Welcome to my Humble Abode
Please grab a toadstool and make yourself comfy
Here have a cup of some sweet tea and I'll show you about..what say you?
I'm hoping I can be of help to Fighters, and add links to many useful tools.
Please accept this gift from Me ?
I'm also known as Lady Nice: Cherub Champions Team Assistant
Here's a Sample of what you may see in your Spirit Books
from Fairy Nice Lady fluttering around doing her duties
Trying to keep your spirits high while Fighting with the
We Post
our Cheers 5 times a day
Different Shouts they all convey
We have Fun and Friendship tons of play
And Spirits and Fairies to Guide the way
You've been dusted by
"Fairy Nice Lady "
Spirit Fairies work hard to see you get enough Spirit Dust
and Spirit Sticks
We try hard to keep your Spirit filled to the brim during your stay at
I recieved this beautiful gift from our Wee One Seralia
I just love it, our Cherub Wee Ones work sooo very hard for us all !!!
Please Meet Our Weekly Fairy and Wee One
who has worked so hard for you at the Cherub champions
PLEASE never forget your CHEERS..post all 5 of them here !!
keep the Cherub TEAM Morale high !!!
Again if not sure about Cheers
or DVote Exchange
email me
Need more Support?
Check out DVote Exchange
I recieved so many gifts and a couple of Awards from DFamily
LOOK at them all
I treasure them dearly
Thanks Lady Glimmer and Fairy Southern Belle for the Lovely Spirit flowers
Also Wee One Seralia and D'Enchanted Fairy =) hugs to all
If you are interested in becoming a Spirit Fairy click the button below
Meet The Cherub Team Fairies and Wee Ones here
I created This Set especially for my Fairy Realm
please do not take it without asking permission
If you need a Graphic or a specific question concerning fighting,
and I can be of help, please e-mail me :)
These were my Training wings..aren't they pretty?
I cannot bear to take them down.
I recieved my Official Wings January 17 th 1999
WOW..I was soo excited thank you DFairy Star and Lady Whimsical :)