Lady Syber the Character

In the beginning, I was raised and shown the powers of healing 
by one called Kera. She was an outcast, led to me  by Chamalaya. 
She took me in, yet refused to show me the ways of magic. 
I learned this magic on my own, without her knowledge. Using the
powers of the Dage, my magic advanced greatly. With the Dage Ruby
for protection, I ventured of on my own, after the death of Kera.
I came to know many in that time and the wisdom that comes with age 
began to settle. 

As time passed it became evident, the company that I kept. And it 
was decided that I should be embraced. I was embraced by a
who in turn was killed for breaking the laws by not performing the Creation Rites. 
As it happened, another Kindred took me in and 
performed the Rites. There are many things about me that still remain 
a mystery, due to the work that took place in a specific persons 

I now walk among the undead, and lurk within shadows. The loss of
my magic, some what irritating My wisdom has remained in tact. 
Usually I will be seen swathed in black

I generally will wear a long black cloak. When I pull up the hood, 
it is a good indication that I am either going to leave, or that I do
not wish to be bothered. I oft times fall into dark moods upon the 
musings of my mind. I am usually silent, unless
 my eyes fall upon one whose thoughts I wish to possess. 
If should choose to speak to you, 
know that I long to be inside the minds of others.. 
perhaps I am in your mind now...

Do not humor me for my presence and I will not humor your for your 
intentions. I have many friends who I consider my new family. You 
will find that I reside mostly in the Vampire Court.
Many friends who are dear to me You will see 
listed on the Friends page.

I am not known to take things at face value.. I will see through you. 
I can promise you this. Let me tell you the story of your life... 
we shall see who is right in the end. I take great delight in the 
simple pleasures of life.. and I leave it up to you to decide... what
I consider simple...

Do not tempt me, or play with my heart, for there is no greater 
vengeance, than the vengeance of one who strikes silently
and with no mercy. I am known to leave without warning.

                                                                      Catch me... if you can.
