

This week as i was cleaning my room i found an old childrens book that my mom had bought it for me called Jermey Thatcher Dragon Hatcher, by Bruce Corvelle. So as i had found yet another thing to help me in the procrasination of cleaning my room I sat down on my bed and decided to re-read it. From reading this book right alonge with that fact that my father's words are still floating around in my mind I have gathered this:

No Dad, I have not been raised to worship satan, and you did a good job of that, because i have never worshipped satan, I don't even believe in such a being. But I do not really beleive in what you tried to bring me up to belive, and in a way you kinda did raise me to be a wiccan..

Let me explain, a while ago (i don't know when) i was surfing the web, and i came across a cute little picture of a smurf, that also read,"Ha! Ha! You thought we were just a cartoon! Instead we taught your children about Druidy! Click hear to find out how we did it! -Druid Smurf" So i followed the link, and low and behold the Little blue guys actually were a Trojon Horse for Druidry, Wicca, and other forms of paganism. Dad if you had ever bothered to read some of the things i showed you, you too could have seen what was going on. In the web page it says that they even followed the "And harm none do what you will", and even though it was a childrens show and basically had to follow that rule no matter what realigon the writers were, there still more proof of it(i will not get into that if you wanna see the proof then Check out the link at the bottem of this page). What does this have to do With you growing up to not belive what I tried to teach you to? What does this have to do me some how, kinda, raising you to be "this Wiccan thing", you ask? Well after reading the webpage i started to think back on the types of stories, books, fairy tales, movies, or other TV shows i had been exposed to, and i wondered what types of other stuff i read which might of had subtle hints or obviouse ones, or might just out and out be a Trojon Horse of magick and wicca?

Well Besides the Smurfs, there is Jermey Thatcher Dragon Hatcher. I found hints of them celebrating Halloween in a very "odd" and "different" way form "normal" characters in childrens books, they lit a bonfire in the middle of the open feild, and were asked to bring "real costumes, not the synthetic store bought made kinds", Jermey was able to recontact his pet dragon only on "old Hollows eve" and so on.

Mom, you bought me a book called Aurora, It was about a younge girl you had this weird and powerful skill of seeing colors around, not only people, but also animals, and trees. She was able to see any living things aura. You both bought me a movie that apperantly had "puppets" in them, and some weird famouse singer you didn't reckognize. It was a movie about a place "Where everything seems posible and nothing is what it seems", It was called the Labyrinth, and it involved a girl doing my favorite hobby... Using her imagination, and going to a graveyard , it involved here Mother telling here she was to old (16) to belive in fairytales, and magic. The girl, Sarah, did a little spell, she asked the Goblin king to take away here brother, and (as if this wasn't predictable, i mean you always get what you ask for right?) suddenly he was taken away to the Goblin King's palace, so obvioulsy the spell came back three fold, and she gets to spend half of the movie involved in (personal growth and) retreving her little brother form the evil Goblin king.

Ok look this list could go on forever and the cramp I'm starting to get in my hand from typing sooo much is Killing me, so i'm just gonna get to the point and that is, my dear readers (parents), That there is sooo much that has influnced me and made me who I am today, From that lovely baby-sitter called simply the T.V. that got me in touch with a bunch of blue smurfs, to the literature that my mom brought home from the library to make sure that i was not illiterate and to make sure reading was fun to even the GrOoViE Beatles that (somehow) got me into the want to be a Hippy from the GrOoViE sixties, i've become a 16 year old girl, who dosn't do drugs, smoke, or engage in (what you belive to be) the "immoral" acts of sex. I've also become a girl with not so GrOoViE grades, with the complete and total need to make my world a hippy groovie peaceful, and hateless place, a place where my childeren (*gasp!* did i just say my children?!?) will be able to walk around in the sunshine proud of who they are, free of hate, bigotry, violence, pollution, and happy, no matter what religion they maybe. And not only am I all this because of the books, tv shows, and media, I'm what i am today because you allowed and encourage me to be myself, something I can never ever express my thanx to you for, You allowed me to understand the world and proccess each new bit of information in my own way.

So no dad, you didn't raise me to be a Devil/Satan worshipper, you raised me to be a free openminded spirtit, who stood her ground when something she felt was important to her was attacked (like you taught me to daddy), You raised me to make my own decisions based on what i veiwed was right not what others told me to do, because they said it was right ( and I did). So trust me, You didn't raise me to be a devil worshiper.