CDH: Citizens Demand Hanson

Success Stories!

Yes, the Hanson fans can make a difference, and here are some proofs!

gem "There's a guy in my class who hates Hanson. He's always saying stuff like, "Oh, their girls. I can't believe you like them!", or, "You have to admit, they sound and look like girls." Well, one day he was complaining about everyone is always saying he's a girl, and why does he have such a high voice, and why just because he's really good at school and stuff do people make fun of him? I told him that if he hates being dissed so much, how does he think Hanson feels. Probably the same way. And that he should stop dissing them. I was lucky, and he said I had a point, and he hasn't dissed them ever since. I don't know how easy it'll be to convince the rest of the boys in my class to stop dissing, but at least I got one of them to listen to me!"


gem "I called & requested Where's the Love & the operator said 'Excuse me little girl, we don't PLAY songs by lesbians & gays!!' I was so MAD! Not only was it mean to Hanson, but to Homos as well. Well I called back & the DJ answered, I asked them to play Where's the Love & he said 'Sure, I love that song & Hanson is cool too.' I answered, 'Well your operators didn't think so' I told them the story & got the operator FIRED! I'm glad someone cares!"


gem A while back, the catalogue "Air Shop" featured an article with not-so-positive things to say about Hanson, but Air Shop deffinetly learned not to mess with us fans! Here's the appology.

gem As you have surely noticed, MTV has been a lot nicer to Hanson than they were last year. This is due to all the fans voicing their oppinions and requesting Hanson. In fact, they even had Hanson do a phone interview and premiere "Weird" on MTV Live that one time because so many fans were crazy to see it. Well, great job to everyone who E-mailed MTV to tell them their behavior sucked and to request Hanson. But the battle is still going- we must keep on requestiong Hanson or they will simply dissapear. Serriously- if no one knows we like Hanson, than they wont get played anymore, they wont be on TV anymore- they'll dissapear! So pleeeese keep reguesting!!!

Do you have any success stories to submit to me?

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