Magickal Theory

Now that we have looked at magical timeing andthw working circle. we will discuse some of the technical information of magick. This week thier will be no homework. Take the time to familarize yourself with the bellow Subject matter next week we will start on color magick.

Magick: Physics and Probability

Now, as most of you may know, Magick is a somewhat controversial issue. Even the spelling of the word is argued about! I have picked up the habit of using "Magick" for the real thing, and using "Magic" for what a stage magician does. Before I go any further, I guess that I had better define Magick. One definition is: "the art or science of causing change to occur in conformity to Will" - Donald Kraig.

this should serve as a generic definition of Magick. But, one of the differences between types of magicks is in the way of raising or calling energy to cause change. Thus, such a change may be accomplished in one of a couple of ways:

1. The magick may be caused by the action of only one person or group of people. 2. The magick may be caused by the intercession of some higher being who was invoked a person or group of people. 3. The magick may be caused by the action of one person or group of people who is/are "borrowing" energy from some higher being 4. The magick may be caused by the person or persons use of an object or location which was previously charged with energy (ie. a Magickal Tool, Talisman, standing stones, etc).

In many ways, Magick is quite similar to the harder sciences. In both, one must expend energy in order to effect a change, or, TANSTAAFL (There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch). Another difference between types of Magick is in the Focusing or Concentrating of the power being raised. This may be accomplished through the use of chanting, singing, dancing, various types of meditation, and through formalized Ritual steps, which may or may not involve Magickal Tools.

Which brings us up to another controversial issue... the use and meaning of the Circle in Wiccan and Ceremonial Magicks.

Now, as some of you may know, a Magickal Circle serves a couple of uses, and, as far as I can see, the argument is really over which is the most important aspect of such a Circle. Most modern Wicca types will say that a Circle's property of: "Holding and concentrating the energy being raised, until it is ready to be released" is the most important. Many Ceremonial magick Practioners cite the Circle's ability to keep out negative energies and influences as being most important. While, some others say that a Circle relates the tie of spirit to body, and the ability of spirit to act on the body, with the tie of the people on the inside to the world(s) without, and a similar ability to cause change.

As for my own position on this argument, while, in most areas, I tend to favor the Wiccan position (albeit, with a decidedly Discordian slant),in this case, I'll say: "Who CARES which is most important!?! A Circle does all of the above, and more, but, it's not worth arguing over!" So, on to the heart of this article: Explaining Magick in terms of Quantum Physics [{chuckle}, I knew a couple of Physicists who used to explain Quantum Physics in terms of Magick {grin}]. This covers the how and why Magick works. PLEASE NOTE: I do not claim to be infallible, this is not a laying down of the LAW. Rather, this is simply a theory. But then, E = MC(squared)is simply a theory. However there exists lots of data which supports both theories. Since I've already covered some basic Magickal Theory, it looks like time to start on the Physics end of things. I'll start with the theories of Probability and Uncertainty.

Probability can be likened to Voltaire's Theory that: "Since this is the Only One of All Possible Worlds that we know, it must, therefore, be the Best of All Possible Worlds!". While this may be an interesting concept, Voltaire's logic is slightly flawed. A better statement would be: "This is the most Probable of All Possible Worlds". Thus, the Theory of Probability is quite simple. Everything we see or experience is due to probability. An Apple, when dropped, will fall (as long as it's in a gravity well, like, the surface of a planet, and, no other forces are acting on it), because falling is the most probable course of action open to it. Uncertainty comes into play when there IS no one most probable thing to happen. Good examples of uncertainty in action are small things, like electrons in orbit around an atom. Since there is no one most probable spot for that electron to be, it isn't in one place. There is a locus of higher probability, where in a lower energy electron is more likely to be closer to the nucleus, and higher energy ones farther away. Thus, scientists may either pin down where an electron is, or, where it is going, but, they CAN'T pin down both at the same time. Also, electrons tend to vibrate in energy level, spontaneously bouncing up and down, seeking their most probable states.

So, "Where does Magick come into play?" one may ask (assuming, that is, that one has made it this far). Well, one of the tenants of the Theory of Probability is that: the possibility of an event occurring depends upon the events probability. Thus, if said probability can be changed, one could, theoretically, either make such an event happen, or prevent such an event from happening. And this is what Magick really is ... the Art of Changing Probability. And, here's how that happens ... Einstein, as some may recall, was NOT happy with the theory of Probability. Since, who decides what is most probable, and, how can such decisions be altered? Einstein said "God does not play dice with the universe!", and tried, for years, to come up with a better theory. But, he failed, and so far, all the data collected tends to support the theory of Probability. Some others have come up with possible answers to the above posed question. One of which is that Chance determines probability (this is the theory that Einstein commented upon). Another theory is that some sort of GOD decides probability. Needless to say, whatever being who could alter probability at will, WOULD be a god! And so, that brings us to the present state of affairs. No doubt, even as I write, somewhere, there is someone trying to come up with some more theories governing the manipulation of probability, and thus, allowing the construction of a machine which does just that. But, there are also some who have found that such a machine exists... There is already lots of evidence, some documented, most overlooked or kept hidden by the use of vows, that People CAN affect probability.

Laws of Magick

By Simon Magus

Magick, not unlike physics or chemistry, operates according to certain laws. These laws, as well as those of the sciences, reside in reality within the heads of those who use them. However, the analysis of reality into artificial categories is useful at certain levels of investigation. It is well to bear in mind, nevertheless, that such categories reflect more the contents of the human mind than they do of whatever "reality"might be out there.

For the following analysis we are indebted to REAL MAGIC by P.E.I. Bonewits. Mr Bonewits, incidentally, holds the first Bachelor of Arts degree in magic(k)ever awarded. He, much to the chagrin of some of the faculty of the University of California, was awarded the degree in June, 1970.


Anything done under EXACTLY the same conditions will always be associated with exactly the same result. This law is taken for granted in the sciences and in everyday life. The whole concept of causation is now on shaky ground, thanks to developments in the field of quantum physics. But for practical purposes, in magick as well as in our everyday lives, we ignore causality to our own peril. We must assume, at least in dealing with things the size of human beings, that effects follow causes. Even in the constantly flowing, changing astral realm we find the law of cause and effect in full operation.


This law tells us that "understanding brings control," that the more you know the more powerful you are. If you know all about something, you have total control over it. "Knowledge is power."


This is a sub-law of the previous law and follows from it. If you know yourself, you control yourself. The more you know about yourself, the better you can control yourself.


This law is related to the Law of Knowledge and to the Law of Association. It states if one knows the whole and complete name of a phenomenon or entity,one has complete control over it. This is one of the reasons the Mystery Religions (including Christianity) conferred a new name on the neophyte. His new name was then his true name, but it was known only to his fellow members of the mystery. The Law of Names also relates to the Law of Personification which will be explained later. Two premises behind the present law are:

(1) Names are definitions. This is more obvious in simpler languages, but it is as true of English as of any other. Sometimes the definition is hidden in the origin of the word, as is often the case with those derived from Latin or Greek, but it is there.

(2) Names are mnemonic (memory) devices which trigger a range of associations. (See the Law of Association).


This is a sublaw of the Law of Names. It states that certain words trigger changes in the inner and outer realities of the person saying them. Many of these words are corruptions of the names of ancient Gods. Words like "Abraxas," Osorronnophris," "Abracadabra" are examples. They have no meaning to us today, but THEIR POWER LIES IN THE SOUNDS OF THE WORDS THEMSELVES.


If two things have something in common (anything!), that thing can be used to control both. Bell's theorem in quantum mechanics indicates that every particle in the Universe affects every other. The following two sublaws, which anthropologists think are the basis of "primitive" magick, are more useful in practice. These are the Laws of Similarity and Contagion.


Most people have heard of sympathetic magick, which is based on this principle. Effects resemble causes. To make something fly, put feathers on it and make chirping noises. Wave it in the air. The example is not entirely absurd and serves to illustrate the principle. Much of the magick of "primitive" people is of this nature. For example, rain is made by (among other actions) sprinkling water on the ground (or by washing your car -- a modern example of the same principle!).


This is the principle behind doll-sticking and such in "primitive" magick. This directly relates to Bell's theorem and states that things once in physical contact continue to influence one another after they have been separated. This relates more to our consciousness than to things as they are in the physical world, but defining the two is more difficult than they appear on the surface. Thinking, feeling, and memory are associational functions of the human brain. New data are related to existing knowledge and patterns are established which correlate particular elements of knowledge. The overall pattern, which includes the "personality" and the "world view" is the METAPATTERN of all this. This metapattern we may consider to be made up of the memories, fantasy images, beliefs, values, techniques, rules of behavior, attitudes, etc. which make up the individuality of the person.


This law relates to those of Knowledge, Association and Personification. It states that by complete association between your metapattern and that of another entity, you can BECOME that entity. You can then examine your own metapattern from the point of view of that entity. At full identification, one "becomes" the entity. All idea of distinctness vanishes and you are empowered with all the attributes of that entity because you ARE that entity. The danger here is that many people become lost in the new identity as the stronger metapattern submerges the weaker. Proper training, practice and guidance will lessen the danger.


Two opposing ideas or items of data will be resolved into a third idea that is more valid than the first two. This principle allows you to hold two seemingly contradictory ideas (such as, "Electrons are particles," and "Electrons are waves.") at the same time. Reality is as it is, not as we conceive it (or even as we perceive it, for that matter). The wave-particle duality in physics is an example. Physicists were nonplussed to observe in their experiments that light behaved (depending on the experiment) sometimes like a wave and sometimes like a particle. Light striking a surface of copper, say, releases electrons from the surface. This phenomenon, when examined closely, demonstrates that light is made up of particles (now called photons) which impart energy to the electrons, allowing them to escape. However, another experiment, in which we direct a beam of light at some pinholes, "proves" that light is of the nature of waves. If we direct a beam of light at an arrangement of pinholes:

assuming that we have a beam of "parallel" light (a plane wavefront), we see the light projected onto the screen. If we cover one of the pinholes, we see a single illuminated spot on the screen. If we uncover the first and cover the second pinhole, we again see a single spot projected onto the screen. Now, if we uncover both pinholes, what do we see? Two spots of light? No! We see a pattern of alternating light and dark bands on the screen. This phenomenon is due to INTERFERENCE between the crests and troughs of the WAVES of light as they strike the screen. When two crests occur together, or two troughs, the amplitude is doubled, and we get a bright area. But when a crest and trough coincide, they cancel each other, and the result is a dark spot of zero amplitude (no brightness).The point of all this is that interference is necessarily a WAVE phenomenon. The experiment demonstrates the wave nature of light. How do we resolve the dilemma? By realizing that we are dealing with something that is neither a wave nor a particle, but SOMETHING ELSE.

Magickal Technics

A Brief Discussion For The Benefit Of The Initiate

Compared to the everyday world of the Non-Witch, the world of the Witch may seem strange. The following pages are a map through this unfamiliar terrain. Here you will be provided with an outline of the necessary tools to manipulate the magick to meet your needs. Over the next few pages we will discuss briefly the forces that a Witch must be skilled in their use.


Although many think that the use of magick requires making cryptic signs,uttering incomprehensible phrases, walking backwards, and otherwise carrying out bizarre and unusual activities. In fact, such actions are the least important portions of magick for they are meaningless if the practitioner unless they assist the Witch in utilizing Energy, in its many forms. magick can be done without any of the trappings if the Witch is skilled enough, and in truth this is the most potent form of magick., for it uses the power of the mind and body.

Some will say that this isn't Natural magick, but in truth it is, for it comes from within the body of the living Witch, and what could be more natural than that. In truth their are two forms of energy available to the Witch, Personal Energy and Borrowed Energy.


This is the most readily available form of magickal Energy - for it is within you. You have often felt this energy, when working hard, when frightened, angry, felt in love, or experience orgasm. Any strong emotion releases this energy, this is the personal power that stems from our physical bodies.

This energy is at its peak when we are in good health, so it is the obligation of the Witch to achieve and maintain their good health and to treat their body with respect. If the Witch abuses their body then they cheat themselves of their most vital form of available energy. The Witch must recognize that they draw energy from food, sunlight, fresh air, and water, and transform this energy into their own personal energy. This energy can be called upon both through emotion and through physical expressions, such as exercise, work, thought, sex, and others.

In magick we transform this energy to other purposes. Personal power is raised, through many forms, and focused to a goal, through visualization, and then released to bring about the manifestation of a predetermined goal. In magick we consciously release this energy so that it can speed away and create the the changes we need. Personal power is released from the body through the projectile hand, the hand you write with.

BORROWED ENERGY The second source of magickal energy is that borrowed from nature, from the Earth herself. There is tremendous Elemental energy contained within nature, and this energy can be borrowed for the purposes of manifesting magick. Items of nature can be used as "batteries" during rituals. These forms of magickal Batteries include stones, plants, lakes, oceans, storms, flame and many others. Each possesses a distinct form of energy useful for specific forms of magickal work. The Witch is skilled in utilizing these parts of nature in the empowerment of her magick. This power is absorbed through the Witches receptive hand, the hand that they do not write with. This form of power is categorized into four main divisions, Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. Each of these elements, further, have several subdivisions, listed fully in the later section dealing with the elements.

The Witch possesses a personal power that is very similar in nature to one of the elemental forces in nature. This leads the Witch to be better able to utilize that form of energy in her work to a greater degree than any of the other forms. While they are capable in all forms of elemental forms they will be more capable in the discovered elemental form. Discovering this form one of the goals of the Witch in the initiate stage of her training.


No magick should be preformed without need. The need should not be impossible to achieve either. If it is, you will fail. In order to have a successful spell, you will also need a goal to release the raised energy toward. Keep your goals simple, clear, attainable, and realistic. If you do you will be blessed with success.

VISUALIZATION This is an important part of the spell. Visualization is the process in which we create images in our minds. In magick, we create images of the goal and banish all images of the problem. The Witch's ability to visualize is one of the most important tool of magick. She is able to create the future in her mind. Creating images in the mind during magick gives the energy that was raised a purpose and a direction. Tools and rituals help with the visualization process, they help the Witch learn to focus their personal or borrowed energy while they through these tools while they also learn to focus these energies through their own minds.

The Witch must clearly visualize the desired outcome of the spell in her mind, exact in every detail, of exactly what the desired outcome is.

THE SPELL A spell is a magickal ritual. It involves the use of symbols or symbolic actions or words. It is a specific series of movements, use of tools and inner processes to create a specific manifestation of the power raised, and bent to the will of the Witch.

A spell is a spell is a spell. Old spells are not better than new spells. My spells are not better than your spells. But to manifest your need a spell must do three things.

Raise personal or borrowed energy.
Program this energy.
Release this energy.

magick is that simple

PREPARING FOR RITUALS The following is a checklist of the things that the Witch needs to do in order to cast a spell. These are the necessities that allow the spell to function.

Ensure that you won't be disturbed.

Physically prepare for the ritual.

Ensure your need it true.

Cleanse yourself for the ritual.

Ground yourself, release all negative energy.

Cast the circle

Meditate on the need and the goal of the change to be made.


Speak the words.

Raise the energy.

Release the energy toward the goal.

Close the circle


WHY RISK YOURSELF? There is no evil magick. magick that is used for the following reasons is indicative of an evil, and really STUPID person and it will return to you threefold. This is the most basic law of magick. Any magick you cast will return to you tenfold. magick is what you make it, if you practice magick to control others then you will be controlled. If you use it to harm, you will be harmed. If you cast hate you will be hated. If you cast it to satisfy your ego, your ego will be crushed. This carries back to need, if the need is not right, you will suffer for it.

magick is to be used for self transformation and self realization. You are the beneficiary of your magick. It is rare that the other will be.

Don't practice magick to annoy, irritate, harm, hurt, or to kill.

Don't practice magick that will bind, influence, manipulate, or control.

Don't practice magick to win the love of a specific person.

Don't use magick to win sexual favors from people.

Don't sell your spells.

Don't practice magick to satisfy your ego.

Don't practice magick of any kind for another person without their consent.


The Witch's magick is unique among the branches of magick since the tools are easily obtained. A Witch need not spend years collecting or fashioning intricately crafted swords, robes, or even wands. The most important tools are free, the earth beneath our feet, the sky, the beaches, or the dessert. However there are a few tools that are needed to cast a spell. They are listed below.

Out side of your consicrated tollos you should already have the following are helpful when working the spelcraft of our craft.

A knife of some form to cut herbs, snip yarn, etch symbols onto candles. It can be of any type but it is best if you use one with a white or natural handle.

Several small bowls

A small pair of scissors.

Herbs when needed.

Candles, in an assortment of colors.


Cotton cloth, in a variety of colors.

Thread or yarn in a variety of colors.


Writing implements.

A small cauldron.

A place to practice magick.

THE MAGICKAL LIFE The life of a Witch is the magickal life. It is the life of self transformation. It is the life of Love. You must love to be a Witch. You must give up the negative emotions that bind the soul to powerlessness and accept that you are capable, strong, powerful, and in complete control of yourself.

ON THE CREATION OF SPELLS Witch's who are new to the craft are often tempted to use spells created by other people, that they are given, find in books, or otherwise acquire. While this is easy, and often works for the new Witch, in the end it both inhibits their creative potential and ruins their trust in their own magick. It is important that the new Witch develop her or his own ability to create their own spells to serve their own purposes.

These spells, that the Witch creates for herself or hisself, will be more effective for the Witch than any borrowed spells. These spells will contain the symbolism that is personal to the Witch, thereby allowing the new Witch greater success in the raising, focusing, and releasing of Power. When the Witch designs her or his own spells there are several guidelines, listed below, that I recommend you follow.

DETERMINE THE SPELL'S GOAL You have to have a goal for your magick. This much I believe is obvious. This goal has to be clearly defined by the Witch, enabling her to clearly visualize the goal prior to releasing energy. The goal should be defined right down to the most minute detail. It is these details will make it possible for the Witch to clearly visualize their goal.

DETERMINE HOW YOU WILL EMPOWER THE SPELL The next step in your spell design is to determine how you will empower the spell, will you use only your own personal power or will you use combine your power with an elemental energy to reinforce the empowerment.

DETERMINE THE APPROPRIATE ELEMENT If you determine to utilize an elemental energy source to assist in the empowering of your spell then it is important to determine the appropriate element. It is the rare Witch who is able to act alone and empower their spells. Most Witches who empower their spells with purely personal energy do so in a Coven, where Brother and Sister Witches assist with the freely provided personal energy.

To a solitary Witch, use Elemental energy. This leads to the need to use the right element. To follow is a list of potential problems and the appropriate elements:

Addiction EARTH

Animals EARTH

Beauty WATER


Business EARTH

Children (protection) FIRE

Composing Music WATER

Courage FIRE


Employment EARTH

Friendship WATER

Guilt AIR



Housing EARTH

Interviews FIRE

Jealousy EARTH


magickal Energy FIRE


Overeating AIR, FIRE


Physical and magickal Strength FIRE

Protection FIRE

Psychic Awareness WATER

Purification WATER, FIRE


Stress WATER

Studying AIR

Transportation AIR

Travel AIR

DETERMINE THE MATERIALS TO BE USED You have a wide variety of tools for the use in your magick; Candles, herbs, stones, colors, symbols and more. Select those tools that apply to the work you are doing Next list those tools that are suited to both your need/goal and the element you are borrowing energy from to empower your spell. You needn't use every tool at your disposal, only those that are applicable to your need. Choose appropriate colors, that will enhance the empowerment of your spell with their own energies. The most important part of this process is to balance the vibration energy of your tools with the elemental energy and the need goal.

DETERMINE THE BEST TIME (IF ANY) TO CAST THE SPELL Although there is still the myth that everything that has to do with spell casting is completely ruled by the phases of the moon, the planets, the time of day, and the season, it is simply not true. A spell is not powered by nor is its success determined by any of these influences, but it can be enhanced by providing the proper atmosphere to the Witch, allowing her or him to more successfully preform the spell, and allowing for the enhanced attuning of the various energies involved.

COMPOSE THE WORDS OF POWER Chose the words carefully so that they and do not expect that the words will simply flow from you. Words carry vibrations that can effect the spell, so it is important that the words do feel right. Be sure that the word

Take the time to be sure this information is set in your mind. Print out this lesson and kep it in your shadows or save it so that you can refer to it when you need it. You can also seeit in the futer in the archives. in the basic wicca 2 section

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