
FROM:The television series, copyright 1996 by Warner Brothers.

DESCRIPTION: Physical - Spike's eyes are a faint grey with a playful, demonic gleam that makes them blaze like fire. He has a smile that illustrates so much that it would make you either run away screaming or melt into a puddle on the floor. His hair is a light ash blond that fades to white, done in tight little waves on the top with short sides and longish in back. He's about 6' even with a lithe, muscular body with typical vampire agility, speed, and strength. When the fangs come out, his face contorts and changes - he looks all yucky.
        Personality - He has a fondness for black and red. He wears his black trench coat almost all of the time. Spike is absolutely never to be undermined or made a fool of - the idiot who does so will at best receive a retort that would make him wish he could never speak, but Spike will most likely leave him in little pieces. He's a bit arrogant and over-confident, but that's understandable; after all, if you were powerful enough to kill two Slayers in a row, the Anointed One, plus any amount of humans that you wished and not get caught, wouldn't you be a tad haughty? Especially if you're 200 years old! He always has to have the last word in a conversation, and therefore always has to be the one with the sharp, sarcastic remark to both bring sense to someone and make fun of them at the same time. He's very cunning, sharp, meticulous, caring, honest (to an extent), and also a marvelous liar. Lastly, he also is always the clear-headed person when everyone else is too busy panicking to see the easy way out of the problem, easily making him the leader of any group. Most often, he's the only one with any sense.

HISTORY: The exact details regarding his making are unknown - all that has been revealed is that he is 200 years old and was sired (made) by Angel. His real name, as far as is known, is William the Bloody. Spike is his nickname, so granted to him because of his preferred (and often used) method of torture - railroad spikes. No on knows when he met Drusilla, but she loved Spike (after Angel) at least as much has he did her. They traveled all around Europe (Spain, Czechoslovakia, Poland), terrorizing villages at a whim, until one extremely violent and overzealous mob attacked them in Prague and nearly killed Dru. At Spike's insistence they came directly to the Hellmouth in hope of restoring Dru's strength in a typical Spike fashion; he drove their dar directly through the "Welcome to Sunnydale" sign. Once there, they found a hideout, and Dru recuperated while Spike scoured the neighborhood in search of something worthwhile to do. He discovered the Anointed One and a small band of refugee vampires planning upon raising the dead Master and continuing their 'Invasion of Humankind', and decided that that was a good a place to start mischief as any. The Anointed One was up for killing him on sight, until Spike proposed to kill the extremely bothersome Slayer for them (though he hates begin given orders). He tried, but it didn't work (though he used more commmon sense than the Anointed One's flunkies had). The Anouted threatened to kill Spike for his failure and amidst an attempt at an apology, Spike stopped himself, declared truthfully that he would do it the same way again, rushed the little brat, and locked him in a cage that was raised to the oncoming dawn. Spike watched the Anointed One burn. After that, Dru wandered in and Spike sidestepped her questions, instead suggesting that they watch television. For half a year, managed to both terrify and avoid Buffy and also find a way to to cure Dru (Angel had driven her a tad nuts). In the process or curing her, Buffy interupted and the building burned down around Spike and Dru. Buffy saved Angel and Dru, now stronger and more gruesome, pulled Spike out. Spike was the only one who got injured (saving Dru, coincidentally: he pulled Dru from a flaming cross and the burning ceiling fell on them both). The fire left him in a wheelchair with a yucky-looking burn on the left side of his face. The burn healed quickly, but the amount of time it took to heal his legs is unknown, because all of a sudden he could walk again. At this time, Angel lost his soul to Buffy and was 'evil' again (if you could call him that; he had no class, no wit, and no backbone), therefore hitting on Spike's girlfriend while he was recuperating (charming guy, huh?). Spike could only take so much, so he went to Buffy for help. In short, he agreed to get her Mentor free of Angel if he and Dru could leave without being bothered. It worked and Spike got his revenge on Angel for taking Dru - a serious beating. He left with Dru on claims they were going to Europe. If they're there, we don't know.

Guess what? We had so many cool quotes for Spike that we had to put them on a separate page! Check out:

Spike's Quotes

to read all the pearls of humor!

There is no simple reason for why I like him - he's just Spike. That's just it - no matter what, he's just Spike. He's always himself and doesn't change for anyone or anything, not even Dru. He likes the way he is and he doesn't give a damn about what you may think of him (that could also be his Englishness and not just his pride). For the lack of consideration, and the rest of his character, he is as close to the quintessential Lovable Bastard as TV can get (remember, the Vampire Lestat was a book first!). His wit and sense of timing make him easily the center of attentionwhen he's on screen and missed when he's not. He is also never anything but classy - also probably due to his Englishness. His remarks and comments are like the tip of a whip - quick and stinging (never crude, cheao, or pointless) as benefitting his nickname. That mix of insightful sarcasm, charm, and humor is the marking of an incredibly evil villain and how can anyone dislike a truly Devil-may-care, I'll-do-anything-I-damn-well-please kind of guy? That fact goes without saying - that's why he's included here! Of course, as all evil guys are, he has a very caring, human side - most of which is expressed through his love of Drusilla. His concern for her is what makes him a lovable bastard - he's not cold-hearted and inconsiderate. He actually has something of a conscience, making him not merely a well-rounded character, but the perfect guy! In summary, Spike has the combination of every characteristic that makes some men irresistible. He has the regal air of an aristocrat and the street sense of a Christian Slater character - who can resist that? It's a supernatural charm all its own.

Go to: Spike's Trunk. An absolutely wonderful tribute to Spike; pics, a bio, a drinking game, everything!
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