Canning Potatoes
Marika asked how to do this,so I put it on a main post in case anyone else needed the info.
Canned Potatoes Peel, wash, and cube potatoes Cook in boiling water about 10 min. Drain, pack hot into warm jars , leave 1/2 inch head space. Add 1/2 tsp salt for pints:1 tsp for quarts. Cover with boiling water Pressure can at 10 pounds pressure, pints 30 min and quarts 40 min
I always put my salt on the bottom of the jar and keep the potatoes under water while I'm peeling them. The only time that I had them turn dark was when I did not keep them under water. These potatoes make good hash browns, potatoe cakes, mashed potatoes, or whatever you can think of. Just boil them 15-20 min after you open them.Hope this helps you Marika.