Seasonal Explinations from across the Web

Dec 21-23
Imboic / Candlemass
Jan 31-Feb 2
Ostara/Spring Equinox posting May 13th
March 20-22
Beltaine /May Day posting May 13
April 31- May 1
Summer Solstice Posting May 20
June 20-22
Lungannshad Posting May 20
July 31-Aug 1
Mabon/ Fall Equinox Posting May 27
Sept 21-22
Samhain/Holloweenposting may 27
Oct 31 - Nov 2
Esbats- The Moon holidays and rituals

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Wheel Of the Year

As the year turns, thiere are seasons we celebrate in the Craft of The wise. they are Our Sabboths, our holidays. The Craft new Year is November 1st douting the 3 days of the festival of Samhaine. The Sabboths are celibrated as a way to celibrate life and the continual cycle of life we live in. they are celibrations of Love and life. Thier is nothing evil or Satanic about or Holidays. Most of them are full of Beutiful symbolism and Meaning. Bellow is a brief discription about each holiday. to the left of this text is links to detailed information that I have found on the internet that states with more elegance than I can our Sabboths and our Esbats.

Esbats are monthly gatherings to celibrate life in accordance with the Moons traveling through the hevens.

Wheel Of the Year


The first Holiday of the Year is Smahaine.

This is the time in which the vail between our world and the Otherworl is the thinest. it is a time were we can speek with loved ones who have gone before us. Let go of the past, problems, say goodby as the Old year ends. then as the new year begins during this holiday Our sorrow turns to Joy as we set goals, and ask the hevens for what we would like to see Over the next year. we Symbolicly have let go of the hardships of our lives and are now ready to face the world renewed as the year is now new.


The Second Holiday of the Year is Yule, it is also the first of the Fire festivals, Soloar holidays.

Yule starts on the 20 to 23 of December on the Winter Solstice. it is the shortest day of the year, and the longest night. the Mothers nite, on this nite the yule tree is decorated and lit, the yule log is burned and a pice of it is kept for next year, A large freat is done to celebrate the season, and over the next 12 days gifts are given, then on the 12th day the day of Yule is celebrated. On Yule the scean is reinacted when the Holly king (representing the death aspect of the god)is Over come by the Oak king(who Imbodies the rebirth of the god). The holly king in this reinactment is normaly acted out by an older man and the Oak king is normaly acted out by a small child. This is a wonderful holiday full of love and goodwill.


The third holiday of the year is Imbolic/also know as Candlemass.

Imbolic is a fetility festivel celebrated january 31 to Feb 2 were we celibrate that which is to be born. the house is decorated with lavender and opink for this feast. three ears of dried corn are hung outside the door for protection and to symboize the maden ,Mother , and crone forms of the godsess. Inside Childrens games are played as the begining of youth and life are rembered, and celebrated. it is a celebration that the cold of winter is soon to leave ans Spring is on it's way. it is a time to reexperiance your youth. it also signifies the time many of us start our spring cleaning, home repairs.


The 4th holiday of the year and second Fire festival is Ostara.

Spring Equinox, this is a wonderfly fine day. the festival celebrated the Warrior aspect of the god, his triumph through the winter months and the comming into spring. it is also another fertility festivel. Seeds are blessed for planting, and in symbolism of the birthings in spring eggs are colores and decorte the house, toy bunnys and chickes are around the house in celebration of the continuation of life and young that are born or concived in springtwisted breads are usualy served at dusk and a family breakfast of breads and grains at dawn. It is a wornderful celebration of beging of life


The 5 Holiday is Beltaine

Beltaine May 1 to may 5th, is a fun time. it is the time of the maypole, brightly colored ribbions decorate the area, the lord has come to cort the lady. it is a time when couples come together,a time of love and union, a time of two haves becoming whole. it is a time children play. it is a season of love. Beltain is also the last of the fertility festivles. from my faimily there is a saying, unles you wish a child to be concived couples do not lay together this nite. the festival time of beltaine has seen to many children being born in febuary of the following year. in the evening children spend time with those not yet married playing games, whille married cupples spend the night rebuilding and renewing thier marital relationship. Now that I am married I have found even more joy in this festival, even now my marriage feels like it did when it was new.

Summer Solstice

This is the 6th holiday of the year and the 3ed of the fire festivles. it is celibrated on the Summer soltice June 20 - 22 it is The longest day of the year and represets the Lord in his kingly state. It is a time when Masculine enrgys are strongest. it is a time were we commune and recognize the beauty of nature. weaths of Flowers and feathers decorate our doors, new trees are planted. it is a time to commune with Nature and the spirits of nature. it is a time of giving gifts of flowers and fruit to our loved ones, to let them know they are apriciated. It is a time to celebrate the strength and fulness of life. I spen this nite normaly around a lake one for the beauty secondly because in the summer heat the water offer great comfort.


The seventh Holiday of the year. celebrated july 31- august 2ed,It is also one of the most famous. this is a festival of harvest. were we celibrate the growing time of the crop that is in the ground growing to Maturity. In the Past as part of this celibration people would go out to the corn fields with their brooms. sit on thier brooms like old hobby horses and Jump as high as the could to symbolize how high they wanted the coorn and wheat to frow. you got it this is were the roumor of whitches flying on brooms came from. This festial is one of thanksgiving and blessins of Nature. it is one that elibrates the maturity of life. A large feast is part of this celebration.


This is the eight festival of the year and the last of the fire festivals.

Celebrated September 21-23 the sun and moon are again equal in the hevens and the Lord and lady are enjoying the Autem of there life. It is a time to celibrate the elderly in your comunity, thier lives and wisdom. It is also time for the harvest. A time to celbrate that which the earth has provided us for food. my fondes memories are of large turkey dinners and listening to the aged one in our comunity tell storys of thier life and shre their wisdome with us that are still young. many of us learn new skills from these treaered members of our community. that we can spend learning over the chilly winter months

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