The GLLA was formed in 1978, when a group of landlords, discussing 
mutual concerns over coffee, realized they needed each other.  The 
philosophy of landlords helping landlords remains at the core of the
association today.  Membership in the past has been restricted to 
landlords owning and renting residential or commercial property.  The
GLLA board of directors and membership feel other groups such as 
property managers and real estate sales, rentals, and management firms
could benefit from and contribute to the association.  Therefore we 
have established three types of memberships.
        1. Owning residential or commercial rental property 
           (Membership-voting member)
        2. Planning to own or managing rental property 
           (Associate membership - Non-voting member)
        3. Business associated with rental property
           (Affiliate membership - Non-voting member)

Annual Membership and Associate membership dues are only $75. 
Affiliate membership is only $195 which includes three individual 
memberships, one MRHA membership, a business card size ad each month 
for a year in the GLLA Communicator, and recognition by listing the 
names of each affiliate firm each month in the GLLA Communicator 
(over $240 if priced separately).  

    Name _____________________________________________________________

 Address _____________________________________________________________

    Name _____________________________________________________________

Member #1_____________________________________________________________

Member #2_____________________________________________________________

 Address _____________________________________________________________


   Phone _____________________________E-mail _________________________

Please List One Rental Property's Address In Order To Verify Landlord Status



Please Print This Page And Send It With A Check To: The GLLA, 1080 Main Street
Tewksbury, MA  01876