Re: Green Tomato Pickles ( HOT ) George, this sounds something like my husband does his hot peppers by just sticking them in a jar or pepper sauce bottle and refrigerating. I have a recipe that I use but it's more complicated--but good.
2 qts sliced green tomatoes 3 tablespoons salt 2 cups vinegar 2/3 cup dark brown sugar 1 cup white sugar 3 tablespoons mustard seeds 1/2 teaspoon celery seeds 1 teaspoon tumeric 3 cups sliced onions 2 large red bell pepper, chopped 1 hot green pepper, chopped (use more if you like it really hot.
Mix tomatoes and salt. Let stand 12 hours. Drain. Heat vinegar, sugars, and spices to a boil; add sliced onions and boil gently 5 minutes. Add the drained tomatoes and peppers; bring slowly to a boil. Simmer 5 minutes, stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon. Pack into hot sterilized jars. Be sure syrup covers vegetables. Seal at once. Process in BWB for 5 minutes. This makes about 9 half pints. ( Note: I see by my penciled notation in the margin of my cookbook that the last time I made these I had 11 quarts of tomatoes.)