The First Meseburg Charm is a charm for releasing fetters - bonds.

The Indisi (disir) are described as unfastening bonds, holding back the host and tugging away at the fetters. They are presumed to either bind or undo the fetters of men in battle.

The first part of this charm has four lines which describes the Disir, or valkyrie-like women, with the last line containing the charm or magickal command:

‘jump out of your chains, flee the enemies'.

The Second Meseburg Charm is a healing charm and there is some debate as to the Gods who are a part of this charm. Since my main concern here is to show that spoken charms were used, I will not engage in the debate as to which God is which God

"Phol and Wodan rode into the wood: the foreleg of Baldr's horse was dislocated; then Sintgunt and Sunna, her sister, sang over it, then Friia and Volla, her sister, sang over it, then Wodan sang over it, for he could do that well; be it dislocation of bone, be it ailment of blood, be it dislocation of limbs; bone to bone, blood to blood, limb to limb, as if they were glued."

It was noted that there are many charms like this one found throughout the Germanic world. The Finns, it was supposed derived the below charm from the Germanic neighbors. This is a rendering from W.F. Kirby.

"Then the flesh to flesh she fitted,
and the bones together fitted,
and the joints together fitted,
and the veins she pressed together.
Then she bound the veins together,
all their ends she knitted together,
and with care the threads she counted. . .

This comes from a story of Lemminkainen. His mother was said to have restored him back to life.

It is very important to have a spoken charm that relates to our Gods, Goddesses, or part of our myths. In the spoken charm that I use for the Knot Magick, I am referencing the Norns - Past, Present and Future. This is the spheres, or planes that I work in.