Techno-Wizard Area Sound Suppressor

The Sound suppressor is actually a grenade that unleashes a Globe of Silence field around a given area. It is ideal for assassins that need to completely eliminate the sound from an entire room not just a single weapon.


Creation Stats:

Initial P.P.E. Cost: 100
Spells Required: Globe of Silence (20) and Energy Field (15)
Physical Requirements: Topaz worth 15,000 credits, and an engraved vessel about the size of a softball.
Time to Build: 4D6 days
Weapon Stats:
Weight: 3.5lbs
Damage: None
Effective Range: Creates a globe with a radius of 10ft
Duration: 7.5 minutes or 30 melees
P.P.E. Cost to Charge/Recharge: 40P.P.E. or 80I.S.P. for 1 additional use.
Cost: 125,000credits, rare and in high demand

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