The Ultimate Cheat Page
is created by Zura
For easy Finding cheat you need just click "FIND" button on your browzer.
Alien Trilogy, Amok, Blood, Blood2, Catacomb Abyss, Chasm, Corridor 7, Cyclones, Dark Forces, Depth Dwellers, Descent 2, DOOM, DOOM II, Duke Nukem 3D, Earthsiege 2, Eradicator, F-22 Raptor,Fatal racing, Fury3, Greed, Hellbender, Heretic, Hexen, HiOctane, Man in black, Magic Carpet, Magic Carpet 2, Mechwarrior 2, Mechwarrior 2: Ghost Bears Legacy, Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries,Road rash, Necrodome,Nightmare creatures, Powerslave, Quake, Quarantine, Radix, Redneck Rampage, Rise of the Triad, Roadwarrior, Shattered Steel, Shellshock, Skynet, Slipstream 5000, Spacehulk, Spear of Destiny, Strife, Tekwar, Terminal Velocity, Terminator - Future Shock, Twisted metal 2, Witchaven, Witchaven 2 and Zone Raiders and much MORE!!!
Age of Empires
- diediedie-kill everyone
- reveal map-reveals the map
- pepperoni pizza-1,000 food points
- coinage-1,000 gold
- woodstock-1,000 wood
- quary-1,000 stone
- big daddy-gives you a futuristic rocketlaunching car
- hari kari-commit suicide
- photon man-gives you a futuristic soldier
- gaia-allows you to control animals
- flying dutchman-changes juggernauts to flying dutchmen
- steroids-gives all units and all upgrades
- home run-you win scenario
- no fog-turns off fog of war
- medusa- villers become medusa, when medusa dies, they become black riders, when black riders die, they become
- heavy catapults
- kill x-x refers to a players starting position, x player is killed
- big bertha-heavy catapults are even more deadly
Alien Trilogy
Here are a couple of cheatcodes for the full version of Alien Trilogy (won't work in the demo version). Just type them in when you're in a level:
- comeandhaveago - Gives you all weapons
- ifyouthinkyouarehardenough - Gives you full and unlimited ammo
- nadiapopovxx - Warp to level xx, where xx=01-34
Here are some cheatcodes for Amok. At the first menu in the game (where you can choose between Start, Options and Quit) choose Options. When you get to the options menu enter any of the following codes at the Password:
- zzzcyx - This gives you an extra entry at top of the menu where you can choose between nine different levels to play (numbered 0 to 8)
- babyxx - Invulnerability (your health bar will still go down to zero when you get hurt, but you wont actually die)
- cbyxyc - Start at mission 2, phase 1
- xabxab - Start at mission 3, phase 1
- azcbxc - Start at mission 3, phase 2
- yybbcy - Start at mission 4, phase 1
- baxcxx - Start at mission 4, phase 2
Here are some cheatcodes for Blood. To activate them, first press T, then enter the code and press Enter. Please note that you have to enter the spaces between words in some of the cheatcodes.
- mpkfa - God mode
- i wanna be like kevin - God mode
- voorhees - God mode
- lara croft - All weapons and unlimited ammo (you never run out of ammo)
- spielberg - If you enter this code after you entered the above lara croft code you get access to weapon no 7: the aerosol can flame thrower. You can't actually see the aerosol can, but you can use it. This has made my game crash a couple of times though.
- idaho - All weapons
- montana - All weapons and supplies
- bunz - Double weapon
- spork - 200% health
- griswold - All armor 200%
- keymaster - All keys
- funky shoes - Jump boots
- satchel - Doctors bag
- cousteau - Diving suite (and 200% health)
- onering - Invisible
- calgon - Warp to another level
- mario - Warp to another level
- eva galli - No clipping mode (walk through walls)
- goonies - Full map
- fork broussard - Takes away everything you have and sets your health to 1%
- edmark - Commit suicide
- kevorkian - Commit suicide (if you have enough armor and health you don't die, you just loose health)
- mcgee - Set yourself on fire
- krueger - Gives you 200% health and set yourself on fire (!)
- rate - Displays frame rate
- jojo - ?
Blood 2
To activate this cheats press Talk button (T) when playng game and write this:
- MPGOD-- God mode
- MPKFA-- Lotsa weapons
MPAMMO-- Full ammo
- MPCLIP-- Spectator mode (no clipping)
- MPHEALTHY-- Fills up your health
- MPWHEREAMI-- Displays your coordinates
- MPBEEFCAKE -- Increased Power (more gore)
- MPKILLEMALL -- Kill's all monsters on level
- MPSPEEDUP -- Increases your speed (1..5)
- MPSTRONGER-- Increases your strength (1..5)
- MPCALEB -- Changes your character model to Caleb
- MPOPHELIA -- Changes your character model to Ophelia
- MPISHMAEL -- Changes your character model to Ishmael
- MPGABBY -- Changes your character model to Gabriella
- MPBERETTA -- Gives you the Beretta
- MPSUBMACHINEGUN -- Gives you the Submachinegun
- MPFLAREGUN-- Gives you the Flaregun
- MPSHOTGUN-- Gives you the Shotgun
- MPSNIPERRIFLE-- Gives you the Sniper Rifle
- MPHOWITZER --Gives you the Howitzer
- MPNAPALMCANNON -- Gives you the Napalm Cannon
- MPSINGULARITY -- Gives you the Singularity Generator
- MPASSAULTRIFLE -- Gives you the Assault Rifle
- MPBUGBUSTER -- Gives you the Bug buster
- MPMINIGUN -- Gives you the Minigun
- MPLASERRIFLE -- Gives you the Cobalco Laser Rifle
- MPTESLACANNON -- Gives you the Tesla Cannon
- MPVOODOO-- Gives you the Voodoo Doll
- MPTHEORB -- Gives you The Orb
- MPLIFELEECH-- Gives you the Life Leech
- MPGOBLE-- 'Brian L. Goble is a programming god!'
- MPSCORPIO-- 'Brian L. Goble is a programming god!'
- MPTOTARO -- 'Jim Totaro is da man!'
- MPSUPERZUG-- End level???
- MPGOSHOPPING-- Gives all items
- MPNICENURSE -- Gives +25 health
- MPREALLYNICENURSE -- Gaves 300 health
- MPWARD -- Gives ward (25 armor)
- MPNEWCROWARD -- Gives newcroward (100 armor)
- MPCARBONFIBER -- Gives Willpower Powerup
- MPTAKEOFFSHOES-- Makes you invisible
- MPHERKERMUR-- Gives Triple Damage Powerup
- MPBEANSOFCOOLNESS -- Gives a nice selection of weapons
In the scene where you choose to go to map select, start race etc... type ENABLE to be given access to all tracks and
vehicles. You can now use all of the other cheats in the game.
First of all, when the race starts use F4 to cycle through the modes untill CHEAT MODE appears. Then all the following
cheats will become availiable:
F5 -Total repair (free)
F6 -Toggle Invulnerability on/off.
F7 -Adds 30 seconds to the timer.
F8 -Freeze/Unfreeze timer
F10 -Increment lap counter
F11 -Earn 5000 credits instantly
F12 -Switch between each opponents camera and your own. External view only.
SHIFT-F6 -Show opponents on map.
SHIFT-F7 -Adds 300 seconds to timer.
SHIFT-F8 -Toggle shadow between none/your car only/all cars.
SHIFT-F10 -Increment checkpoint counter
SHIFT-F11 -Lose 5000 credits instantly
CTRL-F8 -Toggle shadow between solid(faster)/translucent.
CTRL-KEYPAD 1 -Toggle fly mode -Use normal movement keys.
Keypad 5 places you on the ground(still flying).
Keypad 9 and 6 changes the cars pitch.
Power-ups(still in cheat mode)
0 -Bonus
1 -Mega bonus
2 -Pedestrians glued to ground.
3 -Giant pedestrians.
4 -Explosive pedestrians.
5 -Hot rod.
6 -Turbo pedestrians.
7 -Invulnerability.
8 -Free repairs.
9 -Instant repairs.
SHIFT-0 -Timer frozen.
SHIFT-1 -Underwater ability.
SHIFT-2 -Time bonus.
SHIFT-3 -Oh dear, body work trashed
SHIFT-4 -Blow yourself up
SHIFT-5 -Frozen opponents
SHIFT-6 -Frozen cops
SHIFT-7 -Turbo opponents
SHIFT-8 -Turbo cops
SHIFT-9 -Gravity has gone strange
ALT-0 -Pinball mode
ALT-1 -Wall climber
ALT-2 -Bouncey-Bouncey
ALT-3 -Oh dear, jelly suspension!
ALT-4 -Pedestrians shown on map.
ALT-5 -Pedestrian extro-bastard ray.
ALT-6 -Greased tyres
ALT-7 -Acme damage magnifier
SHIFT-ALT-2 -Instant handbrake
SHIFT-ALT-4 -Turbo!
SHIFT-ALT-5 -Mega-Turbo!!
SHIFT-ALT-6 -Blind pedestrians (to be used in conjunction with horn for a laugh)
SHIFT-ALT-7 -Pedestrian respawn
SHIFT-ALT-8 -5 free recovery vouchers.
SHIFT-ALT-9 -Solid granite car!
CTRL-0 -Rock springs!
CTRL-1 -Drugs!
CTRL-2 -Grip-o-matic tyres
CTRL-3 -Pedestrian Harvest
Catacomb Abyss
Here are a couple of cheats for Catacomb Abyss. Press the following keys while in the game:
- F10 + W to warp to any level
- F10 + I to get free items
- F10 + Z to freeze time
- F10 + G for God-mode
- F10 + E to skip level
- F10 + O for complete view
- F10 + # to get scroll number # (where # is 1 to 9)
Chasm - The Shadow Zone
Here are some cheatcodes for the demoversion of Chasm. Open the console by pressing backspace while in the game. Then enter the code and press enter. Then leave the console by pressing Esc. You can use the following codes:
- chojin - god mode
- ammo - restore ammo for all weapons
- weapon - gives all weapons
- invisible - gives 2 minutes of invisibility
- armor - gives 200% armor
- fullmap - gives full map
- kill - kill all monsters on the level
- reanimate - reanimate all monsters
Corridor 7
Press W A X together for all weapons, ammo, keys, a few mines, full map and full health.
Start game with the commandline parameter level1diagnostics
, i e:
corr7 level1diagnostic
This gives you access to at least the following commands:
More score, more ammo, more charges, and next weapon
God mode
Skull in front of character
No clipping mode (walk through walls etc.)
The cheatcodes for Cyclones are somewhat complicated. You have to enter them at the command line when you start the program. To enable the different codes they have to be preceded by 8335791:
cyclones 8335791 -cheatcode
The different cheatcode parameters you can use are the following:
- -D(E|M|H) Sets difficulty
- -DE Easy
- -DM Medium
- -DH Hard
- -W# Start with weapons up to the number specified with full ammo.
- -W1 Gauss pistol
- -W2 Chaingun plus all earlier weapons
- -W3 Alien pistol plus all earlier weapons
- -W4 Alien rifle plus all earlier weapons
- -W5 Grenade launcher plus all earlier weapons
- -W6 Twin lasers plus all earlier weapons
- -W7 Missile launcher plus all earlier weapons
- -W8 Plasma accelerator plus all earlier weapons
- -L# Start at level number # (I've been told that levels 9, 17, 18, 20 and 24 are incomplete and not visited in the actual game, but I haven't checked this myself)
- Mapname Specify a map by name
- -A# Start with armored suit/hand weapon 1-3 for the game
- A1 Sabre glove
- A2 Saw glove
- A3 Nano hand
- -J Start with the jump jet
An example: if you wanted to start at level 7, with full weapons, and set at easy difficulty, you would enter the following at the command prompt:
CYCLONES 8335791 -DE -W8 -L7
Dark Forces
Type these codes in while playing the game:
- LABUG - Insect Mode (decreases your size parameter)
- LACDS - Map Supermode. Type it once to get a full detailed map, showing item locations as well as enemy location and movement. Typing it again changes the colour of any "steps" to a darker green colour. Typing it a third time turns Supermode off. These are the objects:
- Yellow circle = Mouse Droid
- Yellow triangle = live opponent
- Grey triangle = deceased opponent
- Blue triangle = shield units
- Blue square = ammo
- Yellow dot = static scenery
- Orange triangle = dynamic scenery (changes to pale yellow when shot)
- LADATA - Toggles coordinate information display, which gives your location in the game. Good for level mapping. There are five variables:
- X = east/west position; increases from west to east
- Y = altitude
- Z = north/south position; increases from south to north
- H = height of protagonist; usually 5.8
- S = % secrets discovered
- LAIMLAME - Toggles full invincibility. Note: if you pick up a Shield Supercharge while using this code, when the Supercharge runs out, you will be vulnerable again.
- LAMAXOUT - Gives you all weapons, full ammo and shields, plus all inventory items.
- LANTFH - Teleport to current map position. This cheat 'ports you to the center point of the map. Hit [Tab] to bring up the map. Hold down the [~] key and press the arrow keys to move the map, without moving yourself. You may also hit the [ or ] key to change the level of your destination. Type LANTFH, and you will be teleported to the location of the red dot on that level, if possible. If you press [Alt]-[Tab] to turn on *all* layers, you will be teleported to the topmost layer. Note that you cannot teleport to a location that is undefined.
- LAPOGO - Toggles height checking. If you walk up to a wall with a ledge above it, it will move you to that ledge.
- LAPOSTAL - Gives all guns, and full ammo, shields, and health (as well as battery power, ice cleats, infrared goggles and gas mask
- LARANDY - Weapon Supercharge. Increases firing rate for 50 seconds.
- LAREDLITE - Toggles enemy-freeze mode. If you shoot opponents in this mode, they won't die/fall/explode until you toggle it off.
- LASKIP - Immediately forces successful completion of mission, and marks it as a victory. Will show any cutscenes.
- LAUNLOCK - Gives you all the keys, code cards, broken Dark Trooper gun, the Phrik metal, data tape, ice cleats, IR goggles in your inventory.
Mission Codes. Typing one of the following codes will teleport you to that Mission; however you will forfeit all weapons and items:
Mission: Code======= Title==================
I LASECBASE Secret Base (The Death Star Plans)
II LATALAY Talay: Tak Base
III LASEWERS Anoat City (The Subterranean Hideout)
IV LATESTBASE Imperial Weapons Research Facility
V LAGROMAS Gromas Mines
VI LADTENTION Imperial Detention Center
VII LARAMSHED Ramsees Hed Docking Port
VIII LAROBOTICS Robotics Construction Facility
X LAJABSHIP Jabba's Ship
XI LAIMPCITY Imperial City
XIV LAARC The Arc Hammer
Depth Dwellers
Here's some cheats for Depthdwellers:
- Ctrl+Alt+I for God mode and unlimited ammo
- Ctrl+Alt+L for Extra life
- Ctrl+Alt+F for All weapons
- Ctrl+Alt+N to Warp to next level
- Ctrl+Alt+P for Position (coordinates)
Just type in the following codes while in the game:
- idbehold - Displays menu (followed by S, V, I, R, A, or L for choice)
- S=Strength (Berserk)
- V=Invulnerability
- I=Partial invisibility
- A=Full Automap (computer map)
- R=Anti-radiation suit
- L=Light amplification visors
- idchoppers - Gives you the chain saw (long story behind the message)
- idclev - Warp (followed by episode number and level number)
- iddqd - Degreelessness mode (God mode)
- iddt - Toggles Automap between normal, full, and full with objects (enter when in Automap mode)
- idfa - Gives full ammo, 200% armor, and all weapons but no keys (not in earliest versions)
- idkfa - Very Happy Ammo (full ammo, 200% armor, all weapons & keys)
- idmus - Changes the music to a certain mission (followed by episode and level number) (only DOOM II)
- idmypos - Displays your bearing and coordinates in hex
- idspispopd - No clipping (you can walk through walls) (only DOOM I)
- idclip - No clipping (you can walk through walls) (only DOOM II)
Duke Nukem 3D
Here are some cheatcodes for Duke Nukem 3D v1.3d (just type them while in the game):
- dncornholio - God Mode
- dnkroz - God Mode
- dnstuff - All weapons, powerups, access cards, full ammo
- dnitems - All powerups, access cards
- dnhyper - Steroids
- dnview - Shows Duke in front of you
- dnscotty### - Warps to desired mission, level (example: suppose you want to go to level 7 in episode 2; you would then enter dnscotty207)
- dnclip - No clipping, walk through walls (toggle)
- dnmonsters - Removes all monsters (toggle)
- dnrate - Displays frame rate
- dnskill# - Changes the skill level
- dncoords - Shows your coordinates
- dnshowmap - Shows entire map (toggle)
- dnweapons - All weapons and full ammo
- dninventory - All powerups
- dnkeys - All access cards
- dndebug - Displays debug information
- dnbeta - Shows message: Pirates suck
- dntodd - Shows message: Register cosmo today
- dnallen - Shows message: Buy Major Stryker
- dncashman - Lets you throw dollar notes when you press space...
Earthsiege 2
To cheat in Earthsiege 2 you have to enter debugmode by adding a parameter to the commandline in the shortcut. Beware though, this makes the game rather unstable and can cause the game to crash, especially of you choose Instant Action. Use this at your own risk. To unable the debugmode you add the parameter -SPRUNKNOWN to the command line in your shortcut. If you have the game installed in c:\sierra\es2 the command line would look like this:
c:\sierra\es2\es.exe -SPRUNKNOWN
(you have to use capital letter in -SPRUNKNOWN). You then have access to the following cheats (sometimes not all of them seem to work for me, and sometimes I have to press them more than one time to work):
- [ALT] + [LEFT] or [RIGHT] or [UP] or [DOWN] - Warp in this direction (left, right, forward or back)
- [ALT] + [CTRL] + [N] - Nuke one or more nearby enemy
- [CTRL] + [N] - Lets you view the combat from different viewpoints, including structures and enemies (press [ESC] to return)
- [ALT] + [CTRL] + [S] - Causes several Herc textures to appear
- [ALT] + [S] - Freezes the intelligence (AI), press again to resume
- [ALT] + [the "+" on the numpad] - Steps the game one frame at a time after you have frozen the AI
- [ALT] + [] - Listen to cockpit announcements
Here are some cheatcodes for the demoversion of Eradicator. Just type them in while playing the game:
- \fushipi - God mode
- \guns - Gives all weapons and ammo
- \bloodlust - Microchip powerup
- \tunnel - Walk through walls
- \xmas - All inventory items
- \2krad4u - Kill yourself
- \fmk - Full health
- \bload - Level warp
- \vici - End level
- \sputnik - Full automap
- \amobject - Show objects on the map
- \aimove - Toggle enemy AI
- \frame - Display framrate
- \ouch - hurt yourself
- \grav - lower gravity
- \blub - toggle slo-mo
- \dunhour - kill all enemies
- \poed - no gravity at all
- \oreilly - give radar tracker
- \76trumbos- display sfx
- \gps - diplay location
- \\ - repeat the last cheat
Here are the cheatcodes for the full version of Eradicator (haven't had a chance to try these myself, but I'm told they should work). Just type them in while playing the game:
- \ragamuffin - God mode
- \arms - Gives all weapons and ammo
- \dig - Walk through walls
- \gift - Gives all items
- \overdrive - Microchip powerup
- \gobbet - Kill yourself
- \fmk - Full health
- \bload - Level warp
- \vici - End level
- \sputnik - Full automap
- \amobject - Show objects on the map
- \aimove - Toggle enemy AI
- \frame - Display framrate
- \ouch - hurt yourself
- \grav - lower gravity
- \blub - toggle slo-mo
- \dunhour - kill all enemies
- \poed - no gravity at all
- \oreilly - give radar tracker
- \76trumbos- display sfx
- \gps - diplay location
- \\ - repeat the last cheat
F-22 Raptor
Type when you are in when you fly but type first "T" and this:
- IT'S NOT MY FAULT - Complete mission
- WE CAN REBUILD HIM - Repairs all damage
- NEVER TELL ME THE ODDS - No damage from enemies
- I'LL BE BACK - Reload
Fall out
This cheat will give you unlimited turns (you can shoot the guys without them getting a turn)
- Get into the combat mode.
- Put ammo for a gun into your hand.
- Come close to an enemy and click on him.
- He will say something like "Did your mama teach you that move?!"
Now you have unlimited turns. When you walk or shoot in combat your green circles shouldn't even move.
Fatal racing
Here are some cheats for fatal racing,I have this game.That cheats gives you some cars death matchs and cheats.
- SUICYCO-Zizin super car.
- DUEL-Pay VS mr evils.
- SUPERMAN-Non damage.
- MAYTE-Ariel super car.
- DR DEATH-Deadly match.
- FORMULA1-cars are fast.
- TINKLE-Super rais wagon.
- LOVEBUN-Formula 1.
Fury 3
Here are some cheatcodes for Fury3. Just type them in while in the game:
- TRYMEON - God Mode
- GIVITIUP - All weapons
- URDUSTD - Turbo
- JUMPNIT - Jump to next level
- WORMITx - Jump to level x
- PACKIN1 - Ammo for Servo Laser
- PACKIN2 - Ammo for Isokenetic Gun
- PACKIN3 - Ammo for Rapid Laser
- PACKIN4 - Ammo for DOM
- PACKIN5 - Ammo for Viper
- PACKIN6 - Ammo for Baryon
- PACKIN7 - Ammo for Superbomb
In Pursuit of Greed
Here are some cheat codes for the demo for "In Pursuit of Greed". Just type them in while in the game:
- RAVEN - Full health
- OMNI - Full map
- ALLAHMODE - God mode
- CHANNEL7 - God mode
- BEAVIS - Skips ahead to 100 points from level finish
- GULLIVER - Midget mode: turns all your enemies small
- KMFDM - Full ammo
- BELFAST - Kill all enemies
JEDI KNIGHT: Mysteries of the Sith
While playing, press T then enter any of the codes below.
Code Effect
- iamagod-All force powers
- diediedie-All weapons
- gimmiestuff-Full inventory
- gameover-Level skip
- statuesque 0-Disable AI
- statuesque 1-Enable AI
- trainme Force-level up
- freebird-Flight mode
- boinga on-Invulnerability
- boinga off-Disable invulnerability
- trixie-Mana
- cartograph-Display full map
- gospeedso 0-Slow motion
- gospeedso 1-Normal speed
- quickzap-Warp to specific coordinate
Here are the cheatcodes for Hellbender. Just press while in the game:
- totlpwr - Restores main energy to 100%
- maxmeup - Restores hull integrity to 100%
- urdead# - Gives weapon number # (where # is 0-9)
- impumpd - Gives all weapons
- uragonr - Gives secret weapon (Vortex)
- auntem# - Warp to the first mission of any planet (where # is the number of the planer)
- imstuck - Warp to the next mission
- steroid - God mode
- frameit - Frames-per-second counter
To get a new character and new quests, follow these simple instructions:
Create a file in your Hellfire directory called "command.txt"
Put this line in the text file "cowquest;theoquest;bardtest;multitest;barbariantest"
You will now have the Bard, 2 new quests and multiplayer capabilities.
Remember to backup your old one if you want to.
Just type in the following codes while in the game:
- RAMBO - Get all weapons
- SKEL - Get all keys
- QUICKEN - God mode!!!
- KITTY - Toggles clipping mode
- MASSACRE - Kills all monsters on a level
- SHAZAM - Power-up weapons
- RAVMAP - Shows full map in map mode (typing RAVMAP again shows all objects)
- PONCE - Full health
- ENGAGE XY - Warp to another level. X= episode number Y= level number
- COCKADOODLEDOO - Turn into a chicken (Yes, believe it or not!)
- GIMME - Get artifact. After you type 'GIMME' type one of these letters for the specified effect:
- a: Ring of Invulnerability
- b: Shadowsphere
- c: Quartz Flask
- d: Mystic Urn
- e: Tome of Power
- f: Torch
- g: Time Bomb of the Ancients
- h: Morph Ovum
- i: Wings of Wrath
- j: Chaos Device
Here are some cheats for the full version of Hexen. Just type them in while playing the game:
- SATAN - God mode
- NRA - All weapons
- INDIANA - Get 25 of artifacts
- LOCKSMITH - All keys
- CASPER - No clipping (walk through walls)
- WHERE - X and Y coordinates
- DELIVERANCE - Turn yourself into a pig!
- SHERLOCK - Get all puzzle pieces
- SHADOWCASTER - Change player class (0 for fighter; 1 for cleric; 2 for mage)
- VISIT## - Warp to level ## (01 to 41)
- MAPSCO - While in mapmode toggles full map, full map with enemies/items, and normal map
- CLUBMED - Full health
- BUTCHER - Massacre enemies
Here are some cheats for the Hexen Demo. Just type them in while playing the game:
- BGOKEY - God mode
- CRHINEHART - All weapons
- BRAFFEL - Get 25 of artifacts
- SGURNO - 100% health
- RJOHNSON - No clipping (walk through walls)
- JSUMWALT - X and Y coordinates
- EBIESSMAN - Turn yourself into a pig!
- REVEAL - While in mapmode toggles full map, full map with enemies/items, and normal map
- TMOORE - Get items
- BPELLETIER## - Warp to level ##
- CSTIKA - Massacre enemies
- PLIPO - Change player class (0 for fighter; 1 for cleric; 2 for mage)
Here are the cheats for the beta version of the full game. Just type them in while playing the game:
- MARTEK - God mode
- CONAN - All weapons
- GREEDY - Get 25 of artifacts
- JANITOR - All keys
- MCCOY - 100% health
- ANGEL - No clipping (walk through walls)
- WHERE - X and Y coordinates
- DELIVERANCE - Turn yourself into a pig!
- REVEAL - While in mapmode toggles full map, full map with enemies/items, and normal map
- GATE <01-41 - Level warp
- ZELIG - Change class type
- PUZZLE - Get all puzzle pieces
- CARNAGE - Kill all creatures
Hi Octane
Here are some cheatcodes for HiOctane.In the game pres [ctrl] [tab] and than finish puzle. than pres [alt]...
- [F1] - Selfdestruction
- [F2] - Kill enemies
- [F3] - Petrol
- [F4] - Maximum ammo
- [F5] - Maximum shields
- [F6] - One more lap
- [y] - Autopilot on
- [c] - Autopilot off
Man in black
Press escape(ESC) and you will go to the main menu.From there type DOUGMATIC until it kicks you back to the game. Now the cheat is activate.From now on press escape and type:
- protectme = Invulnerable
- giveme = Gives you all weapon
- loadme = Unlimited ammo
- healme = Heal yourself
- moveme = Warp to any mission
- killem = Kill all enemy in screen
Magic Carpet
Magic Carpet
In the game type "I" and you will get a prompt. Type "ratty" at the prompt. ALT-F1 through F7 do various things:
- F1 - Access all spells
- F2 - Get more Mana
- F3 - Kill other players
- F4 - Kill enemy castle (reduces them by one level)
- F5 - Kill enemy balloons
- F6 - Heal
- F7 - Kill creatures
Also Shift-K kills you, Shift-C completes the level, and Shift-Q takes you straight back to the DOS prompt.
Magic Carpet Plus (Hidden Worlds)
In the game type "I" and you will get a prompt. Type "quick" at the prompt. ALT-F1 through F7 do various things:
- F1 - Access all spells
- F2 - Get more Mana
- F3 - Kill other players
- F4 - Kill enemy castle (reduces them by one level)
- F5 - Kill enemy balloons
- F6 - Heal
- F7 - Kill creatures
Also Ctrl-C completes the level.
Magic Carpet 2
In the game type "I" and you will get a prompt. Type "windy" at the prompt. ALT-F1 through F10 do various things:
- F1 - Access all spells
- F2 - Get more Mana
- F3 - Kill other players
- F4 - Kill enemy castle (reduces them by one level)
- F5 - Kill enemy balloons
- F6 - Heal
- F7 - Kill creatures
- F8 - Spell experience points
- F9 - Free spell on/off
- F10 - God mode
Also Shift-K kills you, Shift-C completes the level, Shift-D completes the operation, and Shift-Q takes you straight back to the DOS prompt.
Mechwarrior 2
Mechwarrior 2
Here are some cheatcodes for Mechwarrior 2. Most of these codes also works in the demo. While in a mission, hold down the ALT, SHIFT and CTRL keys while typing in the following cheatcodes:
- Blorb - Toggles invulnerability on/off
- Cia - Toggles unlimited ammunition on/off
- Cgankem - Destroys the enemy in your sight
- Coldmiser - Toggles heat tracking on/off
- Dei - Prints the letters "FEIF" at the top of the screen
- Dorcs - Displays info on and pictures of the MW2 programmers
- Enolagay - Drops the bomb; nukes every enemy on the battlefield
- Fuck - Prints "Freebirth vulgarity will not be tolerated!"
- Hangaround - Allows you to linger on the battlefield after a mission has been completed
- Icanthackit - Ends the current mission
- Idkfa - Prints "This ain't Doom, Bub" then ends the current mission
- Meepmeep - Enables time compression key
- Michelin - Displays the bounding spheres on Mechs and Mech debris
- Mightymouse - Toggles infinite jumpjet juice on/off
- Shit - Prints "Freebirth vulgarity will not be tolerated!"
- Tinkerbell - Provides a floating external camera
- Tloflygirl - Jump Jets
- Tlofront - Switches the rear camera view to front view
- Unmeepmeep - Disables time compression key
- Xray - Similar to enhanced imaging, but you can see through buildings and mountains
- Zmak - Enables time expansion
You can also use three undocumented units by following this procedure:
- Select Trials of Grievance from the main menu
- Select the star configuration option (the five-pointed star) for the Mechs in your group
- In the configuration screen, erase your current call sign and replace it with the word Enzo
- Return to the Mech lab, and you'll be able to examine two new Mechs and a suit of combat armor worn by clan soldiers (the Tarantula, Battle Master and the Elemental combat armor). The Elemental and the Tarantula can both be used in combat. Using the Battlemaster in combat will cause a program error.
You can also follow the same procedure and use Hobbes or Calvin instead of Enzo and get different results.
If you register your name as FREEBIRTHTOAD you'll be able to play any mission.
Mechwarrior 2: The Ghost Bear Clan
Here's some cheatcodes for The Ghost Bear Clan (the expansion pack). While in a mission, hold down the ALT, SHIFT and CTRL keys while typing in the following cheatcodes:
- Clark - X-ray vision
- Kent - Makes you invulnerable
- Palex - Destroy targeted mech
- Kaboom - Destroy all mechs
- Tik - Turn on Collision Bounding Spheres
- Speedygonzales - Enable time compression key
- Putz - Successful mission
- Burr - Heattracking off
- Thundros - Unlimited ammo
- Drone - Free eye mode
- Jumbo - Jets on any mech
- Crillion - Unlimited jet juice
- Merlock - Time expansion
- Voyeur - Mini camera
Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries
Here's some cheatcodes for Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries (I haven't had a chance to try these myself, but I've been told they should work). While in a mission, hold down the ALT, SHIFT and CTRL keys while typing in the following cheatcodes:
- superfunkicalifragisexy - Invulnerability
- iseenfireandiseenrain - Unlimited ammo
- ooohhhlllaaalllaaa - Heat tracking
- itsdabombinmybeautifulballoon - Sprout jumpjets
- tikruleslikethecomstarbaby - End mission successfully
- ontimeeverytime - Time compression key
- bubbleboy - Bounding spheres
- crazysexycool - Infinite jumpjets
- beholdmyglory - Free eye mode
- antijolt - Time expansion
- flashyflashy - Auto-grouping
- walkthisway - Leading reticle
- redjackandtikrules - Destroy targeted mech
- itsdabooomb - Nuke targeted mech
- inmybeautifulballoon - Jumpjets
- redjackrules - Auto kill
Here are some cheats for Necrodome. Press T, enter the code and press Enter:
- excalibur - Gives all weapons
- smallrocks - Gives full ammo
- verysmallrocks - Gives unlimited ammo (when your ammo goes down to 0 it automatically refills)
- shrubbery - Gives all gear
- gimmesomesugarbaby - Gives all weapons and gear
- swallow - Gives full tank of gas
- unladenswallow - Gives unlimited gas
- rabbit - Recharges shields
- igotbetter - Recharges health
- knight - God mode
- coconuts - Linear movement
- grail - Gives the arena flag
- camelot - Conquers arena
- alreadygotone - All arenas become available
- antioch - Kills all opponents
Nightmare creatures
Enter these codes in the main menu and press enter. The Everywhere or Choose any level code requires that you enter it first. After entering the codes hit the enter key.
- EVERYWHERE Choose any level
- BOULON Unlimited lives and items
- GU Enables slicing
- BRONKO Play as a Monster
- DAVID - Disable Combos
- BLUR - Play Blur
- LOVDIK - Team Greetings
- BES - Debug
- MOBY - CD Track select
- ALAIN GUYET - All Cheats
Here are the cheatcodes for Powerslave. Just enter them while in the game:
- lobocop - Gives all weapons
- lobodeity - God mode
- loboswag - Gives all items
- lobopick - Gives all keys
- lobospheres - Gives all map
- lobolite - Removes flash from explosions and gun fire
- loboxy - Displays coordinates
- holly - Gives a command line at the top of the screen, where you can enter the following codes:
- level # - Jumps to any level (where # is the number of the level)
- doors - Activates all switches (=opens all doors and activates all traps)
- exit - Finish current level
- creature # - Places any of the following creatures at your current location (where # is the number):
- 0 - Anubis
- 1 - Spider
- 2 - Mummy
- 3 - Piranha
- 4 - Basset
- 5 - Magmantis
- 6 - Am-nit
- 7 - Set
- 8 - Kilmatikhan
- 9 - Alien Worker
- 10 - Alien Worker
- 11 - Omen Wasp
Here are a few cheats for the full version of Quake. Most of them (if not all) should work in the shareware version as well. To use these cheats you first have to go to the console to enter the codes to toggle the cheats:
- god - god mode
- fly - fly mode
- impulse 9 - gives you all weapons, full ammo and keys
- impulse 11 - gives you one jewel, 1 each time it is executed
- impulse 255 - quad damage
- give # - where # is a number from 3 through 8, gives you the corresponding weapon (but without ammo)
- give s 255 - gives 255 shotgun shells
- give c 255 - gives 255 battery charges
- give r 255 - gives 255 rockets
- give n 255 - gives 255 nails
- give health 999 - gives 999 health
- gamma #.# - where #.# is from 0.0 to 1.0, adjusts brighness level
- status - displays info on the current game
- sv_gravity # - where # is a number from 0 to 850, adjusts gravity; 850 is normal gravity and 0 is no gravity (set it to 1 to jump really high...)
- crosshair 1 - turns crosshair for aiming on
- crosshair 0 - turns crosshair off
- notarget - "invisibility", the monsters don't attack you
- map start - jump to the start
- map end - jump to the level end boss
- noclip - walk through walls
To play the game at Nightmare skill you need to find a hidden entrance. Walk through any of the three entrances in the beginning where you choose skill. When you come to the room where you can choose episode you walk through the opening to the fourth episode. Walk into the water. When you fall through the water you back up against the wall and with a little luck you'll land on a ledge which leads to the door where you enter the Nightmare skill.
Quake II
(to activate cheats, press the "~" key to bring up console, type in cheat, press ENTER. to return to game press "~" again.
Code What it does in the game:
- GIVE BLASTER-gives you the blaster
- GIVE MACHINEGUN-gives you the machinegun
- GIVE GRENADELAUNCHER-gives you the grenade launcher
- GIVE ROCKETLAUNCHER-gives you the rocket launcher
- GIVE ARMORJACKET-gives you jacket armor
- GIVE SHELLS X-gives you X number of shells
- GIVE BULLETS X-gives you X number of bullets
- GIVE GRENADES X-gives you X number of grenades
- GIVE ROCKETS X-gives you X number of rockets
- GIVE SLUGS X-gives you X number of slugs
- GIVE MINES X-gives you X number of mines
- GIVE NUKE-gives you a nuke
- GOD-god mode (yawn)
- GIVE INVULNERABILITY-makes you invincible
- GIVE REBREATHER-gives you a biosuit
- GIVE ALL-gives 999 of every item
- NO TARGET-toggles no target mode
- NO CLIP-toggles clipping mode
- GIVE QUAD-quad damage cheat
- GIVE SILENCER-gives you the silencer
Haven't seen any cheatcodes for Quarantine (or rather; I've seen codes, but I've never managed to get them to work, and I haven't heard from anyone else who has). Here are the levelcodes though:
- Level 1: Omnicorp is all knowing
- Level 2: Keep the Opressor opressing
- Level 3: The meek shall inherit Zilch
- Level 4: Have you had your Hydergine today
- Level 5: Kemo City nice place to visit
Radix - Beyond the Void
The following cheatcodes works in all versions of Radix. Just type them in while in the game:
- NSOPTA - Full armor, shields, energy, weapons, plasma bombs and ammo
- NSBAGWAN - Toggle Ultra-shields (remains until end of level)
- NSBJIPP - Toggle maneuevering jets
- NSOPTL - Surface illumination
- NSOPTM - Show full map
- NSWARP## - Warp to level ##
- NSNEXT - Warp to next level
The following cheatcodes only works in version 1.1 and higher of Radix. Just type them in while in the game:
- NSE - Full energy
- NSBLASTER - Toggle rapid shield regeneration
- NSHORSLEY - Toggle rapid energy regeneration
- NSDIEBESTERDS - Faster fire rate for all weapons
- NSFRICOFF - Toggle air friction
- NSDEATH - Hidden skill level
- NSHALT - Lets you hover (by pressing min throttle)
Redneck Rampage
Here are some cheats for the demoversion of Redneck Rampage. Just type them in while in the game:
- rdelvis - God mode
- rdhounddog - God mode
- rdall - Gives all inventory, full health, all keys and all weapons (well, at least weapon 1-4)
- rdguns - Gives all weapons. If you use the number keys you can still only access weapon 1-4 but if you use the ; and ' key to change weapons (this depends on what kind of keyboard you've got, on my Swedish keyboard it's the ö and ä keys) you can also access the other weapons! You won't be able to see them or hear them but you can see the explosions and the damage they make. This lets you use the following weapons (in this order):
- Crowbar
- Pistol
- Shotgun
- AK 47
- Rocket launcher
- Dynamite
- Shrinker (doesn't shrink anything and doesn't seem to hurt anybody very much)
- Catfire
- Alien Gun (?) (Can't seem to fire this one, any ideas?)
- rdinventory - Gives all inventory
- rdkeys - Gives all keys
- rditems - Gives all inventory and keys
- rdmoonshine - Gives XXX Moonshine
- rdclip - Walk through walls
- rdmonsters - Toggle monsters on/off
- rdshowmap - Shows all map
- rdyerat - Show coordinates
- rdunlock - Toggle all locks
- rdskill# - Changes skill (where # is 1 to 4)
- rdrate - Shows framerate
- rddebug - Toggel debug mode
Here's a cheat for Roadwarrior:
Start the game with: RW 985WXM F7
This will allow you to load any level and also skip missions using the "F7" key.
Road rash
- Type in the game XYZZY.
- BRIBE-Kill cop.
- SPOON!-Nitro.
- THWACK!-Get chain.
- K'THUNK!-Get club.
- BLUGH-Disable cheats.
Rise of the Triad
Type in each cheat code, letter by letter, to get the desired effect. You can type in either the "code" or the "alternate". Note that for the codes, the slash is a backslash, not a forward slash. The codes are not case sensitive. The "dipstick" code must be given before any others, to enable the other cheats. Note that any cheats marked by an asterisk work only in the registered version of the game. All other cheats work in both the shareware and registered versions.
Code Alternate Description
---- --------- -----------
\ECC DIPSTICK Enable/disable cheat codes.
\GTL GOTO Go to another level.
\GOO GOOBERS Restart current level.
\REL REEN Re-enter level.
\ECL GOARCH Exit current level.
\FUN [none] Pause and enter rotation mode (use mouse).
\EKG [none] Extreme Gib mode.
\LEE MAESTRO Game jukebox.
\WWW CHOJIN Woundless with weapons.
\GOD TOOSAD God mode (temporary invulnerability).
* \DOG WOOF Dog mode (temporary invulnerability).
\MER FLYBOY Mercury mode (flying).
\SHR BADTRIP Shrooms mode (drunk?).
\ELA BOING Elasto mode (bounce; no friction).
\RFA SPEED Enable autorun.
\PAN PANIC Reset to normal; full health; no modes, keys,
or extra guns.
\OOF WHACK Hurt yourself.
\DIE 86ME Kill yourself.
\DON DIMON Light diminishing on.
\DOF DIMOFF Light diminishing off.
\FOF NODNOL Fog off.
\SON SHINEON Light sourcing on.
\SOF SHINEOFF Light sourcing off.
\CON GOTA386 Turn off floor and ceiling textures.
\COF GOTA486 Turn on floor and ceiling textures.
\BAR SHOOTME Bulletproof armor.
\FAR BURNME Asbestos armor.
\GAI SIXTOYS Get items (keys, bulletproof armor, health).
\BUM SLACKER Get all keys required to finish the level.
\OFP HUNTPACK Outfit player (bulletproof armor, keys,
heatseeker, and, in the registered version,
a split missile).
\GW2 JOHNWOO Double pistols.
\GW3 PLUGME MP40 machine gun.
\GW4 VANILLA Bazooka.
\GW5 HOTTIMES Heatseeker.
\GW6 BOOZE Drunk missile.
\GW7 FIREBOMB Firebomb.
\GW8 BONES Flamewall.
\GW9 SEEYA Hand of god (permanent god mode).
* \GWA SPLIT Split missile.
* \GWB KESOFDEATH Kinetic energy sphere.
* \GWC HOMERUN Excalibat.
* \GWD CUJO Dog weapon (permanent dog mode).
\CAM RIDE Missile camera on/off.
\HUD WHERE HUD on/off (x,y,room coordinates).
\MAP CARTIER Show entire map (doesn't work *from* the map).
RECORD Record a demo (does not work in v1.0).
STOP Stop a demo (does not work in v1.0).
PLAY Play a demo (does not work in v1.0).
Shattered Steel
Here are some cheatcodes for Shattered Steel. While in the game press Enter, then type in the cheat and press Enter again.
- ratsnest - Combat laser
- dingleberry - Heavy combat laser
- hardcode - 30mm cannon
- curvedlines - 50mm cannon
- bigones - 70mm cannon
- blipplebloops - Rapid laser
- bumsauce - Heavy rapid laser
- kicksomebutt - Heavy plasm cannon and 64 pack
- gfy - Small 18 pack
- cgq - Large 8 pack
- bcua - Large 18 pack
- fishheads - IR missiles
- kwahamot - Radar missiles
- chernobyl - Nuke
- tinkerbell - Nova
- dogan - 120mm howitzer
- fnord - 210mm howitzer
- eatmyshorts - Standard mortar
- napalminthemorning - Fuel-air mortar
- stool - Standard mines
- numberchanger - Rolling mines
- lockandload - Reload all weapons
- rodrigo - Airsupport
- pyrotek - Airstrike
- capone - Friendly planet runners
- henchman - Shiva planet runner
- smite - Destroys targeted item
- gonzales - Speed
- teleport - Teleports
- imouttahere - Sucessfully end mission
- eject - Destroy your runner and eject
- ragnarok - Destroy your runner and eject
- storm - Storm...
- monkeyslunch - Changes the look of the runner
- cleese - Changes the look of the runner
Here are a couple of cheats for Shellshock:
- During a mission, hit [Esc] and type RATTY RAT RATTY for invincibility.
- To select a mission: press [F12] on the title screen. Here you can also edit the conversation options of the crew members.
Here are a few cheats for Skynet. Press Alt and \ at the same time to be able to enter the following codes:
- superuzi - Get the Super Uzi gun
- arnold - Gives all weapons
- icantsee - Shows viewscreen
- illbeback - Skips to next level
- garble - Toggles garble cheat codes
Slipstream 5000
Here's a cheat for Slipstream 5000:
While you're in the main menu, type in the word REFINERY (on some some non us-keyboards this would be REFINERZ). You'll then get a message that says "Cheating will get you everywhere". Now you can chose any racing course and you'll always have enough money to repair your ship.
Spacehulk - Vengeance of the Blood Angels
If you type ineedhelp at the menu (the screen with two doors) you get access to a special cheat menu. At this menu you can toggle the following options:
- Invincible player
- Invincible terminator
- Easy close assault
- Player always wins
- No new stealers
- Infinite freeze time
- Infinite ammo
- No jams or malfunctions
- Campaign
Here are some cheats for the full version of Strife just type the codes while in the game):
- boomstix - all weapons and ammo
- donnytrump - gold, accuracy and toughness
- jimmy - all keys (toggle)
- elvis - no clipping mode (walk through walls)
- gripper - stealthboots
- topo - gives you full map if you enter it while in mapmode, if you enter one more time you can see monsters/items on the map
- rift## - changes map, where ## is either 32, 33 or 34 in the demo
- omnipotent - God mode
- stonecold - kill all enemies on level
- pumpup - shows menu at top of page which lets choose between the following:
- b - berserk
- i - invisibility
- m - mask
- h - health
- p - backpack
- s - up stats
- t - target visor
- scoot# - teleport to map spot
- gps - display coordinates
- lego - get a piece of Sigil
Here are some cheats for the Strife demo (just type the codes while in the game):
- guns - all weapons and ammo
- money - gold, accuracy and toughness
- stuff - all weapons, keys, 200% armor, Godmode, teleporter beacon
- open - all keys (toggle)
- spirit - no clipping mode (walk through walls)
- stic - stealthboots
- iddt - gives you full map if you enter it while in mapmode, if you enter one more time you can see monsters/items on the map
- goto## - changes map, where ## is either 32, 33 or 34 in the demo
- tic - devparm (toggle)
- ibgod - God mode
- killem - kill all enemies on level
- listit - shows menu at top of page which lets choose between the following:
- b - berserk
- i - invisibility
- m - mask
- h - health
- p - backpack
- s - up stats
- t - target visor
- moveme# - teleport to map spot
- ilive - toggle auto use health (same as F5)
- aibrain - toggle AI
- idmypos - display coordinates
Here's a cheat for the demo-version of Tekwar: press the [Pause] key (this could be another key depending on your keyboard; I'm also told that this doesn't work under Win 95!). You'll now see the word HOLY on top of your screen. This gives you god mode.
The following commandline-parameters should work with both the demo- and the commercial version:
- NOENEMIES - You're lonely in the city
- NOGUARD - No guards in the game
- NOCHASE - No shooting enemies in the game
- NOSTROLL - No innocent bystanders in the game
The following cheats only work in the full commercial version of Tekwar:
- [ALT][SHIFT][G] - God mode
- [ALT][SHIFT][W] - All weapons
Terminal Velocity
Just type in the following codes while in the game:
- TRIGODS - Invincibility
- TRISHLD - Shield restore
- 3DREALM - Power up all weapons
- TRINEXT - Skip to next level
- TRIHOVR - Hover while firing
- TRIBURN - Speeds afterburner up
- MANIACS - 1000 Afterburner ammo
- TRSCOPE - Oscilliscope
- TRFRAME - FPS ticker
- TRIFIR0 - Temporary invincibility
- TRIFIR1 - PAC ammo
- TRIFIR2 - ION ammo
- TRIFIR3 - RTL ammo
- TRIFIR4 - MAM ammo
- TRIFIR5 - SAD ammo
- TRIFIR6 - SWT ammo
- TRIFIR7 - DAM ammo
- TRIFIR8 - 200 Afterburner ammo
- TRIFIR9 - Temporary invisibility
- TRWARP# - Warp to level # (only from v1.1 and upwards)
Terminator - Future Shock
Here are some cheat codes for Terminator: Future Shock". To activate the cheat mode you have to first press ALT and \ together while in the game (please note: this is the \ character on the US keyboard layout; on other keyboards there may be another character on this key. You usually have to press the key that's above the right shift key and directly to the left of the return key; on my swedish keyboard this key has the character ' on it...). You will then be prompted to "ENTER CODE:".
- version - Prints version #
- turbo - Turns turbo mode on
- superuzi - Gives you the Super Uzi
- garble - Cheat code garble on/off, allows you to see the code you're typing in
- firepower - All weapons
- bandaid - Refills your power/armor
- nextmission - Go to next mission
- icantsee - Puts a viewscreen at the top right of the screen
Twisted metal 2
Here are some cheats for TWISTED METAL 2 ,In the menu where you choose the cat write fast.
You also can download FREE trainer by clicking here:
Here are a couple of cheatcodes for the full version of Witchaven.
You have to hit the backspace key, then type the code, and then press enter. Here are the codes:
- SCOOTER - Gives you all the weapons
- WANGO - Full hitpoints, full armor, makes you level 7
- MOMMY - 9 of every potion
Intracorp has actually released a patch for Witchaven that adds three more cheatcodes! If you have this patch (see above) you'll also have access to the following codes (you use them the same way as the other three codes):
- SPINACH - 200 health
- GOTHMOG - Teleport key
- DARKNESS - God mode
There is also a cheatcode that works in the demoversion: type RSVP
This gives you all the weapons, potions and hitpoints and armor. Don't try this in the full version. It'll kill you...
Witchaven 2 - Blood Vengeance
Here are some cheatcodes for Witchaven 2. To enter in a cheat code press Backspace and type in the following code and press enter:
- nobreak - Disables weapon breakage
- weapons - Gives you all the weapons
- showmap - Show full map
- showobjects - Show all objects in map mode
- enchant - Enchant weapons
- experience - Adds 10000 to Experience
- level# - Warp to level #, where # is a number between 1 and 15
- keys - Gives all keys
- spells - Gives all spells
- scare - Casts Scare spell
- nightvision - Casts Night Vision spell
- freeze - Casts Freeze spell
- magicarrow - Casts Magic Arrow spell
- opendoors - Casts Open Doors spell
- fly - Casts Fly spell
- fireball - Casts Fireball spell
- nuke - Casts Nuke spell
- potions - Gives all potions
- health - Drink Health potion
- strength - Drink Strength potion
- curepoison - Drink Cure Poison potion
- resistfire - Drink Resist Fire potion
- killme - Committ suicide
- marketing - God mode/increase experience level
- herotime - Invincibility
- invis - Invisible
- armor - Increase armor
- shield - Midian shield
- shield2 - Ciraen shield
- killall - Kills all monsters on a level
- ruben - Skull monster
- list - Shows coordinates
- scareme - Flashing skull
Zone Raiders
Here are a couple of cheatcodes for Zone Raiders. Press F11 and then enter any of the following codes:
- isitwenty20 - Reveal all map
- isiletsbail - End level
- isijavanet - Restore hull and shield
- isiwheels - Xcar available
- isidrive - All cars available
- isimakeitso - All levels available
- isibeenthere - Secret level available
- isifatpacked - Max ammo and weapons load
- isisleep - Enemies sleep
- isiq - Invulnerability