Breath slowly....close your eyes...Visualize yourself sitting on a Beach....see the clear blue-green Ocean....Feel the Cool Sea spray....See the waves softly caress your feet....know that the stess of the day each wave retreats back to the Ocean....Breath in...Breath out...feel yourself becomeing from the stess of the outside world....renewed..refreshed...Breath In....Breath out.
Continue until you feel free from the stress of the day
Breath Slowly....Visualize yourself on an Ocean Beach...The cool waves lapping at you feet...the sun warming are comfortable....The emotions distressing you.....are leaving....flowing out to see....they are replaces with fell the ebb of the emotions thier is no thier is you are calm....know you can take the calm with you....when you leave this can help you....protect you from the emotions of others....know you can retun here...whenever thier is a need....Breath in....Breath out
Continue until you feel Calm and at Peace
See yourself sitting in front of a interactive movie is about to your hand is a remote....thier is an edit key on the remote...thier is a mike on the remote for to speek change the words spoken in the movie....a tile screen appers....this is your life.....your childhood....see your childhood play before forward...or rewind to places people called you names....edit the tape....replace the negive sayings...with positive ones....were you were called ugly....edit it with Beutiful....stupid...with smart...dumb with Brilant...edit all the negive feedback in your childhood with positive and constructive feedback....Breath in.... Breath out.....when your done...see the child that was you...apear befor you....tell the child all the things that make the child special....hug the child...feel the joy and love the child has for you.....feel the child again become part of you. Breath in Breath out.
do this one as long as you wish, do this meditation to cover other areas of your life. each decade at a time... let the child in the meditation become the age of you in the movie and speek to the you as you did the child. always remeber to let the you you are speeking to become part of you. This meditation is ment to be done daily for 30 days each time you end the movie start the meditation over. only work with a decade at a time. after the 30 days you can continue to do this meditation whenever the old feelings of depression,fear, shame,or Lack of faith in your self returns