Born in 1969, Flick was raised by loving parents. Her home life was for the most part agreeable to her mother and father. She had nice things, a good education and people to serve her every need. Most children would have been spoiled, but Flick? Flick was bored. To her, this life was more like hell, she wanted to live, to see things to do more things on her own. She didn't like the second hand opinions that her family forced on her. Flick would hit the ground running and not stop until she found ways to satisfy her meager little life. To Flick that meant having more fun than any of the stuck up old biddies that were her so called friends. To her parents that was another matter all together. It all began When the lovely Felicia changed her name to Flick, came home sporting a tatoo, and had more holes from peircing than any hood they had ever seen. Then came the calls at night from the police. Flick was arrested for this and that, mostly stealing. It seemed that she wasn't afraid of anything. The calls from the police and the visits to bail her out became less and less frequent. They thought the rehab was going well, and that Flick was well on her way to becoming a fine individual. What they didn't know, was that she was not ony stealing anything that wasn't nailed down.... she was getting good at it. Flick moved out of the townhome that she grew up in. Decided that she just couldnt handle the authority that her parents had over her. She met up with a few characters who were a little more under the lid than anyone else she had met. Got herself involved in some bank robbery, a few jewlery store thefts and such. Not only was she the brains behind the operation, she led the actual robberies. Crafty and slick, she could take the watch off of a man and thank him for it, making the man believe that he just gave it to her for a gift. The money involved in these jobs was great, and the rewards fine. Her ever growing thirst for more thrilling action is what led to her actual capture. The failed bank robbery landed her in prison, and that is where she spent the last 4 years of her life. Prison life was just as thrilling to her as being outside. Her quick wit and ways of thinking became a weapon as opposed to gloves, pics, and explosives. She developed a keen sense of danger and knowledge of people and their personalities. She had to, it was a way of life. a way to stay alive. It happened that one day, the leader of a notorious prison gang decided that Flick should no longer live. In a battle over justice, kingship and internal deals, flick killed the leader, And was found not guilty due to self defense. She served her full time, not able to get a parole because of her attitude. Once out on the streets again, she headed for a jewlery store on 5th and Vine. Looking around she calculated what was needed to take this store... and walked out.. free, ready to take on the world, and four years stronger and smarter than she had ever been. She made her plans for the store and then began looking up old contacts. Paq Gararo notorious theft. He could crack any code, and any safe. Hesive Mustek famous for jewlery heists, and kidnapping. Paq, knowing the value of having Flick on his side began teaching her the use of weapons. One of which was a bullwhip. She was a natural at it and could scare the hell out of most of his men with the whip. Her knowledge and use of weapons helped to make her what she is today.... wealthy... and to Flick... that was the name of the game.