Some of The Wheel of Time Top Ten Lists , lifted from AOL

From: RayOdyssey
Top 10 signs that Rand is going mad

10. For an hour every morning the voice in his head calls him Regis
9. After one of Min's viewings, responds testily " Thank you Dionne Warwick"
8. Asks Thom to help him write a rap version of the Propheceis of the Dragon
7. Finds the little fat man angreal and keeps rubbing its belly for luck.
6. Announces that he is "the baddest man on the planet" and proceeds to bite The Dark One's ear in the last battle.
5. Starts calling himself Snoop Randy Rand, calls the maidens his " hoes"
4. Every time he sees that twisted doorframe, starts humming the theme from The Twilight Zone
3. Keeps asking Min about when is he finally "gonna score with Elayne"
2. Tortures Perrin by eating beans for three days and saying "Pull my finger wolf-boy"
1. Believes he is the reincarnation of the dragon Bruce Lee, and plans to win Tarmon Gaidon in the Octagon using a new Brazilian streetfighting technique.

From: Iakus
Top Ten Sword Forms not taught in Randland (at least, not to potential blademasters

10 Over the River and Through the Woods to Grandmother's House We Go...
9 Little Bunny Chews a Stalk of Grass.
8 Slice Trolloc with Gleaming Longsword (see gemstone combat rules if you don't get it)
7Just kill the thing and go home
6 Deer Stares into the Headlights
5 Scared Rabbit Runs From the Shadowspawn
4 The Coward Collapses and Begs for Mercy
3 The Willows are Chopped by the Farmer's Scythe (guess who's the willow & who's the scythe)
2 Rabid Dog Mindlessly Bites at Enemy
1 Run the Enemy Through When He Checks to See if His Shoelaces Really Are Untied.

Top Ten Souveniers you'll find in Randland tourist traps (yes I know this has been done before, but there's just so much stuff...)

10 Build Your Own Gholam Kit: Left over from the Age of Legendss, now YOU can create your own Kin of Shadowspawn in the comfort of your own home (" distributer is not responsible for any lost, injured, or killed friends or relatives. Use with care" Cover Our Rear law firm)
9 Toy Callendor: Great for kids, this replica of the famous sa'angreal really lights up! requires two D-cell batteries (not included)
8 Rhuidean T-shirt: "I went to Rhuidean and all I got was this lousy t-shirt and memories of what the Aiel once were
7 A'dam: Are there any annoying Aes Sedai in your life? Don't you want to show them who's in charge? Or just keep them occupied for a while so you can go somewhere unattended. Just slip this around her neck and it's all yours. Not recommended for male channelers. See instructions for details.
6 Heron Marked Blade: Are you a blademaster or do you want people to think you are? This handy sword is guarenteed to make people step wide of you. If you get into trouble while carrying this, you're in too deep anyway. For ten extra gold coins, get an actual Power-wrought blade.
5 Whitebridge: THat's right folks, we're selling the actual Whitebridge! As in the town. Do I hear any bids...?
4 twisted doorway ter'angreal: Did you ever want questions of your future asked? Or to have three wishes granted? Now you can with these handy gateways to the lands of the Aelfinn and Eelfinn. Just remember: nothing touching the Shadow.
3 Swampland in Illian: prime real estate ! Ready to be developed! Hardly any lionfish or silverpike. See Fast Eddie for details.
2 Seal to the Dark One's Prison: These slightly used seals are three thousand years old! Own a piece of history. Some assembly required.
1 Golden contact lenses: Now you can talk to wolves and have prophetic dreams, just like a wolfbrother! (Warning, consult with a wolfkin before using. May cause behavioral changes, nightmares, insanity, sensory overload, alienation by humans, and/or draw the attention of the Forsaken

From: Rich4713
Top Ten Wheel of Time Websites!!!

10) (transfers you to the Tom Hayden website of recovering LSD users)
9) (popularily known as
8) (once connected, a virus shuts down your computer and erases everything you've done in the
past half hour)
6) (once connected, a virus causes your computer to blow up)
5) (once connected, you cannot disconnect until THEY say so)
4) ("Say, what are these black and silver clouds racing by on my screen???")
3) (and let me tell you, I bet THEY are sick and tired of receiving e-mail addressed to "the Creator")
2) (connects you to the city morgue)
And the Number One Website...
1) ("Sorry - cannot connect to - site under construction - try again in two years")

Top Ten Items in the Wheel of Time Catalogue!

10) item #34977 - "Women of the White Tower"-1998 Calender. These hot chicks try out the new seasons' swimwear and YOU get to enjoy it for twelve whole months! Here they are: Cadsuane, Verin, Teslin! All HOT, and waiting for ya'!!! ($9.95 + s/h) (Tar Valon residents add 8% sales tax)
9) item #10027 - The Illustrated Guide to the Wheel of Time - What you've been waiting for! A complete glossary and Who's Who for R. Jordan's WOT series. Names, places, items, events, it's all here! Order now! ($29.95 + s/h) (2,000 pages, Volume A-C only)
8) item #88901 - Darryl K. Sweet's Unpublished WOT Works. Never-before-seen masterworks by the artist himself! Rejected by Tor Books and R. Jordan for some reason or another, this is YOUR opportunity to own artwork depicting actual scenes in the series! Samples - Rand and Lews Therin hoeing tabac, Padan Fain being raised Amyrlin Seat, Bela playing a game of stones with the Dark One, and Timothy Leary planting chora cuttings in his backyard. ($19.95 + s/h)
7) item #93467 - "I Wuv My Twolloc" realistic Trolloc doll! Perfect for young children or even if you're a collector yourself. Wind it up and it snarls wordlessly! Comes with its' own little poisoned sword and armour! It even disposes of old leftover meat in the kitchen! Perfectly safe, guaranteed. ($19.95 + s/h) *** DO NOT ORDER !!!! ITEM DISCONTINUED !!!! ***
6) item #12387 - Johnnie Cash sings, "Songs from the Wheel", a must for any Cash fan, or WOT fanatic. Hits include al'Thor's "Paranoia", Old Cully's "Sharp Dressed Man", Demandred's "Bad to the Bone", and Min's ",Teeny-Weeny,Yellow-Polka-Dot-Bikini" !!! Order now, CD or cassette! (CD-$1.98, cassette-$0.99 + s/h)

From: Shagrat
Min's Bottom Ten viewings about Rand

10: He is in bed sick as anything, covered in vomit.
It means he's not going to touch Oosquai again until after Tarmon Gai'don.
9: He's alive.
8: He's surrounded by little girls in brown clothing - oops, that's just his Far Dareis Mai escort acting immature again.
7: He is going to stub his toe and get a blood-blister some time in the next day.
6: Every time she said he was a woolheaded sheepherder, it was a viewing.
5: Freeeow! (She gets this one often when kissing him- or in related activity)
4: There's a cow doing an excellent Len impression, a cat with a violin, one of Perrin's amused friends, and eloping silverware.
It means that he will be accused of immorality by the Republicans on account of his flesh-branding practices and have to leave office as The Dragon Reborn.
3: There's a little gray jumping desert mouse.
It means, "Maud'Dib is yo' daddy."
2: He's surrounded by little fireflies, darting in and out of a gray mist.
It means he will be in a field covered with thick mist and full of fireflies.
1: He's holding a very short straw.
It means he must really be the Dragon Reborn.

The Top Ten Coed Naked sports of Randland

10: Coed Naked Dream-Walking
Quote: Your dream, or mine?
9: Coed Naked Daes Dae'mar
Quote: Who are you really with?
8: Coed Naked Stones
Quote: I just captured your leg
7: Coed Naked Illuminating
Quote: The best part is the Fountain of Fire
6: Coed Naked Gentling
Comment: The Reds always lead the gentling. If it were the Greeens, it might turn into a giant S&M submission-fest
5: Coed Naked Traveling
Quote: you have to be everywhere at once!
4: Coed naked assassintation
Comment: Gray men could do it in a crowd and not be noticed.
3: Coed Naked Channelling
Comment: Not only the greatest creations of the Age of Legends were made by Men and Women channelling together...
2: Coed Naked Cards
Quote: Ruler of Rods, Queen of Cups...
1: Coed Naked Duelling
Quote: Parting Silk meets Sheathing the Sword

Top Ten Dune Crossover Fights

10: Berelain vs. Murbella
let's see the queen of the bed deal with the empress of the empresses of the beds
9: Al'Lan mandragoran vs. Duncan Idaho
A good fight- but if Duncan loses, the Tlielaxu will just make another one.
8: Thom Merrillin on the harp vs. Gurney Halleck on the baliset
Battle of the banjos taken to a new level
7: Thom Merrillin vs. Gurney Halleck
Will Thom be able to throw a knife before Gurney can run him through? Probably. Can Thom throw a knife before Gurney can assassinate him? Probably not.
6: Min's viewings vs. Siona's resistance to prescience
Siona is invisible to all prescience. Is she the fourth woman in the boat? does she kill Moraine before she meets Thom again? does she draw Callandor and then just leave not 'follow after'?
5: General Davram Bashere, General Gareth Bryne, and Mat Cauthon vs. Bashar Teg
If he doesn't just convince them to give up without engaging in combat, he could defeat their ten veteran legions with twenty-five farmgirls armed with rubber duckies, a shedding cat, and a deck of pornographic playing-cards.
4: a Gholam vs Leto II in mid-transformation
can a Gholam survive being ripped limb from limb and eaten by a giant worm-like human?
3: Padan Fain vs. Feyd Rautha
either way, the outcome will be favorable.
2: Rhuarc vs. Stilgar
Show Rhuarc how to really fight with bare hands.
1: Rand Al'Thor with the sword of flame vs. Paul Maud'dib with a pair of Chrysknives
"Stop toying with him!"
"Sorry, I'm used to fighting people with forcefields."

From: Meylona
Top Ten Things You Should Never Say To A Myrddraal

10. "Padan Fain told me to mention he was looking for you."
9. "That man over there looks familiar. Think he could be a ta'veren? The one--or three--that got away, maybe?"
8. "Shaidar Haran isn't inviting you to his birthday party."
7. "The Dark One wants to know which way you'd like to die--the slow, painful way or the painful, *very slow* way."
6. "The Dragon Reborn's standing right behind you."
5. "That sword doesn't look so good. Whose life force did you use for it, anyway? A Trolloc's?"
4. "Congratulations! You are THE Nae'blis! You are... Excuse me. Wrong address. This says *Sammael*, not *Salmon-Face!*"
3. "I'd challenge you to an arm-wrestling contest, except that you can't see where to put your elbow, and I make a point of never fighting the handicapped."
2. "The Dark One wants you at Shayol Ghul NOW. Pronto."
1. "Well, how was I to know he didn't ask for you in particular? And what are you going to do about it, anyway? Outstare me?"

Top Ten Signs You're Annoyed By Faile

10. You pronounce her name FAIL-ey, with extra emphasis on the first syllable.
9. You think Perrin should just find a Wolfsister, however long that takes him.
8. You wouldn't be sorry to see her come in second in a Liandrin/Faile hand-to-hand.
7. You find yourself screaming aloud, "Come on Perrin! Just give it to her for once!"....
6. ...and you don't even care about the breathilizer tests the policeman makes you take.
5. You sincerely hope Faile makes Randland's equivalent of the Ten Most Wanted List.
4. You take stray shots at random falcons.
3. You start looking for the vision where Min just sees the hawk alone on Perrin's shoulder.
2. You think that it wouldn't really be Perrin's fault if Faile just "happened" to meet with a little accident by wolf-tooth some dark night.
1. You write a list like this.

From: Aybara
Top ten cool things about Faile

10. Bestiality is illegal in Andor, and we need someone to keep Perrin occupied after the more bizarre episodes of the "wolf dream".
9. If Mesaana starts flirting with Perrin, we'll have another member for the Dead Forsaken Club.
8. You can dress her up like Lanfear and raise ruckus in Tar Valon.
7. Her mom could break Dain Bornhald's white-cloaked body into more pieces than he can count.
6. You gotta love a girl who leaves her parents to "Hunt the Horn".
5. If she got into an argument with Nynaeve, it could touch off the Last Battle.
4. Without her, Perrin would probably stay up all night searching the Internet for porn...
3. ...and do you have any idea how much an annual membership at www.Mayenequeen.cum costs?
2. If someone could find a way to bottle her jealousy, it could lead to a revolution in battle technology.
1. She knows the trade secrets of the Saldaean farmgirls -- and this has less to do with plowing styles than with the raising of strong, healthy cocks.

From: Jedi of 81
Top Ten Things that might happen if Horror movie villains were in Randland

10) Freddy Krueger takes over Tel'aran'rhiod....
9) ...and this is why we haven't seen Gaidal Cain in sometime
8) Jason manages to find himself a heron-mark machete
7) Freddy has manifested himself into Randland for quite a while. He has assumed the form of a young woman and calls himself Nynaeve
6) The crazy guy from Scream is Dain Bornhald in disguise
5) Chuckie the killer doll is Sammael (He's ugly and he always wants to be taller) OR.....
4) We've got Darkfriends, Darkhounds, and everything else for Shai' tan to play with, except for the new Dark Doll! It's Chuckie!
3) Michael Myers joins up with the Aiel, due to the fact that their honor system makes about as much sense as his movies do
2) Freddy joins up with Dark One, ends up getting a lowly postion as the only Myrdraal with claws
1) Notice how Jason always kills the teenagers who are frequently having sex? Well, I have bad news for all you Mat Cauthon fans out there....