Wendy's Web Home Page Award

Wendy's Web Home Page Award

I have created this award to honor those who have taken time to create web pages which are creative, original and interesting. You don't have to be a graphic artist to create your personal statement on the web but you should be recognized for your effort. If you have a page that you think fits the following criteria, please send me your page address and a brief description.
Award Criteria

1.  Your page must be non-commercial.  
2.  It must be your own work, though you may have used any
    html or web page creating program.
3.  It must not be "adult content" oriented or have links
    to "adult" oriented  sites.  All links will be followed.
4.  All links must be working, there may be NO broken links.
5.  No commercial banners except for those from your web host
6.  It must be family oriented, in other words, something anyone
    can view and enjoy regardless of life preferences or age.
7.  It must be original, creative and not just a list of links.
8.  It must have at least one link to a charitable or other service
    oriented site.
9.  All graphics must be in good taste and must load properly.
10. Your page must have a title that reflects the content of the page.
11. Your page must be updated at least once per month.
12. Your contact information(email link) must be on page.

If your page is selected to receive this award, you will be notified by Email. The award graphic and code will be included. When it is received, you should add it somewhere between your BODY /BODY tags. You will then need to send me a second Email to let me know you have added the award and the code. At that time, your page will be re-visited and if it continues to meet the criteria, your site will be added to my list of links. The award will be "revoked" should your site change to "adult" or an otherwise "non-general" theme. If you are sending in the address of a page other than your own, that you belive should receive this award, please make sure you include the complete site address and the owner's email address.

Send Me Your Web Page Address

To Wendy's House
To Wendy's Web


Cricket Corners Farm A tranquil look at country life from a quaint New England Farm. This is a place you will want to visit and one where you will want to stay for awhile. So grab a cup of herbal tea, put on a smile and visit the delightful Cricket Corners Farm! It doesn't matter if you are country or city, you will love this mini vacation where home and family life bring you a sense of the past, present and future that will gently warm your heart.

Mert and Gert This is a darling site created by two friends who met over the miles via the internet! Their story is as delightful as the lovely graphics and sentiments they share with the world. It is worth the trip! Be sure to visit and send them some email. They LOVE to get mail!

Patti's Page! This is the best site I have seen in years. Well done, it will take you back to the good old days! It will make you smile, it will make you cry, it will make you pray and it will make you feel more alive than you have in years. This is a must see page, one that you will want to visit VERY often and bookmark! Great job Patti, this is truly a visual and emotional amusement park that I love dearly!
Sugarbeans Home Page
This is an outstanding website with tasteful design. There is literally something here for everyone and I recommend you visit and plan to stay awhile. This is a must see site for those who enjoy a varity of different experiences on the web.

Steve's Home Page
Steve has a neat site with a lot of different interests. He is into soccer and has some links for others who do too. Steve has not had this home page for a long time, but it has evolved into something fun and he has music and animation to make your visit interesting. He met all the required criteria to be a winner of this award. Most specifically, he has added a link to a site that will allow people to help a little child in north west ohio who has recently had a bone marrow transplant. Good job, Steve, your page is nicely done and fun to visit!

International Students Have Great Internet Pages
This page is a collection of internet web pages designed by international students at the University of Findlay. Each student shares information about his or her own country and various interests. These students are involved in learning English as an international language/English for special purposes and are using the internet both as a means of expression, communication and research. Please take a moment to visit this page and its many unique links. You will find yourself taken to exotic and far away places by international students attending an American University. Thanks to Mrs. Harper, the instructor of this class, students have bridged the gap between their home countries and the United States.