Welcome Ildera's Island in the Mists-Mideria


  You are stepping foot on the mist-enshrouded island of *Mideria*, my 
 (Ildera)personal haven from the outside world of chaos. I'm afraid 
 you've come too soon-my mansion, birthplace of the coven of Ancients, 
 was unfortunately burned to the ground while I was in a fit of rage.
  So now, I have to rebuild. Which reminds me-you can join our group by
 simply signing the GuestBook. You can find it under the "Join the Coven," 

The Mage, Ildera


 Thank you, and please visit often!

Over the Edge

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
Lex-chan's Paradox HQ
The Promised Land
Join the coven of ancients or just sign the GB! (specify guest or new member in comments, please!)
The Coven Archives (the Library)

Email: bittersweet.ildera@usa.net