My Daughter has a Hemangioma
My daughter is only 4.5 and she has gone through many different kinds of surgeries. She developed a hemangioma(capillaries that produce to much blood) on her face at 2 weeks old. The doctor tried oral prednisone but she did not respond to it. Then he tried a prednisone injection into the hemangioma which did not work either. It continued to grow until at age 1 1/2 the doctor had to do a partial removal. After that we had to switch doctors because of insurance. Our new doctor was a laser specialist. He started laser treatments at 3.5. She had gone through that for a year having treatments every 3 months. She had a treatment with the Candela pulsed-dye laser and is looking great. All of this started because her vision was blocked. She now wears glasses. The laser procedures were done to make wearing the glasses more comfortable.She is now 7.5years old. We have not done any more treatment yet. She has some scar tissue left under her scar that has to be removed. Most people don't even realize that she has a scar or any idea of what she has been through. I put this information here for educational purposes and support for those whose children have Hemangiomas. If you know anyone who has a child with a Hemangioma please give them my Email. I would love to hear from them and offer some support.I have designed web pages with the help of Linda Shannon who has done a lot of research on hemangiomas to offer support and a resource to know that there are people you can turn to for help. Birthmarks and Hemangiomas InterNETwork Support Send me email at |