Maria's Lasagna
Maria's Lasagna

When she shared this with me, I said, "Now Maria, 
there is NO WAY this will work!"  She just smiled 
and said, "Try it, Wendy, just try it!"  So I 
did and she was right, not only did it work, but
now my husband gets homemade lasagna instead of
frozen or worse!

Here is what you will need:

One package lasagna noodles
One pound lean ground beef
One half pound Italian saussage
One medium onion
One 2 cup package shredded mozzerella cheese
One pint ricotta cheese
One egg beaten
Your favorite pasta sauce

Brown the ground beef, saussage and onion in a skillet.
Drain excess fat and liquid.

Drain the ricotta cheese and beat in the egg.

In a 9x12 baking pan, spread a thin layer of sauce.



Place one layer uncooked lasagna noodles slightly over
lapping in the baking pan.

Spread with some of the ricotta mixture.
Sprinkle with some of the meat mixture.
Sprinkle with some of the mozzerella cheese.
Drizzle with sauce.

Next layers are done exactly the same way until
you have a top layer with noodles only.

Cover top layer with sauce.  Then cover pan with
foil and place in the frige over night!

Next day when you plan to serve, pop into a 
pre-heated 350 degree oven from 20-30 minutes
and that is ALL there is to it!

Thanks Maria, this is a REAL time saver.  Hated 
boiling those stupid noodles!

Maria says you can do this with any lasagna recipe 
because there is a chemical reaction from the ingredients
which pre-cooks the noodles while in the frige!
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