Devil's Minion

This great writer wrote another story titled Devil's Minion which can be downloaded here.

Famous Last Word

Famous Last Words- 
Part One 

I closed my eyes. Again, I saw Megan’s terrified face, the blood running 
down the side of her face.

“They’ll get you, I promise you they will,” she said frantically. 

“Famous last words,” the thing replied. 

I didn’t know much about the thing, I couldn’t see it. The cracking sound as
the bones snapped, the disgusting sound of chewing on human fingers.
The bell rang. I walked to class, disgusted with myself. 
The more 
I thought about it, the more I wished I could have been at the murder scene. 
I’ve always had a fascination with blood and ate all my meat extra rare 
just to see the blood squirt out when I applied pressure to the meat.

“Can I sit here?” a voice asked. 

I looked up. It was Diane, Megan’s best friend. I nodded. The lesson began 
but my mind was on the murder scene. I hadn’t been at the murder scene,
true but I knew what had happened. I’d been dreaming about it continuously.
It sounded stupid when I thought about it but it still rang true. The papers 
said that Megan Holloway had been found lying face down on her bedroom
floor. On the night table next to her bed, the police had found a single
card. Drawn on the card was a twisted human face, filled with pain and terror.
No doubt she had been murdered. Police were on the hunt.
“Oh, Miss Smitty.” Mr. ‘Bubba’ Jones said from the front of the room. 

I seethed. I didn’t like Mr. Jones and he didn’t like me, and was forever
calling me Smitty instead of Smith. For a moment I wondered how he’d look 
if he were missing a few fingers, an eye and covered in blood. 

“Miss Smitty, are you paying attention?” he asked.

“Yes, Mr. Blubber,” I said acidly. 

Towards the end of the lesson, our principal, Ms. Cooper interrupted the class.
She walked into the classroom with a tall, pretty, girl with blond hair.
She introduced the girl as Terry Summers. The bell rang and students 
filing out of the classroom. Diane and I were on our way out when Ms. Cooper 
asked me to take Terry with me. It was lunch. I pulled out a burger, extra 
rare as usual, and to my surprise, so did Terry. Terry caught me looking at her. 

“I just love the taste of meat mixed in with blood,” she said softly. 

I tried to imagine her chewing on a human finger. It didn’t seem impossible.
An uneasy feeling swept over me. 

“I don’t see how either of you can eat that stuff.” Diane said in a disgusted voice. 

I shrugged and went back to my meal. However, my uneasy feeling did not leave me. 
The whole day I saw Terry in each of my classes. An uneasy feeling went down my 
spine as I walked home. It felt as if she was following me, watching me, waiting
for me. Maybe I was being paranoid but I decided to keep an eye on her. The next
day I learnt that she had moved to Wyoming two days before Megan’s death, lived
two doors down from Megan and that she had definitely known Megan. As the days went
by, I became more convinced Terry was the killer. Two weeks after she had first come 
to school, another murder took place. The killer had left another card behind, 
but the design was the same. Terry shared a locker with Diane and the day after the 
second murder I slipped out of study hall and went down to their locker. I opened it.
Diane never locked it. I began searching through the locker and found an envelope in 
Terry’s French book. I opened the envelope and was not very surprised to find the same
cards the killer left in the room of the victims. The final piece of evidence I 
needed came soon after. After gym two days later, while I was in the shower, 
I heard a scream. Turning off the water, and pulling my clothes on, I ran outside 
and saw Diane clutching her right hand. Blood was dripping from her hand. I turned 
in the direction Diane was looking and saw Terry pressed against the locker. Blood 
smeared her lips. 

“You bit me!” Diane screamed. 

“You shouldn’t have snuck up on me like that. You scared me,” said Terry quietly, 
a peculiar expression on her face. It looked like a smile, and she did not look scared. 
I was convinced then that Terry was the killer, especially when she licked the blood 
from her lips. I took Diane to the nurse and decided to cut classes for the rest 
of the day. I knew what I had to do. I would have to kill Terry, before she 
killed someone else. That night, I waited in the bushes behind Terry’s house,
dressed in black. I had black gloves on and a hammer in my hand. When the last light 
went off in the house, I walked towards the house and slipped in through an 
open window. Luck was with me then; I was in Terry’s bedroom. She lay on her back, 
her eyes closed. I walked up to her bed and raised my hammer. 

Suddenly Terry’s eyes popped open. I didn’t give her a chance to react. I smashed 
her skull with the hammer. I watched the blood soaked into the bed for a while, 
put the card I had found in her locker by the bed, then I left the way I came. 
I walked home and went up to my room. My parents weren’t home. I pulled off 
my shoes and turned on my table light. Then I noticed the card. Like the others, 
it was of a human face, twisted in pain and terror. The only difference 
is that the face merged with another. The other face was reptilian. It had not 
been on my table when I had left to kill Terry. I heard a sound behind me. 
I stiffened and turned around. Diane stood behind me, but she didn’t look like 
the Diane I knew. Rather, she looked like a witch and reptile that had been 
twisted together. Her eyes bulged out of her sockets as if someone had given 
her continuous shots of thyroxin. Her pupils were elongated slits, like those 
of a giant snake. But the most chilling thing about her was her tongue.
It was so long, as if someone had taken a pair of thongs and stretched it,
forked and purple and flicked the air as if looking for food.

“Hello Maxine,” she hissed. 

I was wrong. Terry had not been the killer. 

“What are you?” I demanded shakily. 

“Do you really want to know?” was the reply. 

The tongue darted for me. I ran out of my room, down the stairs, trying to clear my brain,
but not a single thought would enter besides I’m going to die. She’s going to rip me apart
and eat me. Suddenly I felt something strike the back of my head. Things went 
black around me. I awoke with a dull throb in my head. I was still downstairs, tied 
to a kitchen chair. The shades were drawn and a dim light shone above me. 
Diane stepped into the light. 

“Don’t kill me. I thought you didn’t like extra rare meat.” I whispered. 

She smiled a terrifying smile. 

“ Always have to have the last laugh don’t you? I don’t mind. But you’re 
supposed to say ‘You won’t get away with this.’ That’s what my last meal said 
to me. Famous last words. What you mean by kill? I will kill your humanity, 
yes, but I will not eat you. Is that what you mean? I will not kill you in 
that sense. You are special,” she said “Special?” “You will be one of us, like me.” 

She seemed so happy, as if she really did want me to be like her. I looked around
the room as she talked. I spotted a knife on the table next to me. I looked at Diane. 
She had stopped talking and was walking towards me. She untied me but held my hands 
behind my back. She was exceptionally strong. 

“It is time,” she said, and swung me around so I was facing her.

Instinctively, my left leg shot out and I kneed her in the stomach. She reeled 
forward in surprise and I ran for the knife. I had just wrapped my hand around 
the handle when I felt the disgusting tongue wrap around my ankle and pull me down. 
I dropped the knife, but grabbed it quickly as the tongue began pulling me 
towards Diane. I swung my right arm in an arc. The knife went right through 
the tongue, cutting it in half. Diane let out a horrible scream and black blood 
poured out of the wound. I began to pull the disgusting tongue off my ankle. 
It was cold and slimy. Diane hissed and lunged for me. We toppled in a heap. 
She grabbed my hair and looked at me straight in the eye. I hated her eyes more 
than her tongue. Such cold slits that bored right into your very soul and turned it rotten. 

“You could have been one of us. Strong, powerful, able to take whatever you want.
Now you will share the fate of my other victims!” she hissed. 

I spat in her face. 

“I’d rather be dead than be like you.” “Famous last words.” She chuckled. 

“It will be especially painful for you. You will regret saying what you did. 
But, you did ask me what I am. I will answer your question before I enjoy my meal. 
Her pupils began to dilate and I had a feeling I was floating through space. 
I felt her inhale as I exhaled. I couldn’t tear my eyes away. What I saw explained it all. 
This creature’s kind was from a different world, spiritual to us. It wanted to 
conquer all lands. To enter this world, the creature had possessed the child 
Diane’s mother had been carrying. Diane had never existed, because she had 
never been born. Once the creature had matured, it had been able to change others. 
How she did it was not clear to me. Suddenly I felt as if I were on fire. It was hot, 
burning and I felt endless pain as if I was being ripped apart and put together 
again to form something entirely different. I screamed. I was still looking into 
the creature’s eye. Then it let go of me. It was then that I realised I was holding 
something wet in my left hand. I looked down. I was holding an eyeball. 
I had scratched the creature’s eye out. Disgusted, I dropped the eyeball. 
The creature hissed. I looked up to see it charging towards me. I remembered 
the knife. Instinctively, I lifted up my right hand at plunged it at the creature. 
The knife went through her throat and poked out the back of her neck. The creature’s 
eye rolled upward and it went limp. I picked up the remains of the creature;
burned them and buried it’s bones. One week later I stood on the school 
field during lunch. I had eaten two burgers, both extra rare and I was still 
hungry. Almost against my will, I stood up and started walking towards 
Mr. Jones classroom. I walked through the door, closed and locked it behind me. 
Mr. Jones was sitting at his table. He looked up as I walked towards him. 

“May I help you Smitty?” he asked. 

“I’m hungry.” I said softly. 

He opened his mouth to reply but I lunged at him and pinned him to the floor. 

“What are you doing? I’ll kill you if you do anything to me!” he exclaimed. 

I’d rather be dead than be like you. 

“Famous last words,” I said softly as I reached hungrily for his right ear."

-A humble anonymous writer.{:)