Tess' eyes flared open again. A blue fire smoldered wrathfully within them. "Look, Hunter," she sneered. "love and hope are probably two of the only things we have left in this hell. Yes, that's damn corny, and I hate myself for saying it, but it's true. It's no secret that the Hunters are beginning to lose battles. More and more resources have to be spent on the the expense of the refugees in this camp. My neighbourhood hasn't been reclaimed and repaired yet, and God knows if it ever will be. I don't have the guts to sign up with the Hunters, even if it means better living conditions. So I'm here to stay for a long time. Disease and pregnancy are rampant, lineups to the bathrooms are insane, and we're getting less and less to eat every day, but what the hell, it all builds character, right?" The girl gave a short, humourless laugh.

Tess by Maq NAME: Tessa Ewell Garret
HAS APPEARED IN: Bass is Not a Fish, Trip Through Your Wires
HUNTING UNIT: Night Vipers

Tess grew up with Celeste in Torrisham Crossings. Unlike her friend, however, Tess was pent up in the squalid refugee camps Hating the camps, she joined the Night Vipers and married another close childhood friend, Josh Garret. The two are expecting, and have high hopes for the baby.
