Hi! My name is Laura, I am a 25 year old program manager at the U.S. Civilian Research & Development Foundation, an organization dedicated to fostering collaborative research between the U.S. and the countries of the former Soviet Union. My housemate, Kelsea, works right down the street in Washington, D.C. at Paralyzed Veterans of America. The two of us are volunteer EMT/Firefighters at Franconia 5 fire station in Fairfax County, Virginia.
Tom and I recently got a kitten, Cleo, who promptly took control of our lives. She is now almost 2 years old, but weighs only 4.5 lbs, and thus still looks very young. Cleo loves to climb trees and has given her overprotectve mother quite a scare on several occasions when she decided to climb to the top of some very large trees. Tom and I have been looking for a friend for Cleo, but have not found the right cat yet.

Most weekends you can find me outside, mountain biking, skiing, sailing, rollerblading. One of my favorite spring time activities is to ride the Middleburg Vineyard tour, a bicycle tour that takes you over the countryside of Mid-Western Virginia and through several vinyards. Total trip is about 26 miles, but the terrain's not difficult.

Lately, you can find me working on my new townhouse. I have a lot planned. You can watch the transformation over the next 6 months on my house page.

This is my first web page, and it is still quite a work in progress. If you have any pointers or comments, feel free to e-mail me!

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