some say I am nice, some say, I am sweet, some say nothing.
I care for what few think. I have a good heart a good mind and am
blessed with what was given me by my parents and my God (I’m
Christian) although Agnostic…but we won’t go there!
Smart move huh?
will listen wholeheartedly to any opinion and try to keep an open
mind on most topics.
- During my online and
personal experiences, I have come across many people from
different backgrounds and cultures and I love to learn! I
have discovered many things about myself and always
strive to improve my character
- I must admit that most
people are inherently good, I’ve had the opportunity
to meet some of the BEST, and have made my life richer
for it. I am dying to meet many pals online and am
planning on a few as I write this!
- Many people who I know and
do not have access or do not WANT access to the Internet,
I rather feel bad for them.
- Although somewhat ignorant,
I feel many people are missing some of the best
friendships a person can make, the Internet is bigger
than my stomping grounds!
- Keeping your sense of humor
is most important to me, people who take things too
seriously drive me nuts, often though I’ve wondered
why my sense of humor hasn’t got up and run off on
me." Life isn’t a sitcom"
- What makes me tick? Well my
love for music does .If a song can bring me to tears or
give me aesthetic Goosebumps I can be left in a dream
world for hours
- I enjoy writing my lyrics
and trying this web page stuff. I sing and trying to
regain my voice back again. ( woohoo coming back!)
- I was in a serious car
accident and thus ,makes me believe in Angels, I
CAN’T believe sometimes I’m alive!
- Hurting my neck caused me to
sing off key just as I had started my new music contract
and publishing , for music as well ..
- I survived an abusive
marriage and love myself again :)
- I also have diabetes ,but
manage it by diet control, fibromyalgia , chronic fatigue
syndrome and not carrying a baby to gestation..but I
NEVER dwell on them...Mind over Matter seems to work for
me ! Some things can Rule
your life..but NOT ruin them!
- Maybe you are wondering why
I am telling you all of this, well simple.
have explained myself in typing countless times and I am a horrid
typist, not ashamed but still fast enough." laughs "
Internet has been a constant companion and wealth of knowledge to
keep my mind busy during my transitions, I LOVE
to learn.
- Anywise, enough blathering
for now, maybe I’ll write more later, §andra
- Sun Sun Scorpio
< Click<
- Hobbies:
- Fun with Good
Friends,Webbing,Dancing,Dinners,Nature-like activities,
the beach in summer, and Music goes without
saying.."who said that?"..smiles!
- Food:Italian
- Wine: Chianti
- Music: Sarah McGlochlan,
R.E.M, Enigma, Enya,Kate Bush,Tori Amos.Amanda Marshall ,
Cranberries, Anne Wilson and alot of Classic and
Alternative rockers !!
- Poetry :Classics ,Brontes ,
Dickinson, Shakespeare, and lyrically speaking, Ian
Anderson , Pete Sinfield , Peter Gabriel, Sarah
McGlachlan, Jon Anderson
- Art : Impressionist and
- Age 30
- Hair: Auborn just dyed it
blonde have to update
- Eyes: two..both green/blue
- height 5'2"
of the self vanity stuff now eh? pukes..but get asked alot so
here..laughs,, it's all there now
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