SO, you want some temporary fangs? Well, here is a good way to do that. BUT before I go any further, here is a little disclaimer that YOU MUST READ!!! ***The products suggested to make your temporary fangs are considered harmful if swallowed, or inhaled. If you are under 18, ask mom and dad to help you out. I will not be responsible if you somehow manage to choke, puke, screw up your teeth, or otherwise piss off your parents. This takes lots of practice and a steady hand. So, don't inhale or swallow!*** Things you need... *Cotton balls *Alcohol (Rubbing not drinking!) *Slim paintbrush (nail brushes are best) *Papertowels, and a few napkins *Three way buffer nail file *White powdered nail acrylic (Fake fingernail powder) *Liquid acrylic activator (The liquid that makes the powder hard) (The last three things can be found at a beauty supply) *Fix-a-dent (Yes, the denture adhesive) Follow these steps: *Brush your teeth *Stuff the cotton balls in your upper lip to move it out of the way so that you can work *Wipe the teeth you plan to work on with rubbing alcohol to clean and dry them so that the product will adhere. (You will be drooling right about now, do NOT swallow. And don't close your mouth...just soak it up with a napkin. Hey, I never said it looked pretty or tasted good to do this! *L*) *Dip the brush into the liquid activator, then into the powder it will form a ball you want the ball to be wet, but not dripping. Touch the ball to the end of the tooth that you want to build a fang for. (This stuff dries quickly so hurry up!) It will start to harden, and you can begin to shape it into a fang. Brush a little up on the tooth to help it adhere and look natural. Repeat this until the fang looks the way you want it. Try to build it so that you can close your mouth. Before it hardens and sets, close your teeth together so that it forms more around your bottom teeth. This will prevent your jaw from hurting at the end of the day (You will not get this right the first time, don't get discouraged, it takes a lot of practice. You should practice making the acrylic balls, and forming them this will help) Now, what you have is a bonafide fang, but it will feel like you have a long tooth in your mouth that hasn't been brushed in weeks... what next?! Buffing the fang and making it smooth. There are three sides to the buffer. Gently (Stressing gently) use the coarse end of the file to buff the fang. Switch to the medium grain using the same buffing pattern, and then finally the smooth side of the file to complete the buffing. You now have a temporary real looking fang... now, do the other side. When they set... pop them out (Yes take them out, there is a reason) Now, fill them with fix-a-dent and put them back in place. Don't confuse which one is right and left or they won't fit right. That should hold you until the bats come home. ^^ To clean the brush, dip it in the liquid and wipe it. Repeat this several times or your brush will harden, and you won't be able to use it^^^ *** Tips*** * Don't wait until the day of the party or event that you are going to, to do this, it takes a lot of practice to get it looking right, so you will need some time. * Eat before you do this because you aren't going to be able to after the fangs are in. * Your fangs snap off with a little pressure, so don't close your teeth all the way. Your jaw is going to be a little sore by the end of the night. *Do your fangs before you do any makeup as the oils and powders may cause the product not to adhere. **Be very careful with the fangs when you are out. They will snap off, if you aren't careful. It is best to try them out before you go out in them it is easy to forget they are there, because it is an extension of your actual tooth... before you know it, you have bitten down too hard, and you are running around a snaggletooth vampire! ** Take an adhesive such as fix-o-dent denture cream to adhere them again if they come out. They will be molded to you teeth so attaching them again is easy. **Taking them off... simply place your thumb and forefinger on the fang and snap it off. It is not permanent. *Take the acrylic and the things to redo your fangs with you to the party incase you lose a fang. * I have had mine in for over 8 hours before with no breaks or problems. I do not recommend making them very sharp... they WILL draw blood. (Don't ask me how I know this.) ** Please be careful with this stuff, do not inhale it, or swallow it. It makes you sick. Also, it may burn your eyes a little. Just use some good common sense. I do this all the time. I have never damaged my teeth, or anything else for that matter. Be safe and have fun! **Do not attempt to do this without adult supervision!!!** P.S. Yes, the picture above is my mouth.. my fangs.