Also Hod, Hodur, meaning "war". Son of Odin and Frigg, brother of Baldr and Hermod. He is the blind god of winter, who is tricked by Loki into killing his brother Baldr with a mistletoe dart.In some versions of the story, Vali, another son of Odin, avenged Baldr's death by killing Hodr.
It is possible to interpret Baldr and Hodr as the two sides of man's nature; light and dark, and as is often chilling true in Norse myths, the darkness destroys the light. It is a reflection of the harsh world the Norse lived in, where there was a constant struggle with sickness, war, famine, and death.
Hodr and Baldr may also be later versions of ancient gods who represented the two halves of the year, Summer and Winter; winter slaying summer, and then summer being re-born in the spring. The myths where they fight over Nanna may also be linked to this concept, where Nanna is the Earth Mother.
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